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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. There seems to be countless things i did as a kid which would be a no no today, I came from a small farm town of 1500 people in Iowa. I walked about a mile to and from the one school in town. On weekends and summer, I would leave the house in the morning to to play and all my mom would say is "be home by supper'. You didn't

    do any thing to get in trouble because every one in town knew you and word would get to your parents before you got home. During the fall and winter months, stating when I was about 10 years old, I would grab my .22 caliber single shot rifle and go hunting small game. Again my my mom would say " be careful and be home by supper". There is more, but this is long enough.


    My dad drove truck so my mother was the boss of the house.

  2. I'm sure if you email Marty or Trudy they'll be more than happy to send you a copy of the powerpoint. It should be posted on the BOE website soon (if it's not already there). They have a breakdown of how much $$ goes to adding on to existing structures and how much $$ is going to new structures.
    Why should i have to Email them for this informaation. We do have a local paper it could be published in for every one to see. Not everyone has a computer or on the internet and these people would also like to know what their money is being used for. If what they present is good enough, maybe the yes votes may come from those that do not have a internet connection.
  3. Here is one for you also. If you have high blood pressure and smoke, your blood pressure will drop 5-10 points after about an hour of no smoking. I found this out from a Dr. when I was getting a physical for driving and my pressure was to high to pass the physical. he told me to come back in an hour and don't smoke in that time period. I came back and passed.

  4. Ice tea is probably their biggest money maker, even with free refills. You can buy a box of 100 bags for a couple of dollars. My wife boils 5 bags to make a gallon of ice tea. That is 20 gallons for a retail cost of $2. Myself, when I make it, use 6 bags, which 16.5 gallons. Most of the teas I drink at eating places are weaker tasting than my wifes.

  5. Also do not snack or eat anything 3 hrs before you go to bed. Any calories that you take in at that time have no where to go but into your mid-riff unless you have excercise program in them 3 hrs. I drink water with a splash of real lemon juice when I feel a hunger pang.

  6. Hate to keep beating a dead horse, but here goes. I used Dr. wehunt for about a year and a half. each visit required a minimum of 1 hour wait in the waiting area. The time spent with him was probably on an average of ten minutes. It seemed like he was always in a hurry and did not have time to discuss any thing. I had high blood pressure, he kept changing the medication. Nothing brought it down.


    The first visit to Dr. Langford he recommended a medication. Bingo. I am constant at 120/70.

  7. If you have a startup disk or system disk, reformat the hard drive and put the system back on. Realize a format does not erase the info, it wipesout the table to where all the info is. I donated mine to South Paulding middle school for use by the special needs students.

  8. Also the gimmick is acceptance through silence. If you read some of the subscription legalese, some rental leases, etc, it will state that if you do not want this product or service, they must be notified so many days in advance or it will automatically be renewed.


    something like the congress's yearly pay raise.

  9. Not to hijack this , but I find it amusing whenever someone hears sirens, they get on P.com to ask what happened. I live off of 61 south and if I did that every time I heard sirens, it would bring pubby's server to its knees. If I don't hear at least a half dozen sirens a day, I consider it a slow day for the emergency services.

  10. Yesterday I had a young lady come to my house selling magazines so she could get a trip to Australia. she was supposedly home on xmas break from college. Also made a comments about both my dogs raising he!! when she came into my yard. One is a house dog and the other is in the back yard. I live south off of 61.

  11. You know i have a 18 year old grandson who is downs and he has a a 16 year old sister who is a walking talking

    knockout. I worry more about how people look at her than him. If your son is any thing like my grandson, I don't care who they are, five minutes after they meet him, he has them won over.

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