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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. stay calm, call 911 and do not try that old movie thing of slicing around the bite and sucking out the poison. If you have a lesion or cut in your mouth, you have just given the poison another port of entry into your system.

  2. I have had Geico for almost 20 yrs. Have had at least 5 claims over the years (teenagers). Never an increase or threat to cancel. I even backed my car into my son's truck one time---and they paid every penny. I felt stupid---but they paid.
    I have been with GEICO for about 30 years, no problems. Like above, my wife backed into my truck with a two week old Ford 500. No questions asked, every thing paid for. $3400.00 on car, $0.00 on f250.
  3. Reminds me of a place like this that was in Tustin, Ca eons ago. You could drive your own vehicle through the park. A small car in front of me got too close to a ostrich and the bird deposited something on his hood. Also I was on the road when two rhinos were coming toward me. All I could think of at the time was how can I explain to my insurance company that I was run into by a rhino. Luckily when they got close enough to see me, they went around me.

  4. Dallasred, don't mean to hijack. Yesterday I was channel surfing and ran across a rerun of "king of the Hill. The episode was about people volunteering to babysit pets of deployed service people. One of the characters was pet sitting a dog for someone on the USS Eisenhower.

  5. The reason the bond passed was because it was needed. The people of Paulding co. for the most part know that the elected officials here in Paulding, they are not the corrupt people that some have made them out to be here on PC.com . Many know who the BOE and BOC member are on a personal level and know that these are good, fair people. People should not talk or post about people they do not know. I know for a fact that non of the BOE members are tied to builders, they are all hard working people who also pay taxes. There are 7 BOE members and 5 have children in PC schools and the other 2 have grandchildren in school so please understand how hard it is for them to ask for more money. When people say there needs to be an audit of the school system , well folks the state does an audit every year and yes they audit the bonds and splost too. Please go to BOE and BOC meeting get yourself informed in what is going on and how our tax dollars are spent. I worked with the member of the BOE for 12 years and everyone of them ran because they care about the students of Paulding County. None of them have had an increase in there bank account by being on the board. Let all of us be proactive not reactive.
    I do not believe there was any corruption just poor managemnt and misplaced priorties on their part.
  6. using this train of thought then as a person of German and Danish ancestry, I need to apologize for all of Hitler's and the Kaiser's atrocities and on the Danish side I need to apologize to everyone that the Vikings raped, robbed and Pillaged. So I do not think there should be a apology made.

  7. Would per chance that you may have the last years bills. If you have a history showing past usage . With that, you could probably plead a good case that something is wrong . Myself, I keep the past 12 months of the water, gas and electricity bills.. Did you check the reading on your bill and compare it to the meter. Maybe they misread your meter

  8. This is to whom ever is distributing the vote YES flyers in the Ponderosa/ Aiken Dr. area. I have had to pick several of these up out of my yard. If they were meant for me, you are to late, I voted NO already. If they were meant for some one else, please try to insure they stay where you put them. Thanks

  9. Las night it felt like I went back in time to my child hood. My better half made me a rhubarb pie and Aebleskivers. I come from a small town in Iowa that is mainly northern european and scandinavian. Aebleskivers is danish and roughly translated it means "apple Fritter". They are round and made in a special pan with round pockets in it. You pour in the dough and you can add small pieces of fruit to it. When it gets done on one side, my mom would take a crochet hook and turn it upside down in the pocket and then the soft dough would go to the bottom of the pan and you would end up with a round aebleskiver. put a little powdered sugar or syrup on it and you would this little delicacy came from above.

  10. What ticks me off is at the Hell-Mart (Walmart) people park BEFORE the handicap spots in the lined areas that arent even parking spots! That drives me completely insane! I mean I could understand if someone was hadicap and their spots were full or something. but NO normal people have to be lazy and park there!

    and yes I would have been mad. but I would have mad a scene and said something :lol:

    that is why I leave my shopping cart in the middle of the marked off area, just to keep those lazy self-centered a**es from parking there. I know if they are to lazy to walk from a parking spot, they are to lazy to get out and move the basket.
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