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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. Those that do not get a regular yearly physical is crazy. I was about 57 and had not been to a dr. in about 6 yrs. never a sick day in I don't know how many years. Had a cyst on my back giving me trouble . went to Dr. oglesby, he said since it has been so long, let's run a few tests. Two weeks later after returns of test I found out i had high blood pressure, type 2 dibetes, PSA count off the scale practically and a melanoma. LUCKILY it was all caught early enough and here Iam 8 yrs later still bugging the wife.

  2. Read this on the Marine web site.


    The Corps-wide drinking age has been lowered from 21 to 18 for Marines on liberty overseas and for leathernecks taking part in official on-base command functions — including the birthday ball.


    The rule change was effective April 19, not long after Commandant Gen. James Conway and Sgt. Maj. John Estrada, then-sergeant major of the Marine Corps, returned from a visit to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit in the Middle East.


    About time!

  3. I was browsing a site for Marines and came across this little bit of news.


    In one battalion, 200 members opt to extend their enlistments, for no

    bonus money. 'I'm here to teach the younger guys,' says one.

    By Tony Perry, Times Staff Writer May 22, 2007


    Under Marine Corps rules about "short-timers," Mellado could have skipped

    this return to Ramadi six weeks ago. But like 200 other members of the

    battalion - a quarter of its number - he asked to have his enlistment

    extended. Unlike a reenlistment, the move earns the Marines no bonus

    money, no promotion and no promise of a job shift or posting to a favored

    duty station.


    It got my attention, because I done the same during Viet Nam. I figured if I made it through one tour, maybe I could help

    get some one else through their 1st one.

  4. I'll pm you address. write it on the back of one of the koi and maybe the hawk will see that and come to my place and live

    out his life on squirrel. If he has friends or family, send them also.

  5. We may also have to look forward to an increase in millage rate for the schools. According to an article in the Paulding County Sentinel.

    . Superindent Sowar stated " this is the hardest budget we've had to deal with". They will have to excise $7.1 million from the 2007-2008 budget or raise taxes. While expenditures (teacher pay increase, benefits cost, no technology support from state and federal and staffing of 2 new schools) have increased 15.2%, revenue is up only 9.1%

  6. The number one rule of the road to remember is, THE THING WITH 18 WHEELS HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY!!!
    and you would be surprised how many do not follow that rule. I would leave a space in front of me, because i know how much room I need to stop 80,000 lbs and immediately that hole is filled with people that have a death wish or just plain brain-dead
  7. I live on the west side of the county and this morning about 6:00 am I was on the way to Wally-world via 278. I make this trip about weekly to pick up essentials like dog food, snackies, etc. I go at this time because it is just 3 or 4 customers and people stocking shelves. In and out. But I digress from the subject.

    . About where bus. 6 cuts off from 278, I smelled an odor in my truck. Since i am the only one in it and I knew I hadn't pooted, what is it. I then realized I was within range of the "stinky ponds" of Hiram that people have been discussing on Paulding.Com. I now realize what all the discussion was about. I really do feel for those that have to endure this daily.

  8. Heres my dilemma. Today I washed the wife's car and sprayed some systemic weed killer which almost guarantees rain

    Then I turned around in another area of the yard, I aerated, fertilized and spread some grass seed which also guarantees no rain for a week or so.

    My question is which of the above am I going have to do over. which of the above has the most control over the rain god?

  9. I thought i would see from you that on Oprah today they showed some pictures of the Eisenhower. In case you missed it, Oprah was doing one of those feel good shows. She had a 2nd class on that had not seen her three young children for 7 months while she was deployed. they flew her back early for mother's day

  10. I have thought about this before, but tonight a commercial got me thinking about the following again. I am originally a little farm boy from Iowa in the 40s and 50s. When I was a child and wanted to address an adult I called them Mr. Smith, Mr. williams etc. Here it seems the norm is mr. Jerry, Mr john, etc.

    I wondered about this before but I know have a panel of people of great diversification in age and roots to give me an answer .

    How did you address an adult as a child in your era and geographical roots?

  11. personally myself, i will walk and put my buggy where it should be left unless if when i leave the store i see a car parked in the cross hatch place at the end of the row. Then i will walk all the way back to that vehicle and park the buggy so they have to move it to leave

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