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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. Been here 10 years. Not a new address. Nice to know you're looking to be forgiving, and I give you credit for that, but UPS has been here many, many a time. There was nothing about the other address that even came close-- just the number 2.
    Not to forgive the untimely delivery, myself I have lived in the same house for 28 years which has had 5 address changes.
  2. I have a scanner in my shop where I spend time making little boards out of big boards and trying to teach myself how to weld. Anyway it dawned on me today that most mornings I hear the firehouses notifying dispatch that they are going out on "road Test". Just curious what is the test for, is this something that is required or are they bored and just want to get out for a while. Any fire personnel out there that can satisfy my curiosity. Thanks

  3. Do you really think they are any better? If so I would like to know why. Is it product mix? Something about there stores? Or is it stircly you don't like "the other guy"
    The stores are cleaner, aisles better marked and quicker checkout. Also big Orange will carry a product and when I go in 6 months later to get a part or accessory for an Item, I am informed we don't carry that brand any more and I don't know how you can get what you need, You better call the manufacturer! I know you could say that the checkout is faster because of less customers, well on a Saturday morning in big Orange, maybe 2 human checkouts. I do wait for people check outs. If you want to give me a discount, then i will check my self out
  4. Someone posted the other day that the Home Depot in Powder Springs was doing a good job with customer service.In any case, have you ever written to corporate about your problems with the Hiram store? They can only act if they know there's a problem.
    In the past I filled out their questionaires, sent e-mails to no avail. If anything it has got worse as far as far standing in line to check out.
  5. :o :lol: :lol:


    I have a sister-in-law who is a researcher at a large drug company. She injured her back and was out of work for almost a year. Well, she would constantly send updates on her medical condition as well as her family woes to ALL of the people in her department and her entire email list.


    Like every other day.


    Then I started getting the same emails forwarded by the people she works with (along with other assorted chain letters and junk).


    Just what I needed...to be on a bunch of geeky scientists email list.

    You would not believe some of the stuff I got....those people wouldn't know a good joke if it developed in a petri dish right in front of them. :p


    Now she's got my MIL sending junky chain letters. <_<

    Like stated. people that don't know how to hit REPLY when answering a multi-addressed e-mail
  6. I will start. My neighbor, who doesn't own a computer, will come over here to check her email. It is all new to her so she is tickled by anything she gets. She insists on reading everything to me out loud and doesn't understand why I am not as amused as her (duh, that same thing has been circulating since 95). After she leaves I will check my email and she has forwarded everyting to me :huh:
    Watch out! If she is opening and reading everything, you may end up with a virus. Play it safe; if you do not recognize the sender DELETE without opening
  7. Does Jed have on a collar? I have seen a dog 2 nights roaming our s/d that looks alot like that...this one had on a collar. I live off 61 less than a mile south of Hiram Sudie....the first time I saw it was at night and then he was walking around again yesterday morning. I have tried to call him, but when he comes by my house all the dogs in the s/d are barking at him so he doesn't slow down . I will keep my eyes out and when he comes back through..I will go pick him up in the car.
    yes he has a blue/brown collar on. It sounds like him, he is leery of strangers. What is your subdivision, I will have the grandaughter drive down and look
  8. My g-daughter lives in kingswood sub. It is the first subd on left on Hiram-Sudie off of hwy 61 south. Last week her 3 dogs dug their way out of the backyard. The Rottie came back, she found the body of her beagle at Davis Mill and Hiram -Sudie but she has been unable to find the 3rd one. She has been calling the PCHS and putting up posters with no luck. He is black and tan about 50 lbs hound mixed breed answers to JED and has a blue and brown coller. If you have any info pls call 404 219 0542 or pm me. Thanks for any help.

  9. Joe have you had one of those days it seems everything went wrong. With your thoughts on dogs, you will never have the opportunity to come home, go out on the back porch, sit on the top step and have your two dogs come over and lay their heads in your lap as if they knew you were down. After a few minutes of petting and scratching their ears and heads most of the stress is gone and you feel everything isn't as bad as you thought.

  10. I have a Police positive 38 special that i bought in 1966. By checking the serial # on Proofhouse.com, it appears to be manufactured in 1938. Not really wanting to sell but would trade for a 380 or 32 semi-auto. Wanting something a little more compact for the granddaughter.\It is a Colt







    please pm if interested

  11. Around here you have to watch out for the Brown Recluse spider. Its a little sucker but it can sure make you feel like he11. They like to hang out in dark areas. watch out if you are going through a stack of wood stacked outside or turning over old mulch.

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