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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. you need to pm or email Pubby like today of your problem. he will be out of town again this week for several days and will have limited time to work on problem.

  2. I have figured out what causes those old age pauses. My mind is still working just as fast but the body has slowed down. the mind starts me on a project and the body kicks in slowly. Mind has allotted so much time to complete task. body starts task, mind says times up move on to nest task, body hasn't completed task, confusion sets in on what was I doing.

  3. I have one moving back in for her last year of undergrad before she goes off to grad school. She's supposed to be moving in around the first of July, so we're actually only getting ONE MONTH of "empty nest." But the difference here is, the one moving back in will be 24 in August, and she's now an ADULT, not a teen.


    I sometimes wonder if they ever all really go away. I have drawn a line in the sand, though. NO ONE can live here EVER past their 20's. ;)

    My youngest came back home in the 8-0's with her 10 month old daughter, after she got smart and dumped that piece of crap she had married after graduating from UGA. I told her she had two months to get a job and a place to live. SHe could stay if she went back to school to further her education. She went on to law school and has been a practicing attorney for about 20 years.
  4. I will trade ya for a kid... 8)




    Dang me and my brothers me were all out of the house at 18 or 19....


    I have a 21yo and 19yo at home...


    Changing the locks is not an option with the Oh Lady.. :nea: :acute:

    No thank you. We have an agreement, one week maximum visit, then you are out the door. The whole family likes to get together but just not too long.



    Yes me and my four brothers were out of mom and dad's house by the time we were 18 .


  5. My daughter and SIL will become empty nesters next year after their daughter graduates. I think they are getting a jump on it or they are trying to send a message to my granddaughter that after next year it is their turn. Saturday they left their house doing some errands in the below.





    and came home in this!




    Pontiac G 8. That is the color also. What; me worry about $4 + for gas

  6. I do not know how many follow NHRA racing, but today I heard that all testing of TOP FUEL and FUNNY Car has been stopped because of the world wide shortage of NITROMETHANE that is used for fuel for these cars. They are trying to conserve what is available to get through the drag season.


    Nitromethane:As an intermediate in organic synthesis, it is used widely in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, explosives, fibers, and coatings. It is also used as a racing fuel.


    Times are tough everywhere.

  7. MY $.02 worth. I would probably stay where I was at until I had a little buffer in the finances. Know as a newbie to the ,job there is problably a pecking order and that the old timers that have proven themselves will get scheduled for the best times for sales and you will be used as a fill-in when needed.

  8. MY grandmother who was from Denmark making her weeks supply of homemade pumpernickel and rye breads. Us kids would fight to get the ends of this bread with fresh churned butter just as they come from the oven.

  9. Yesterday I had an occasion to visit the new park. A friend of ours had 2 grandchildren graduate and a get together was held at the park. It was at one of the pavilions farther in the park. Nice green rolling grassy hills. After socializing for awhile, I decided to wander about 50 ft away and smoke my pipe. I was sitting under a nice shady white oak and before I know it I had dropped off for about 30 minutes.

    It is a very nice, quiet park. A lot of parents at the ponds drowning worms with their children. A very nice walk path where you can be alone with your thoughts or friends.

    The only improvement which would be minor is to have "no parking" along the road. At the pond nearest the exit, several cars were parked along the road making it a little close to go on. There was a pavilion parking about 30 ft from where they had parked.


    Overall I found it quite pleasant being there.

  10. I think this part is really key. What we've "heard" in our main media culture s not necessarily giving an accurate picture of the situation. But automatically lobbing blame at President Bush is the national pastime and it is what passes for thoughtful criticism in a lot of quarters.


    Oil futures would trade lower within moments of announcements that America was going to start addressing some of her own energy concerns. But legislative action in that direction is currently blocked, and the outlook for change on that front is pretty bleak at the moment.


    Bush shares some blame, mainly in not leading by 1) making it clear what a comprehensive national energy independence strategy should be, and 2) making it clear what the hurdles to that are, both at home and abroad. He should have done more. But Clinton had a golden opportunity to lead this country toward energy independence and he squandered it. The last few Congresses have had a president who would sign the legislation, but they wouldn't get it passed again so we could start moving toward that independence from foreign oil. Both parties share blame in that regard.


    Also remember that "big oil" isn't all fat cats. It's also everyone who takes the time to buy stock in an oil company, or people whose 401k plan includes energy stocks, etc. Everyone on this board has easy access to the profits that "big oil" is making... profits which are LESS PER DOLLAR than Microsoft, for example, and a still smaller profit margin than many businesses in Paulding County. Who here thinks they have the right number to tell us about what each of us should be allowed to make in our respective industries? Anyone ready to anoint themselves other than Maxine Waters? Is it okay for her to tell us what we can charge for an ad on pcom, or what we can charge for soap or jewelry or graphite portraits or computer support or photography?


    It's a global marketplace for oil. Add to the supply and the price will go down. ANNOUNCE that you are trying to add to the supply and the price of FUTURES will go down.

    Thank you for putting my thoughts into words.


  11. I don't live that far off of 61S, but it is far enough that I have wild turkey visiting me and had a spike hiding under my front porch. My house is on a slope and one end of the porch is about 4 or 5 ft off the ground. chased him out once, he was back in a about an hour and I chased him into my neighbors pasture with his horses. Lately the dove have really made a comeback in this area. The Bluejays and Cardinals keep swiping the dogs dry dog food when he is napping. that is part of the reason I live where I do.

  12. Wasn't that the house (before he added on to it) where the doctor lived in that put his wife's body in that trunk to dump it from a small airplane? Or was that someone else?
    You got it right. Chiropractor killed wife and tried to dump body in Okefenokee swamp. Idiots landed at small airport in south Georgia at night to take door off plane so they could bank and let body slide out. Local cops thought it was drug plane, went to investigate guess what they found?


    Sorry for the sidestep, back to regular programming


  13. To be honest, I have seen more horses injured and or destroyed on the track, cutting and Grand Prix and Jumping. I do not want to see any horse injured no matter where it happens. But the facts are it is going to happen.


    On the track they take 3 yr old (biologically 2 yr +) who's knees are not fully developed and bred to be lighter (less skeletal mass) and run them 1 1/8 mile to 1 1/2 mile with a 120+lbs on there back.


    Grand Prix and jumping where a horse is forced to do something unnatural for a horse. If you watch a horse in the wild or loose, he will never jump an obstacle but go round. Here again we have leg injuries or worse falls that injure horse and/or rider.


    Cutting horses end up with leg problems because of the sudden turns and stops.


    Also you can look at a bucking horse is doing something natural. He is trying to rid himself of a supposed predator

  14. My kids car has been search about a dozen times and never found anything.


    I did not know this until recently.


    I think it is profiling and before you say they don't do it.

    (you will not convince me they don't' so leave it alone)


    I was surprised that last time he said NO to a search and they held him up for 45min to get a search warrant and they never got one, no dog search either.


    I told him he was taking a chance and to call me the next time it happen.


    But I felt he had the right to say no..


    He just got tired of being pulled over for no reason.

    (He has one ticket in his life >> following too close and also almost did not get that one)


    By the way he is 21 and drives a POS and goes to West Georgia College and has a 3.6 gpa






    Just made me think, I wonder if it was my son. drives a black car.


    Never mind my sons is an Escort.

    Would perchance this stopping and searching been done in Carroll county. My grandaughter who went to West Georgia was stopped several times in Carroll county but never ticketed. She drove at that time a 97 gray Taurus. She was always told it was a safety check. I asked her if these were younger officers doing this, she is a looker, but she wouldn't tell me.

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