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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. After living here for 28 years I have finally decided to put a door on the carport. The way the house faces, that cold northwest wind blows right in it and all the leaves in the fall comes along. When i was younger and fuel cost wasn't that bad I lived with it. Now I want to close it off with a door.


    I called a advertiser in a local flyer and was informed they do not service my zip code (30157). Asked why do they advertise in it then, sounded like a waste of money. Informed they do service part of Paulding county but not my part.


    Tried to look up any p.com commerce member, unable to find any thing there.


    I am hunting for an estimate on a new single double wide door for my carport. Do any of you all have a name or number of someone you were happy with their work in the garage door area. Thanks for your help.


  2. Sophmore in 1957. Unruly boys that did not like to adhere to rules after being told once. They had to go two rounds with gloves with the principal. Man; could that guy cut you apart any time he wanted. There was a paddle for sassy girls. You addressed your teachers as ma'am and sir.

  3. As a grandfather who raised two daughters and now have two grand daughters in their teens and older. I find holding hands is fine and a occasional peck on the cheek is fine also. Beyond that , no,

  4. Man, I LOVE that sound!


    There's only two vehicles that have that sound. Mopars and Honda's.


    ...and yep, the whine means all is good!


    ... oh, and BTW grumps, that sound wasn't just from the 70's.

    Mopars have had that sound since the mid-50's and still do to this day on some of the vehicles.

    I knew that it was around before but that is when I got to hear it more than i wanted, when a friend bought a dodge truck and we were either at each others house or out working the horses at the same time.


  5. I've owned many Fords - no problems. Also have a Dodge in the garage - waatch it, grumps. :p




    Thats all right i have owned 6 ford pick ups and 3 ford cars since 1980. None of them had less than 130K miles on them when I sold them. Sorry; never owned dodge and probably never will. Never have got over the sound of that grinding starter they use to have in their trucks back in the seventies.

  6. Instead of boycotting these companies, why not get a hold of your elected representative and ask him why they are blocking the development of ANWR. I hear the citizens of Alaska do not have a problem with it being developed.

    Ask the environmentalists lobbyists why they do not want the deposits of oil shale in Colorado and Wyoming developed. The expert engineers say will become economical to develop once the price of oil hit $75 a barrel. If they want clean air, why they do not want more nuclear power stations built.

    Why does Florida lobby against drilling in the gulf. They say it would be unsightly for their tourist trade. The drilling would be far enough off shore that even standing on the tallest bldg in Florida, you would not see the platforms.



    I know this is a little bit off subject, but I am tired of these hair brained ideas of how fix the symptoms and not the problem. Right now the problem is the world demand for fuel.

  7. Stay away from those "buy here Pay here" places, they will get you everytime. I worked with a guy who's brother owned one of those lots. He sold and repossessed the same car 3 times in one year and the piece of junk wasn't even worth the down payment let alone the sale price.

  8. per chance do you have a garage that has a door to the kitchen. if so, could these been left open for a period of time and the little rascals decided to pay you a call. This happened to me, but I caught the little sucker still in the garage and took him to the woods.

  9. I have been going to wally-world in Hiram between 5 and 6 AM on saturday, it seems like since they opened. This is the only time I will go during the week . I get my weekly essentials like dog food, fruits, lunch stuff and whatever . I have not had this problem with the stockers being rude. Sometimes I may have to work around some one busy or buffering the floor but most of the time they step back and ask if they can help. I have been going there long enough to identify the stockers who are mentally challenged and several that can not speak english, yes even there, and I take that into consideration when I am in their area.

    Sorry you had such a bad situation but with you not going back, that will be one less person in front of me at the only open register next saturday.

  10. Ok sounds like someone on here might be able to answer my question. Ok how can a cop know what target he actually hits with his detecter if it is a night and he is going opposite way?

    And one more... During a speed trap or "roadblock", like they are hiding sorta out of site and 2 officers are standing close to roadway, ok how do they get all the readings for say 4 or 5 cars, like the cop will point for them to pull over and then he writes tickets. Well how can they read speed on more than one or two like that?

    Just curious!

    In a conversation with a GSP officer about multiple cars together speeding. He said it was like flushing a covey of quail and taking a shot. You can't get them all, but one will pay the price.


  11. I'd like to help you but I am to busy managing all that money I have also received from Nigeria, UK lottery, Canadian lottery and Irish sweepstakes. I have to go now. My chauffeur is waiting with my 4 wheel drive Rolls to take a tour around my estate.

  12. Really, is this a common practice?? It just struck me as odd because he was along (well, obviously being on a motorcycle!) and appeared to be young (early 20's maybe by his body type)


    it just makes me nervous because our house was broken into a week before we closed back in Feb. They tried to break in even though the house was obviously completely empty! That still has me shaken up, so much infact that I installed window locks on all the windows and a deadbolt into my office. They would have to take an axe to my office door to get in to get the good stuff.

    Probably couldn't afford the gas for his SUV to drive around to do appraisals.
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