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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. You can't be serious. Do you realise that idea was refuted by the courts immediately? Have you ever heard of McCulloch v Maryland? And Madison even spoke of such? Correct. Jefferson wrote it as part of several drafts but it was never incldued. That's what I said. How about the second quote you attributed to Mr. Jefferson and the quote you gave from Mr. Washington, both spurious?
  2. Where did I say it was in the Virgina Constituton? Didn't I say he had written it but it wasn't included in the final version? How is that wrong? And for the second quote? Is there a reason you didn't even mention that you were, once again duped because you don't recognize the history well enough? You were duped by a spurious quote from Mr. Washington and one from Mr. Jefferson. People familiar with American history know this.
  3. Again, you are not comprehending the nature of a living document and how the interpretation of the text molded to the uniquely American experience. I'm saying that the genesis of the Second Amendment is in English Common Law and was not for individual protection but communal. The same idea was paramount in the Colonial thought - as Mr. Washington so adequately described - when reacting to the frontier problems. Still, the uniquely American experience was the danger of European imperialism/mercantism whereby European powers could easily be a threat to the new nation. Thus, the rationale fo
  4. Again, you are giving spurious quotes, the latter of which doesn't exist at all, and the former was written and proposed by Mr. Jefferson for the Virginia Constitution but was rejected. People familiar with history know better than this. My link 1 My link 2
  5. Perhaps if you would actually read and seek to understand my content instead of deciding what my position is before you've read it, there could be more fruitful discussion.
  6. No, no. I am NOT - I repeat, I AM NOT - saying the American populace doesn't have the right to bear arms for personal nor private protection, or for any reason per the Second Amendment. That is NOT what I said and you have seriously mischaracterised my position. I am merely pointing out that the court decision has been a long process and is an example of the American Constitution being a living document, whereby the interpretations and applications of the text are used to comply with evolving interests, views and needs. As it was originally penned, it was referring to the basis of English
  7. My experience has been that the more educated a person, the more likely they were to listen to NPR. I haven't seen any correlation studies but it has been my experience.
  8. I'm sorry, but that is nowhere near accurate. You are reading into this your political perspective, not the context of that day. If you believe otherwise, you are free to do so, but that is the modern pop ideas spun by politicians, not what the historian would say. And you were easily duped by giving a spurious quote of Mr. Washington in the first place, something one versed in the history of this would easily know was not accurate.
  9. You are missing so much by not getting the more in depth perspective NPR brings, lassie!
  10. Absolutely agreed. When political figures attempt to delve into a field for which business practices cannot produce better achievement, the problem is with the political leaders, not the educators.
  11. If you're asking why we've reduced our employee numbers, I would say that is incorrect. I've authorised the hiring and directly hired a goodly number last year and have increased the number of positions by quite a large amount in fiscal year 2012, and we will be doing the same in fiscal year 2013. However, discrimination of personnel based up genetics is strictly prohibited under current American law.
  12. A group of Seattle teachers have refused to administer a standardised test claiming it does little to evaluate actual teaching, student learning, nor teacher effectiveness. They further claim the test is not an adequate measure since it contains much material the teachers didn't cover in the prescribed courses, e.g., geometry and statistics being tested in an algebra standardised test. The teachers say since they are not allowed to see the test to know what is being measured, they are not able to adequately prepare the students for when they take the test. The headmaster at the school is stand
  13. I'm not sure I understand the content of your post.
  14. An unidentified employee - known only as "Bob" - employed by an unidentified firm, intentionally outsourced his IT position to a code writer in China by hiring the foreign employee out of his own pocket, and then surfing the web all day while on the clock. He was pocketing hundreds of thousands from the employer while only paying the foreign code writer roughly 50,000$ American. Quite inventive. My link
  15. Would you find it acceptable for an employer to make employment decisions based on medical information by calculating cost of potential medical needs? I'm merely curious.
  16. An American law exists that health insurers may not use genetic information to deny nor price coverage based on your genetic makeup. However, the loophole is that life, disability and long term care providers may use that information and discriminate accordingly, e.g., a life insurer can charge more for life insurance if a woman has a genetic marker for breast cancer, even if there is no family history of the disease. My link
  17. Exactly. That's the point.The two are tied together. The armed populace was tied to having a regulated military. And the quote you gave is spurious. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
  18. Do you ever check sources? Do you not know your own American history and the quote in this is spurious? Do you understand context? Mr. Washington was speaking of a well-regulated military to protect the frontier and the rest of the nation, just as I mentioned in my other post about the history of the Second Amendment going back to the English Common Law. My link
  19. In another sign the United States economy is improving, the Commerce Department announced home building has reached its best level in four and a half years. However, there is a shortage of workers. My link
  20. The superintendent at the Upper Big Branch Coal Mine where a deadly accident killed 29 miners was sentenced to 21 months in prison and given a 20,000$ fine for his part in the company's negligence, and the on-going cover up. Profits over people is a deadly scenario. My link
  21. Pauline Philips, known to most of the world as "Dear Abby" has passed away at the long and most fulfilling age of 94. She will be remembered and missed. God bless the memory of her and her legacy. My link
  22. Only whilst drinking heavily one weekend while on holiday from university. I believed I saw the pantheon of gods, deceased people of infamy, and my first pet, all from the nice gentlemen who brought the queer tasting food.
  23. Exactly. Good luck whilst defending that fact from the masses on here. May the gods bless you in this endeavor.
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