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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Another campus shooting. Three shot this time. My link
  2. I fail to see why this is even garnering any raised emotions at all. Everyone chooses their own family entertainment. As long as the establishment meets the legal code, I see no problem with it. If some choose of their own reasons not to attend, that is fine. If others choose to attend, that is fine. I personally wouldn't go to such an activity because I don't enjoy it. Others do. So what is the problem with this anyway?
  3. I'm sorry but it wasn't a put down at all. It was a statement that I would not go there because I don't enjoy it; won't do it; nor care nothing for it.
  4. "Such a place" as in roller skating. I don't do that sort of thing. It's not for me and I personally choose not to do such an activity, just as some adults choose not to attend rugby matches. I don't enjoy the activity at all and wouldn't go. I meant nothing else by it.
  5. I'm not arguing with you but is there a constable there to make sure there is no ruckus that occurs?
  6. I'm just curious as to where you buy groceries.
  7. Agreed. To each their own.
  8. I don't. I never frequent such a place. However, others parents do wish to enjoy an ale of sorts whilst the children are expending some energy, just as I enjoy a glass of fine wine with a nice meal. To each their own.
  9. And the same opportunity to over indulge exists in restaurants, sporting events and even the home. What you may believe is the correct parental choice is your view. Others have the same right to see it differently. As long as the majority of the revenue of the establishment is not from alcohol, there is not a problem. Others may disagree. That's what makes for an interesting time on this planet.
  10. What is wrong with an adult having an adult beverage while the lads and lassies have fun?
  11. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Wonderful. I am more than willing to do this! So I am willing to do the comparison. I will send via registered post copies of my diplomas/certificates and transcripts, along with a certified cheque in the amount of $1000 to the Publisher of this internet forum, and he may enlist the services of a local barrister to verify his findings. You will do the same with your cheque and educational attainment certificates.. The Publisher shall compare the work and determine which of us has more formal and regionally accredited education in the area of History, since that is particularly the topic h
  12. zoocrew

    Gun control

    U Doesn't it say ... Why, yes it does. It says you are willing to bet you have more education about the Constitution than I do. So are you willing to make the wager?
  13. zoocrew

    Gun control

    And you said you were willing to bet you had more training in the Constitution than I did. Note you're backing out. Caught in one more lie.
  14. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Oh please. But ok. Now how about that link, citation or an attached photocopy of the source you are claiming that no one else send to know about?
  15. zoocrew

    Gun control

    You're correct. I'm on my mobile and was be driven to a meeting and just didn't catch that. So how about the wager? No. Just in a rush and only glanced at it. My apologies.
  16. zoocrew

    Gun control

    That was really uncalled for. Lowrider is a well respected member of those board and even when she disagrees, she is not hateful and will at least consider another point of view.
  17. zoocrew

    Gun control

    You really have some issues with anger. I'm only asking for a link (you said you pulled the quotes directly from the papers). The papers are all on line so please provide a link. If you can't provide a link, please give a citation or even make a photo copy so history can have such fantastic information heretofore unknown. I provided the link to the Federalist Papers and the quotes you gave are not there. Would you be willing to place a small wager on comparing our academic credentials? Say $1000?
  18. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Everyone please notice that the gentlemen has some issues. He gave a quote that was fabricated and now is highly upset he got called on it. He cannot provide the links not cite the source for verification. He is just making stuff up. I tried to give the gentlemen several "outs" but he wouldn't take them.
  19. zoocrew

    Gun control

    In other words you can't produce the link because it doesn't exist. All the links on the internet say those "quotes" were in the essays. They weren't. You made a mistake. So basically your basing your view of the 2nd amendment on a fabricated version of history. You won't even about to admit to improper word choice since the "Middle English" still makes no sense. Your credibility is totally destroyed. So you can't provide the links because they don't exist. Understood.
  20. zoocrew

    Gun control

    I'm sure it was just a typo. When I'm on my mobile, the auto complete feature says all sorts of things on my behalf I wish it would not say. Now as to Mr Nitro's anger issues, there is certainly a problem but a typo when calling me a name (for which I shan't retaliate) is just something I'll just overlook.
  21. This is a very positive post. Don't let the politically motivated derail the positive!
  22. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Riiight, You gave the ESSAY number of the Federalist Paper. You put it in quotes. Ok. Would you now give a LINK to the source of that quote? If it is not in Essay #28 or Essay #29 or Essay #46 as you said, then where is it? Is it in the copy of the Federalist Papers you have at your desk but no one else has? I thought better of you than this. You got caught in an honest mistake.You could have said: "Hey, I used the quotes because I really believed those were in the Federalist Papers since that is what the quote said, but I was mistaken." But no. You keep telling more fibs that are real
  23. zoocrew

    Gun control

    So when you give an essay number and talk about the Federalist Papers, that didn't really mean the words were in those essays. Then you say you have your copy of the Federalist Papers and that is where I should look, but now you really didn't mean that. You gave the essay number and the phrase was put in qutation marks. Yes, that means you are saying the quote is in the essay and IS the Federalist Paper. Or did you not know that? So now you're saying Hamilton and Madison was talking ABOUT the Federalist papers. Yeah. Right. But fine. Would you give a source for that? Funny, because
  24. zoocrew

    Gun control

    There is no need to get personal or attack someone. I am merely pointing out that one cannot make up things simply because she wants it to be true. In this case, you probably lifted these "quotes" from someone or some entity you trusted and didn't verify them. It happens. But in this case, no matter how much one wants it to be true, it just isn't.
  25. zoocrew

    Gun control

    You got caught. Just admit it. Here, again, are the links to the three essays your referenced. I would encourage you, and everyone else, to go the Federalist Papers and read/search the content. The "quotes" you gave are NOT there. And the reason you cannot give them is because they don't exist. Here are the "quotes" you claim exist. Here are the essays you've referenced. It would be very easy to copy and paste the exact quote from the essays if they exist. Please do so. Federalist Paper #28 My link Federalist Paper #29 My link Federalist Paper #46 My link
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