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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That's right! He is going to be in a new baseball movie! OMG. I had forgotten all about that. As crazy as he is, he can still act.
  2. This is not photoshopped, is it? <sarcasm> Wow. I don't know to laugh or cry or what.
  3. Now we all know if this were a Mexican Bunny, GA would pass another law that demanded every bunny produce papers showing they were born in the state first. I prefer to verify my info instead of passing along rumors but whatever floats your boat.
  4. So you got caught passing along unverified data and get upset when you get called on it? GA law won't allow that. Oh no. Only a few states allow marriage like that but a few more do offer civil unions.
  5. You believe the Busted Magazine is a news source? Seriously? Could you show a post where ANYONE smeared or made judgements about the guilt or innocence either way? Where is the smear?
  6. Check out the latest news where the school board has not been able to verify it. Did you bother to read the links? An un-named school. A 16 year old student. The story is unverified for now. If it is true, someone is an idiot. If is not verified, let's not be the same.
  7. You haven't been following along. No one was doing it. It is an urban legend, or is at least unverified for now.
  8. Sounds like urban legend where something is just made up because it fits an agenda.
  9. I have no idea if he is or not. I was talking about the bigger issues on a national level.
  10. I will so remember you said that next time a Democrat is arrested too. Thanks for the bookmark.
  11. Who said anything about guilt or innocence either way?
  12. My husband does that too but with TV Land. I think he is stuck in 80s sitcoms.
  13. You really do have a problem with the English language. Maybe I should try Esparza? No one knew about. Fine. We do know. It's news. Why it took three weeks is a matter for everyone to speculate on their own but if it had been a Democratic Congressman, I can only speculate what the charges of "cover up" would have sounded like. Just speculation, of course.
  14. Sounds really fishy to me. Not saying some idiot somewhere didn't make such as stupid statement, but really?
  15. I am really sorry that your grasp of the English language is so impaired to not realize that a statement like that with the fact that there was a three week lag time before anyone else knew about it would suggest SOMETHING not of the ordinary. Maybe you don't see a problem. The rest of the world does.
  16. Would you be so kind as to show us what speculation was made? You don't think it is "interesting?" That's all that was said. Anything else that is going on in your mind is between you and whomever you talk to in order to work through those things.
  17. That's a fair thing to do in this situation, don't you think? Speculation as to why it took three weeks before anyone knew about it? Maybe you don't think it is a big deal. Fine. Others do.
  18. But it has NOT happened in this thread yet and you're already ASSuming it has.
  19. You need to re-read my post. No one in the thread said a word about his guilt or innocence but it is a story. I have no idea and will not say one way or the other. Maybe you can fill us in on who said anything about his guilt. The only comment was about the three weeks it took to hit the news. Oh, and I did say that only in your mind is it not news. THAT is the bigger story. How anybody can think this is not news is beyond me. If it is out there for three weeks and no one knows about it, SOMETHING is wrong.
  20. I don't think anyone in this thread has said anything about him being guilty or innocent. You're way off base with that one. Even when people do start saying one way or the other, everybody has an opinion and it might not agree with yours. But a City Councilman being arrested of sexual assault is news anywhere else in the country, though evidently it is not in your mind. Sad.
  21. It was on Channel 5. City Councilman Griffin White was arrested! Dallas Councilman Arrested on Sexual Assault Charges: MyFoxATLANTA.com
  22. How many seriously consider "ass" to be swear word? Really now.
  23. A Colorado mother was sentenced today for playing Facebook games while her 13 month old son was left alone in the tub and drowned. This is a sad story all the way around. My Link
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