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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I have had to get several rounds of anti-biotics for both my boys in the last several months. And I cleaned out some old scripts from me and my husband yesterday. I've got about 20 old prescription bottles. Where can I recycle these? I know I saw a drug store SOMEWHERE that accepted these but I cannot remember where it was. Help!
  2. I would have a conference with mommy dearest.
  3. I hope you find out who it is and call her parents!
  4. That's what I'm thinking. A counselor makes sense but having a chaplain who doesn't believe in spirituality? You have a point there.
  5. Demonizing the poor is creating a class warfare state.
  6. This is crazy. I'm not all that religious but a chaplain implies a religious person. So why is the military appointing atheists and humanists as chaplains? When military members need spiritual counseling, they go to a chaplain. If they need other counseling, they go to a trained counselor. My Link
  7. Are the stories about he and Wonder Woman?
  8. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding! The dress was very similar to Princess Grace's gown 50 years ago, according the the Today Show and the picture they showed. Stunning!
  9. Didn't Uncle Sonny not let a tax go into effect when gas was highest under Bush? Then gas prices went down and still no tax. No gas is back up there and we don't have all that money we could have collected when gas prices were low again. Short sighted three years ago and now we have high gas prices, a tax and no money collected all that time to road projects. Europe figured all this out years ago but America can't possible learn from anyone else.
  10. The Man of Steel has renounced his American citizenship in the latest issue in order to be more globally focused on the ideals of justice and his never ending battle against evil. Just another mark of globalization. My Link
  11. So "middle class" is a function of perception and not reality? Forty percent of Americans with family incomes below $20,000 say they're middle class. So do a third of those with incomes of $150,000 or more (source). My Link
  12. Power is back on in Sweetwater Bridge.
  13. Won't happen. Other pundits are saying that is horse feathers. Those scenarios are due to the union decertifying in order to bring the lawsuit. My opinion is the other pundits are right but we'll see. I'm not a lawyer and have never played one on TV either.
  14. My oldest boy sounds really croupy and has a fever. Doesn't sound like allergies. This is going to be an all nighter and off to the doctor or ER in the morning. Why? Why when hubby's parents are coming in to visit later this week? WHY?
  15. A replicated and tweaked study has shown, once again, that swearing helps with pain. No $*!#. My Link
  16. A federal judge has sided with the players in the first round of the lawsuit against the NFL owners, and ordered the owners to end the lockout. Of course the owners and NFL are going to appeal but the labor fight will hopefully be over in time for the summer workouts and the 2011 season. My Link
  17. Even if you exercise regularly, sitting all day at a desk is doing terrible things to our body, according to the research. Audio Link 4:17 My Link
  18. The redesigned Beetle is almost here! My hubby told me if things keep improving, we can get me a new Beetle since my 2000 Dodge Caravan is too MUCH even with the kids. Hopefully VW can do this right! Audio Story 3:47 My Link
  19. Four Blackwater guards accused of killing 14 Iraqis is back in court again. My Link
  20. This just makes my heart hurt. While we all want to punish the bully, often the bully is just acting out what she has been taught. My Link
  21. Much better since they were no where near the same thing.
  22. Look 2 posts down from your last post and you will see what I'm talking about. That's not the word to use. It is hyperbole.
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