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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Actually, it wasn't the radical left but the Board of Directors of the American Advancement of Science that issued the statement. Your opinion is what the article addressed. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Sky Line Plumbing 770-443-0131
  3. I think someone changed a title and didn't know what they were doing.
  4. I wondered about that, too. Does RT live here? I didn't think he did but I've not been here since before dirt either.
  5. There ya go. They got together and are working on making a life together. Bad things happen. Why not give them a chance?
  6. Not speaking to you directly. I'm only saying that hypocrites are bad, but so is a lack of forgiveness. Which is worse? Neither are good. Mistakes happen. Why not give the benefit of the doubt? Live and let live. That's just me and my idea, for what it's worth. In the case of RT, how long has it been? Is there enough time that gives him another chance? I remember Vince Gill and Jamie Grant (I think that is her name) and I think she was a Christian singer, though not sure on that. I'm not saying hypocrisy is OK. I'm not giving anyone a pass either. I'm just asking why I would want t
  7. What is that forgiveness and Christians aren't perfect stuff? Guess that is only for when it is convenient and never for others. This is why I have a problem with organized religion. They shoot their own wounded and then tell me to come to the group. Why would I want to do that? Just keeping it real. I happen to like Randy Travis' music.
  8. Holy Shmazoli! This is the dust storm in Phoenix over the weekend. WOW! My Link
  9. I've only had it once or twice but didn't think much of it. Anyone else use it much? What goes well with it? My Link
  10. This is a point of view that is at least worth considering. Should we not act on climate change as a positive, even if it were wrong? My Link
  11. And the laws we put in place now will be used then, too.
  12. One of the jurors just said they agreed to the "Not Guilty" verdict not because they didn't think was innocent, but that the prosecution didn't prove the case. It is not a question of money the defense team was paid but of the poor job the prosecution did presenting the case. That is what the law says and that is exactly what they jurors did. That is the Rule of Law.
  13. Pinnacle Air fixed my AC a few weeks ago too. Good job!
  14. I have always supported the free market. You've not been reading my posts, only assuming what my position us going to be. Always supported a free market.
  15. Policemen write books. People who do the right thing write books after being proclaimed a hero. That is the free market. What is the alternative? Ban jurors from talking?
  16. When test scores become the end all to measure achievement, and parents and politicians use the test scores as means to control the money and hiring / firing, this sort of stuff that happened in Atlanta will happen in other places. There are many ways to measure a kid's success and scores are only one component. When scores become THE criteria for employment decisions, corruption will be even more rampant.
  17. Only in America do we REQUIRE the state prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Evidently, there was reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury.
  18. Kinda like a Round-about. The first time someone sees it, it is the silliest thing ever, confusing and does nothing but mess up a good intersection. After awhile, the Round-about is pure genius. I'm trying to introduce a Round-about. It takes time.
  19. No problem at all other than not listening to the link and then attacking the content. It was the audio story that I found interesting and wasn't going to dig around looking for other text articles that would, frankly, confuse the discussion with different articles.
  20. I support the eVerify too. The link you posted is not the same article. The audio link I posted was an interview that was with the president of GA Agribusiness Council and from Douglasville. Same idea but different stories and over a month apart.
  21. It did not. I agreed with the COMPARISON. Another person mentioned the teen. It was a COMPARISON to the absurdity of the HB87.. Did you listen to the link?
  22. Not misleading at all. I expressly said that it was part of HB87 and gave the audio link that goes into the detail. You didn't listen to it. The problem is you jumped to a conclusion and it was wrong. That is YOUR problem and very typical.
  23. Right. It is certainly a straw man argument taken to the extreme that shows the absurdity of saying maybe a 15 year sentence threat will deter the illegals, when we all know that the 15 years was placed in there as a feel good, get tough stunt by the politicians. And the worst part is that some people are falling for it to suppor these manipulating politicians even more.
  24. I think I see the problem here. You don't understand comnparisons. Perhaps "See Spot run" will be more conducive in the future. Since no one listened to the link to actually hear someone who is much more versed in this, I shouldn't expect much more. So following that logic, why not just make it a capital offense to give even more pause?
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