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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Yep. Just like you. Never claimed to be The Steak Authority. Just giving my opinion that has as much validity as does yours. To each his own.
  2. You are more than welcome to discuss any of those articles. I look forward to it. But you'd better be ready with non-partisan information. People seem to be forgetting that there is time between the time he talked to the dispatcher, and the time he shot the teen. How do any of you know what happened? Isn't it just as likely that the Zimmerman got confrontational as it is that that the kid instigated anything? There is an eyewitness saying Zimmerman was on the ground being attacked but we don't know if Zimmerman attacked the teen and the teen was just defending himself. Then there
  3. And exactly how do you know who started the fight to begin with? Who was the one that escalated the confrontation with the "tough words" and who was the one that started shoving first? Which of the two was "standing their ground?" All we know is that Zimmerman went after the kid after being told not to, and then there was an altercation and Zimmerman pulled the trigger. The kid was not armed except for the Skittles, the hoodie and the iced tea. Zimmerman had a gun. That's all we know for sure. Don't be led around by the nose like you're saying others are.
  4. You've nailed it. Problem is, I'm not sure Zimmerman is (technically) a "murderer." I don't think he broke the FL law. He "stood his ground." At best he acted recklessly. Perhaps involuntary manslaughter. Realistically? Proving he didn't feel threatened is going to be very difficult. Reality is that this is exactly why we shouldn't have these sort of laws on the books. When Bronson carries and confronts anyone (good guy or bad guy), the situation can escalate in a hurry and someone is going to feel like their life is threatened.
  5. That's exactly my point, too. Then we pass laws on the books that encourage this sort of thing and it will happen more. Put more guns in the middle of bad situations and good people do stupid things, all in the name of "standing your ground" because no one can push you around. Senseless. A kid is dead because Zimmerman was embolden to play Rambo after the FL legislature passed the law that gave him a huge ego. This sort of right wing nut law is coming to GA, compliments of Tim Bearden and Company.
  6. Where did I say Faux News is the only one that manipulates? You're sure reading a lot into my post that is not there. I simply used Faux as the example the overwhelming majority around here think never manipulates. All commercial operations sensationalize and target their audience for the purpose of selling ad space. That's why I prefer non-commerical news. +10
  7. Fog de Chao. Mediocre. Chain place. It's all you can eat but not the best. It's certainly above the likes of Roadhouse or Longhorns (gag! Those processed meals there are dreadful. How anyone's palette can handle those places is beyond me). The minimum for a steak of any decency is Aspens and the next step above that is Ruth's Chris. Hal's in Atlanta is the best anywhere around here. My link
  8. I wasn't aware it was a gated community. If that is the case, I can understand why Zimmerman would call 911 and report a suspicious person. The penalty for trespassing is not death by a neighborhood watch vigilante. If a kid cuts through someone's property, the owner doesn't have the right to shoot them. Call the cops and let the cops handle it. Zimmerman was armed and went looking for a confrontation and a kid is dead. More bigotry. As usual.
  9. The media manipulates the gullible. Faux News is a prime example.
  10. The kid had the right to be walking down the street. It is not a crime to do that. The situation you're describing about your property is completely different than this one. Next time it could be you that is accosted for walking were someone didn't think you should be. We all now how situations escalate. Is that a price we want to pay?
  11. I agree. 100% I agree with you. I'm not against guns at all. My husband owns several and he goes plinking every so often. So you've TOTALLY misread me as "anti-gun." I have no problem with gun ownership to protect your home or property of self. My problem is the law FL and many other states are adopting that will see more incidents just like this. Is it the price we want to pay? Guns to protect ones self is one thing. Gun laws that encourage people to carry guns and go looking for trouble is what I have a problem with. This is just one example of the consequence. There will be more.
  12. Has anyone mentioned that Zimmerman probably wouldn't have stalked the guy had he not been armed and felt more emboldened. He was a civilian Rambo with a gun and was looking for trouble. This is the kind of things that happen when we start arming more people. The bad thing is we all know what happened here. Zimmerman thought he could be the tough guy and confronted the kid. The kid stood his ground too. They started with the words. Then came the shoving. Then fists flew. The kid was getting the best of the Vigilante Rambo who then pulled out his gun and shot the kid. Bad situation all
  13. That's not the information I'm reading. My link My Link 2 But even at this level, China would still account for nearly half of global incremental demand this year, the IEA said. And, yes, it has doubled in those nations. My Link Emerging markets demand has doubled world oil consumption in five years.
  14. Demand in the US, Europe and Canada is down. The demand in the rest of the world has by far pushed beyond what the US uses.
  15. The demand has been increasing and the world economies have only gotten better since 2009. That's in everything I'm reading.
  16. World economies are improving and the demand for oil is way up.
  17. But the rest of the world was not using near as much oil. My link
  18. Yes, those countries do impact our economy and gas prices. They demand more of the supply because the world economy is improving. That's what I'm reading.
  19. But China, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil and a gazillion other nations were not using as much oil as they are now. Demand has pushed up prices. It is not just an American thing. The aricle I linked earlier explained that it is now worldwide demand and the US is not THE Major Player any longer.
  20. And you're taking the quote out of context. The world economy went down and so did gas prices. The world economy improves and gas prices go up. My comment that about Obama was directed at people who are blaming Obama for the economy and the gas price, because it seems some people blame Obama for economy when it is down, and then when it improves they blame him for the higher gas prices. In no way was I inferring Obama had any control over any of it because he doesn't. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of those who blame Obama for everything. Can't have it both ways. If they want low gas
  21. I'm sorry but I don't think you understand the issue here. The issue is not just US demand but worldwide demand. I am guessing you didn't read the link I posted either because, had you done so, you would have noticed the very last line. It reads: I'm betting it was just an oversight, Mr Dis, and not an intentional posting of yours to mislead people who don't understand how world wide supply and demand touches everyone. Your experience is not the not the entire economy since the world doesn't revolve around the situational experience of a single person. The e
  22. Yes. Just before the economy imploded. When the economy tanked, so did gas prices. My link
  23. Oil prices go down during recession and go up when the economy gets better and more people are using the oil. That's what I'm reading in the ALL of the news articles. Recession in 2008 meant prices go down. Economy gets better and prices go up. Can't have it both ways. Either Obama is doing a bad job with the economy and gas prices stay low, or he does better with the economy and gas prices go up. That's what the experts are saying.
  24. It has everything to do with the demographics. The biggest indicator of academic success is the education of the parents and the income of the parents.
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