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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. So was Ray Charles here in the Peach State. Dont' forget the flag has flown at half staff in various places for Sinatra and even Clarence Clemons. Or When Carter order the flags flown at half staff for John Wayne.
  2. Ok. If you think it is a big deal, wonderful. Not your call. It is the governor's decision. The only people he answers to are the people of NJ and the Constitution. His call. We can disagree all day long but it has been done before and I hardly think Elvis, Bob Hope and Whitney Houston really care one way or the other. I certainly don't.
  3. I totally agree. I'm just saying it is not a big deal because it is the governor's decision and it has been done before, whether we like it or not. Memphis, TN, did it for Elvis when he died. Come on. There are bigger things to worry about.
  4. Nope. Not what I'm saying at all. Should he? Well, that is for the people of NJ to decide next election. I'm saying it is the Governor's decision. He can do what he wants.
  5. I'm just saying that the whole "no entertainers" idea has been drowned a long time ago. It is not about the entertainer but about the public's perception. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. It is the decision of the Governor of NJ. He decides. It has been done before. It is not any concern of anyone in any other state. No big deal either way. But saying "no entertainers" is not understanding what has happened in the past. Don't forget that Whitney Houston did appear in the USO "Divas" for the troops.
  6. But you don't get to decide who is a hero or role model for the rest of us. That is up to everyone else. The governor made the decision. It is his call. Not yours. Get over it. An entertainer. A comedian.
  7. Just to play the Devil's Advocate here, but should the flag have been lowered for Bob Hope? My Link
  8. We just had some serious landscaping done and need the rain, so I am not complaining!
  9. It is the Governor's decision. Why does it matter? It doesn't change anyone's life one way or the other. If a local attorney dies, does the county lower its flags? I don't know if they do or not, but it would be the local politicians' decision. Does it affect me or you? No. So who cares?
  10. The article talked about that. The wages paid the migrant workers ended up being so low that farmers can't attract anyone else. It is hard, back breaking work.
  11. I heard that on the radio yesterday. It is just going to get worse because we've cut our nose off to spite our face. Someone was not thinking when they did all this.
  12. I hope she is OK. Colbert is such a delight and it is good to get a funny perspective on the news.
  13. That is so insightful! I do agree with that. That is how prices work in relation to supply. One of the problems is that even if wages go up, it won't solve the problem since the unskilled people that will eventually get hired will take a long time to train and be able to harvest at the rate the former employees could do the job, and at a much lower wage. This just means our agriculture prices will go up quite a bit. The grocery bill is going to go very high!
  14. Farmers in both states are saying they have worker shortages and will be cutting back on the acres planted this year. That means fewer orders for equipment, seeds, and the rest of the businesses associated with farming. The agricultural industry will be seeing cut backs in both related industry employment and in money that trickles down to the include higher food prices. My Link
  15. WTH? What happened to my post about the Presidential Fitness Guidelines that have been going on FOREVER?
  16. They did that stuff when I was elementary school in the early 80s as part of the Presidential Fitness stuff and I know that has been around for a long time.
  17. One person does something really stupid and it is getting spun for political jabs at the President and at the evil educational system? Would you all apply the same standard to the military when it does something stupid, like when it covers up corruption? Or real information? Or can' account for BILLIONS of dollars? The hypocrisy is so bright today! Human beings do stupid things sometimes. Don't get played by people who are manipulating your emotions to make money off you (Boortz for the advertizers) or get power (politician who use this to tell you need to vote the other party out). Yo
  18. Wonder what they sing at Christmas and Easter? I don't think we should do any of those in schools.
  19. A record holiday gift card sales number means everyone should read the fine print to watch out for the gotchas on those things. It could end up being worth nothing if you don't do it right. Hopefully that record holiday gift card sales of about $29 billion, if shoppers redeemed them, will boost those retails sales even more and we can all start breathing a bit easier! My Link
  20. ROFL! That's funny! I'm bet she had a great sense of humor.
  21. Thanks! I found The Lynx also has some good 70s stuff too. 181.FM is totally kewl. So is Yahoo Radio.
  22. Those bottles end up in landfills and last forever. Now, students are taking up the fight. My Link
  23. My husband recently updated our WiFi and outfitted the house with speakers. So now I can use internet radio all day long! Woo Hoo! I love Boston Pete and 181.FM, especially the New Age and Day SPA Radio. Anyone have any others I should be checking out?
  24. I agree! I fidn it amazing that people will take all the "legal" loop holes but then complain about the poor not paying their "fair share." A loop hole is a deduction. If you qualify for the deduction, you're in the "poor" category for that deduction. Nothing wrong with taking it because it is designed to make sure the poor don't pay more than the rich. Problem is the hypocrisy of the gripes. Just my 2 cents.
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