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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. And you're homophobic. Love the way you try to change the subject to deflect it to me. Can't take the heat like a little girl?
  2. All rights. Whites. Blacks. Jews. Women. Gays. Latinos. Labor. Catholics. The poor. The disabled. The mentally ill. You name it. That Marine fought for all rights. How can anyone miss that? Homophobic much?
  3. Another state is recognizing that the civil rights of a large percentage of Americans have been violated for far too long. Now gays in Maryland have the same rights as straight couples. My Link
  4. A photo of a gay Marine kissing his boyfriend has sparked outrage and praise. The Marines were the branch of service most adamant about lifting the ban on Don't Ask, Don't Tell so the picture has provoked some strong emotions. My Link
  5. Nobody here has had yet. You all keep it there! Don't want it nor need it!
  6. Open board. I'll post to anything I like.
  7. An aerosol shot of caffeine is the latest consumer product under review by the FDA after Democrat Charles Shumer asked for an investigation. My Link
  8. In an attempt to discredit the anti-climate change "scientists" Peter Gleick has admitted to lying to gain information that shows the leading society against climate change is backed by far right wing political action committees. Gleick obtained documents by lying and then forwarded them to bloggers and websites that published the damaging information that harmed the credibility of the anti climate change society. My Link
  9. It just keeps coming. The rain is really hard.
  10. Pretty much you're right.
  11. Just a lot of rain but nothing severe here in Rome.
  12. Whatever. Have a good evening.
  13. We in Rome have been beaten up seriously the last several months. The Graduation Tree was demolished along with about 50 other beautiful trees on campus.
  14. No, it was simply a comment commending what was said. If you think that shows disdain for you, that speaks to your problem, not mine.
  15. However, it also says you cannot identify the patient with the information. Oftentimes the information alone is identifying the patient. Moreover, when the record itself is being sent over non-secured and non-retained information channels, we become liable. This is something that we go over every quarter with the faculty and staff and is covered in EVERY review with all personnel.
  16. No. I don't care to explain. I think the comment speaks for itself. You are easily manipulated in the political realm.
  17. Yes, I did. And the law needs to be changed. See the posts above. Politicians writing feel good laws to get re-elected and play on the emotions like yours. It needs to stop.
  18. Then debtors prison is the answer for deadbeat dads? The money never gets repaid then. But let's write laws that sound like the Wild West and make people feel good instead of handling the problem.
  19. The superintendent was charged with hiding safety problems at the mine. When the explosion happened, 29 miners were killed. There is no official link that the specific problems led to the deaths, but the pattern of violations placed the miners' safety at risk. Profit over human life. So sad. My Link
  20. That's true. Our nurses text all the time with personal matters just like people do in all professions. We try to limit their personal stuff while at work but it is part of life.
  21. No, they are not supposed to be texting any information could identify a patient. None at all. That includes orders or scripts or anything else. HIPPA is not something to be trifled with. Our nurses are trained over and over and over that they have to be very careful when discussing information in a room so that people can't overhear. Emails are another biggie. Even janitors have HIPPA explained to them. Information about a hospital, patient or medical event has to remain confidential. Family medical records cannot even be examined by anyone except the directly involved care givers
  22. A community college outside Washington, DC, is offering a summer course in the Occupy Movement. The course is not designed to take a stand on the issue but is going to teach the history of protests and current events. My Link
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