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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. No. But tell her about it and she'll blame you. If she discovers the fallen tree, she'll blame you for not telling and then begin to speculate on what ELSE it is that you're not telling her.
  2. Our entire concept of time is earthbound. Out of our solar system, what time is it? What time it is relates to where we are, certainly. Take people out of the equation and what time is it? While you might say, "...the same time as with people in the equation" or you might say - "What difference would it make what time it is, if there are no people" Since the measurement of time is a human construct, if the coincidence of rapture occurs at a particular TIME, then that coincidence would have to be a human construct, as well. What I'm getting at is -- The whole rapture thing is BS. There
  3. I thought that you were trying to be humorous - But you thought that you were being clever? I didn't mean to insult what passes for cleverness in your world! Or humor - Or romance.......
  4. Not yet - My wife's daughter lives in Sydney. She'll let us know the minute someone starts to fly away. In about 16 hours it will be Sunday, May 22! In Australia, it's already past 5 am Saturday. They shoulda done commenced rapturin' by now!!
  5. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=240
  6. I put your description in the Compliment Meter On a scale of 1 - 10 it registered a minus two. Not that your woman doesn't love the way that you say it - But......
  7. This is a good point. Unless someone who has been circumcised regards the sensation as somehow lacking -- why would they feel like they're missing out on something? I have no complaints in that area, so that's why I'm mystified as to why anyone would feel deprived or ----- mutilated??? Geez, more sensation in that area might make a person act like some of the heads of state in some of the major countries in Europe, or the head of the IMF, or the former Governor of California (Austria)......
  8. I read your posts and you don't address the hygiene/healthful benefits of circumcision. Instead, you hold up Europe as an example. Curiously, though, you don't hold up Africa as an example, where penile cancer of uncircumcised men(the standard) is a real problem. So what if Europe doesn't circumcise? It's a different culture! I contend that circumcision is more hygienic and represents a more civilized society. I, too, would like to see a legitimate source that equates male circumcision (an hygienic practice) with female mutilation (designed to take sexual desire from the female
  9. Do you understand the effect of female "circumcision"? It all but in rare instances keeps a woman from experiencing an orgasm! Now THAT is mutilation! There's not an analagous procedure for males, but the closest analogy would be cutting the head of the penis off! Penile cancer almost never occurs in circumsized males, while it occurs in as many as 1 - 600 in uncircumsized males. That, in itself, is justification for the procedure. I'd also contend that the procedure is one that represents a more civilized society that places a value on hygiene. Why should strangers be allowed
  10. As well, I think that a parent wants to make sure that the son is -- clean, hygienic. I know how guys are in their youth - they'll* let stuff go undone forever! Moms have to sometimes wash behind a youngster's ears or scrub their necks - You get the picture. I think that I would have been mortified if my mom wanted to inspect that area for cleanliness. *OK, me too
  11. This can't be compared with any other situation, including female "circumcision" , since the parts in question are not analagous. Your rhetoric undermines your position, IMO. "Chopping Away At Their Children"??? Mutilation??? "Doing the SAME to boys"??? It's not the same.. It's a benign parental choice - It doesn't matter one way or the other, so it's nothing for the government to become involved in. This is not like the parents are tattooing the child from head to toe or cutting off his thumbs. The fact that much of Europe doesn't engage in the practice has little relevance, since there
  12. I saw some really old dude on tv saying that the signs were there about the end of times being on 5/21/11. I think that he's a head case and he's actually dealing with his own impending demise. It's easier for him to reconcile his own death if it means that everybody else has to come to terms with it, too, at the same time.
  13. I see a difference in being against it for your family and banning it for other people via the ballot box. This seems like too personal of a decision for a stranger to make. What do you think about the proposed SF ban?
  14. I give my parents a pass on this one for a couple of reasons. First, I don't feel mutilated. Parents ( I'm one, too) can only do the best that they can, with the best information that is available to them at the time. I don't really get what circumcision has to do with religion and it seems really weird to let a quasi-clergyman perform what should be a medical procedure, but I consider that to be somebody else's business.
  15. That was a typo, I'm sure you know.... About this subject, though - the White House staff made this call. It has to do with "pool" reporters - select reporters who have to share their information with other media types. I'd be reluctant to have a reporter from The National Enquirer(for instance) as one of the pool reporters if I were the President's Press Secretary, due to their tendency to stray from facts in favor of sensationalism. Whatever stories the pool reporters write get sent out to the other news agencies who weren't physically covering the fundraiser. I'd want pool reporte
  16. I'm guessing that you meant, "don't find it"? Typically does have twins, so one could have already been taken. Does bed down away from the fawn so that their own scent does not draw predators. In addition to the fawn's dappled pattern for camoflage, the fawn has no discernible scent. Thanks for the reminder, though -- It's time to go coyote hunting!!
  17. Ego is certainly a part of it. It's a combination of ego and a wayward, cheating eye. Not that Arnold was an old man 10 years ago, but his cheating eyes had him looking out. While it's natural to look "out", one must also look inward as a way of keeping perspective. Several years ago, I had a conversation with a younger collegue regarding the issue of ego vs. attraction. I told him that a recent phenomenon had taken place - That of recently becoming transparent to younger women. Whereas women used to smile and look and approach me, now they look right through me (I was single at the
  18. Of course Big Corporations can keep being unethical! What do you think a CEO getting a million bucks a month in stock options is, but unethical? It's a major screwing of the regular stockholder. But there's this thing called "due diligence". There's a responsibility on the part of the individual to look past the superficial. Take the "male enhancement pills". Well, don't actually TAKE them! But consider them. Should disappointed men sue the company? Or should they have looked into the company's claims before giving the credit card number over the phone? Would you please explain how indivi
  19. I think that this will end up in the courts. The Governor won't admit the Fox 5 staff unless he getrs an apology? For exercising their freedom of speech/the press???? I expect the Gov. to backpedal. If he doesn't apologize for at least a misunderstanding in the matter, he should be run out of town on a rail!!!
  20. NPR and PBS do NOT fall into the referenced category - local cable news outlets (you can't compare Fox 5 or 11Alive with PBS and NPR).
  21. This is just one more reason for people to support small business and to deal with merchants on a face-to-face basis whenever possible. I've been a plaintiff in a class-action suit or two. Class action suits for small claims are a joke! You end up, three years later, getting $5.72!!! In the example given, customers were told that something was going to be free and it cost them $30. Free???? Hello - if someone's giving something away, THERE'S A CATCH!!! For-profit companies don't make deals that have a negative consequence!!! For the people who thought that they were getting som
  22. "Do you have any money you could lend me?" "Sorry -- All of my money is tied up in currency"
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