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Everything posted by Momstradamus

  1. We were married at 18 & 19 in 1986 and this year will be our 24th anniversary!
  2. BJL.... RomanGirl is more than a fan! You really have a partner here. I could hear how excited she was the moment she read this. I think she is going to cry if she doesn't go (jk) ok, maybe she really will cry! I hope you both get to go!
  3. This is just AWESOME... one of my favorites... I would delete the Beyonce off my iPhone and replace it with hers any day!!!! Thanks!!!! This was just great!
  4. I was listening to the scanner because of the weather and heard this happening.... GREAT WORK!!!!!!!
  5. The same thing happened after the Christmas 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra in 2004.
  6. I don't mind the furlough days. I have 6 this year... it equals a pay cut. I also essentially have to work the same hours. The department that I direct doesn't even get state funds, we have to be self sufficient. We MUST (and do) make our own salary and benefits along with operating costs. However, because we are actually state workers we are required to follow the state mandates. Therefore, we still have to take the same furlough days and produce the same amount of work. I also understand that there is a budget crisis all over. But, I don't believe that more cuts to salaries and increase
  7. We have taken cuts since 2007 as a universities and as individuals. I'm not saying we need increases... I just really think that if we are going to successfully keep going we can't keep cutting the operating budgets. In Georgia, tuition doesn't pay the full costs of educating the student. Yes, his math is wrong and I think when I read the comments he has attempted to fix it but I'm not sure he ever got it correct.
  8. Where does it end? At what point is education going to be a priority? The suggested cut would mean shutting down 23 of the 35 USG institutions or... UGA! It is time to speak up! We have the power to stop this decision if we all take the time to call and write our legislators. Post information to your Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and tell people you know that you do not want to see higher education in Georgia suffer more than it has already. This is a turning point that could really set us back years if we allow it!!!! Our children are counting on us! AJC.com article
  9. I downloaded it yesterday but haven't tried it yet... Do you have to play with others who have iPhone near you or is it seamless and you can play independent of others? ETA: I just started playing.... this is great. Random opponent!
  10. I use Safari on my iPhone but there is an App called Taptalk RO that I use for another message board. The owner there said it wasn't that hard to set it up.
  11. The same reason some women go after married men!
  12. I had to get it on iTunes as soon as I heard it... I LOVE IT!!!
  13. This is EXACTLY what happened to me. First time Facebook and second time MySpace. It is a pain to get rid of. I have the instructions at work to get rid of it... I knew I should have brought them home. It is a pain. AVG and F-Secure didn't catch it. It attacks ALL of your exe files. I hope the info you get here can help you.
  14. I just got finished doing this with my two feeders. They were both empty! Hungry little critters!
  15. Thank you! I have a cousin that is an officer there and I want to check on him but I'm sure he is very busy tonight.
  16. I went to get a bite to eat... What happened to the topic about the Carroll County Deputy? I need to know if that is a legit story. I have a family member there.
  17. This is horrible!!!! I can't find it on the news anywhere.... what is your source?
  18. Going west toward Hwy 61 it would be past the top of the ridge and before Friendship church. It is right past the two subdivisions with entrances across from each other and I have no idea what the names of them are. (Sorry)
  19. I drove past this right after it happened. He was alert and moving around. Obviously head injury but seems ok.
  20. I take their phone/computer and make them scrub base boards!
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