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Everything posted by Momstradamus

  1. The 180 on the treadmill made me cry!!!! WELCOME!!! You are truly an inspiration!
  2. Say what you want... judge all you want... throw stones. This is just appalling. Until you have your six year old in tears telling you, "Mommy, it is like someone is flipping the channels in my head. I can't think about one thing at a time." then stick to judging your own parenting skills. After you have gone the discipline route and lowered your child's self esteem because they feel like a failure then let me know how that worked for you!!! How about thousands of dollars in trying to find the right combination of behavior modifications, food, spiritual help, special attention to every sma
  3. My son dated Josh Dingler's finance's best friend ... the first time I heard this I was driving down I 85 to Albany and I had to pull over. All I could think of was Katelyn and I could not control the tears. I still have a hard time holding it together when I hear this song. My heart just breaks every time for all of those who have lost someone.
  4. Is it a Pcom app or the Invison Power Board app. I posted about the IPB app a while back. Clarity please! Thanks!
  5. A little better copy... maybe
  6. I gotta come home.... Is it bad out there? I didn't get the impression that there was any frozen stuff on the ground.
  7. THANKS!! I do have an external HD. I work about 18 hours a day and I understand. I'll be home late tonight and if you get a chance to shoot me the specifics I'd really appreciate it. Thanks again! Denise
  8. Indeed it is. However, the iTunes account that I sync my iPhone with is specific to one machine. (Or at least that is the way I understand it.) I can charge my phone at any machine with iTunes but the photos, music, videos, apps, etc. I can't sync. I can authorize up to 5 machines I just can't figure out how to make one of them the "new" sync machine. I guess when I get some peace and quiet I will figure it out. Thanks!
  9. Yea, I kind of got lost in it last night with all of the men folk in my house disrupting my concentration. I just wondered if anyone here had any ideas. When I tranqulize them or get them all out of the house at one time I can try again!
  10. I have my iTunes/iPhone account on one computer that is dying. I have a new (rebuilt) screaming machine and I want to move it to the new machine and not lose any music/data. I do knot know how to do that and not mess everything up. Does anyone have experience with this and would you help? I seriously only have the other machine to sync my iPhone. TIA
  11. I see you General... Got anything to say??? I can't hear you for my own yelling!
  12. Ditto!!!! I'm ALWAYS going to be a GEMINI and PLUTO will always be a planet!!!
  13. I have your post card advertisement up in my home office.... I look at it often and think about you both. You are often in my thoughts and prayers!
  14. Huh? I need more info on this!!!! I'm the oldest of 3. My mom says I came out of the womb at 40. I'm bossy and a know-it-all. My siblings call me to help them solve problems or when they are in trouble.
  15. I have had my iPhone for a year. I have the unlimited data plan. The original iPhone had a total hardware failure and wouldn't work at all so I got a replacement in March. I didn't use all the functions (GPS, email, apps, etc.) until about June. NOW, I can't imagine a day without it. I learned when the first one died to sync it regularly. I use it for more than just phone and web "just in case". I will not get the first generation of any Apple product but will get an iPhone 4 when the next generation comes out. The 3Gs is now only $50 and I'm thinking about getting another one for my 18 ye
  16. I got out and went to Publix this afternoon about 2ish. We live off of Ridge Rd. in south Paulding. The constant traffic of 4-wheelers had cleared up most of the standing ice and snow so that the road was passable. I have been watching the traffic come and go for hours and needed just a few things. After I watched the news it looks like we are going to be stuck for two more days so, I decided to cook some more and I HAD TO HAVE.... White pepper for the homemade chicken dumplings tea bags for sweet iced tea large bag of ice for the freezer just in case the power goes out so that we can p
  17. I still have my iPhone and I can charge it in my car!!!
  18. This was too much fun to stop with 10 1. Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry 2. Something in Your Mouth - Nickelback 3. Can't Fight the Moonlight - Leann Rimes 4. Don't Be Cruel - Elvis & The Jordanaires 5. Juke Box Hero - Foreigner 6. Flies on the Butter - Wynonna Judd 7. Date Rape - Sublime 8. Can't be Tamed - Miley Cyrus 9. Domino - Kiss 10. Low - Flo Rida 11. Near You Always - Jewel 12. Ten Seconds to Love - Motley Crue I could keep going... Josh Groban, Katy Pery, Alison Krauss, AC/DC, Halestorm, Melissa Etheridge, Sara Bareilles, Alicia Keys, .38 Special, Pink Floyd, ELO
  19. I'm using GREEN but it says "RED" in the menu... I'm scared to change it because I may not be able to get this one back. I'm using Chrome. I like the GREEN. I still have the "Merry Christmas".... Ideas? I liked the sound of the "dark grey" one but I don't want to mess things up and have message that aren't really there etc.
  20. And with that I add... My iPhone has a passcode required to get into it. I don't know what the law is regarding seizing the property if they can't access the information but I wouldn't give them the passcode without talking to my attorney.
  21. Here is my take for what it's worth... The LEO is responsible for his/her behavior just like you and I are responsible for our own. If you were to be able to report everyone you saw speeding to an authority then so be it. However, you know not what the circumstances of another individual's situation is and it might be best if you just made note of it should it be relevant in the future. The act was not so egregious that it warrants a call to his CO. He stopped for signs/lights and did not appear to be reckless from your description. I feel it is better to police myself when I realize
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