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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. Unless your employer is matching contributions, I don't care for 401Ks. After 9-11 I saw that the government could manipulate these retirement accounts. I think it is wiser to go ahead and pay the income tax now and find investments that make more common sense. The stock market has and always will be for those that can afford to lose the money they invest. It is not and never will be a vehicle to bank on for retirement.

    My company matches up to 5% or I would put it all in a ROTH. It was doing much better anyway, that is until my divorce forced me to liquidate it.

  2. Can someone tell me how I go about canceling my membership, please??



    Or maybe direct me to who I need to contact to cancel my membership?







    Edited (yesterday): I'm not leaving! :D I only asked if it's an option if one decides too. That's all...nothing more, just was asking!! :D

    You don't have to cancel, just stop posting if you don't want to. Simple.

  3. Crime goes where people go, and the trail is just riddled with secluded places for the arsebags to lurk, waiting on a victim. It's a shame people can't even get out and enjoy nature and fresh air without packing heat, but such is life. Plus, since the trail begins just outside of Atlanta and runs through Alabama it is just a highway for crooks who only need a bicycle to take their garbage outside of their hood.

  4. And I still remember getting laid off the first time in July 2007, and people saying....ahhh.....taint nothing, it'll blow over.


    Some people thought I was insane for draining 90% of my retirement- but it saved my ass, and eliminated thousands in interest payments, AND I withdrew before it fell flat on its ass.

    I tried to pull mine out in June. Nope. Plan doesn't allow for it unless you retire from here, quit, or get fired. I just have to sit and watch it all rapidly vaporize.

  5. You should make a topic requesting them and what you need/use them for. I know lots of people on here have lots of extra (no longer played with) stuffed animals.

    I only need about 10 to 20 and you would be horrified if I told you what I was doing with them. :ph34r:

  6. hijack/



    Hey Tabby, I've been missin you :wub:



    Hey, ya want to give me some them thar mayberries ya got? I taint got none.

    I taint in the right clique. ;)


    End hijack/

    I am surprized I'm not shot full of holes considering the people I hang with. Dang redneck, gun toting, stuffed animal shootin.......

  7. I can't seem to take it anymore these day. I have 3 wonderful girl who i love dearly. But grrrrrrrrrr i can't take it sometimes. I clean my house up and cant turn around and its like i didnt do a thing. Toys everywhere i try so hard not to lose my mind but sometimes i just wish i was on a island by myself. the screaming and fighting :wacko:. today just isnt a good day. I feel like crying my eyes out. because really i dont know why. anyways vent over.

    Toys huh. Got any stuffed animals you want to unload? I have a good use for them.

  8. Take the drive up 411 to Chatsworth and turn onto Hwy 52 and go across Ft. Mountain down into Ellijay. You will love the drive and you can go to the apple festival when you get there.

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