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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. Sorry you feel that way..stating facts are bitching...must remember never to state facts. <_<

    I am just saying, everyone bitched about it last year, and yet, here they are, gearing up to go again so they can bitch even more this year. Here's an idea. JUST DON'T GO.


    But, while you are up there be sure to take a good look at the neon baby Jesus so people can keep that silly arsed argument going to.

  2. would this include the snow mountain christmas they have also?>


    I know the snow mountain tickets are 25.00 each...

    I don't know what all is there, but the Adventure Passes are the highest priced ones. I haven't been there in many years. I have 4 more tickets, but I will be using them. Don't need the other 2.

  3. chilli suppers are also good....

    Unfortunately, our chili cookoff was a total bust too. Spent more on ingredients then we made. People just aren't getting out and doing things and spending money like they did last year and before. Charity is usually the first thing to go. I haven't been involved in many rides at all this year either. Been trying to put my life back together. I just haven't had the time or money to do it this year.

  4. Old Town Hiram tree lighting is December 5. Sorry your friends will miss it - it's really great!!! :)

    Yeah, the Marietta Square, Powder Springs, and Acworth are all next week too. Helen is lighting the town this weekend, but that is too far to drive.

  5. I need some ideas for fund raising. We have had yard sales, sold calanders, had a singing. What else can we do in the cold months to raise money to keep food in our church food pantry. We want to do something inside of course. Any ideas? We don't want our pantry to get low during these next few months. Thanks for any ideas.

    Unfortunately, most of our fundraisers this year have been a bust, mainly due to the economy, IMO. The SAL yard sale was a bust, the Hoe Down barely broke even, we only raised 1/5 of last year's amount for the Ride Against Meth, and so far we have had very little response to the Legion for Tots ride and benefit. Times are tough. Our last fish fry did pretty good though.

    Good luck to you. :)

  6. Is there anything going on in Paulding between Nov. 27-29, such as tree lightings or outdoor Christmas celebrations? They are all over Cobb next week, but I have someone coming into town this weekend and I was going to take them to some hokey small town stuff.

  7. Yes I drive nothing but Honda and Toyota. Got to drive something that will last.

    I own a Toyota, a Honda, and a Kawasaki. All solid as a rock. Honda has 180K miles on it. I just drove the company 3/4 Chevy truck out to run and errand. It has only 36K miles and something is clunking in the steering column and the left side front end pops badwhen you go over bumps and speed breakers. It has never been wreaked or damaged in any way either.

    This has pretty much been the norm for American vehicles for a long time. They can't seem to make anything that works right or lasts. I am not spending $20K on junk. I want something that will last for my money. And yes I am a die hard patriotic American, but some things are what they are.

  8. I plan to give some toys to, and participate in, the "Legion for Tots" ride and event we are having on December 6, but other then that, no. I simply do not have it. But my girlfriend, her son, and I did spend all day Saturday packing Chirstmas care packages with the Soldiers Angels. We are shipping 5000 care packages to Georgia troops in Iraq. It didn't cost anything but our time, as everything was donated by corporations, and it may just remind some soldiers that they are not forgotten.

  9. Trees of Kennesaw is highly recommended. We lived there before we bought our first house here in Dallas and I would go back there if we needed to rent again. They do month to month after at least a 3month contract. Gated community. Very family friendly but they do have kids from the college there too.

    Thanks everyone. She is a Kennesaw student.

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