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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. Many newer cars come equipped with electronic data recorders that capture information about speed, steering and brake use in the seconds before a crash. Some cars also feature global positioning (GPS) units that allow us to use satellites to navigate safely on unfamiliar roads. Others include hands-free devices that route cell phone calls through the car's speakers and store records of our contacts and call history.


    These devices make our cars safer and more convenient, but they also collect information about our driving habits and other personal information.

    Does the information being stored belong to the car's owner, the car's manufacturer, the group paying for the information recording, or the govt?


    Should the car's owner be allowed to know exactly what information is collected?


    Should the car's owner be allowed to decide with whom that information is shared?


    Question: so when there is an accident, should the vehicle's data automatically become the property of the law enforcement investigators or the insurance company? After all, if the info is owned by the vehicle's owner, doesn't he have a right to not incriminate himself if the info is to his detriment?

    Explain how exactly these devices make our cars more safer and convenient if they are just recording information? Yes, down the road the information may help auto makers build safer cars, if they can figure out what went wrong in an accident, but they really would do nothing to make that particular car safer or more convenient for a driver now.

    If you look at it this way, the information is really more useful for the auto makers and the government, not the driver/owner. I am sure the driver knows what happened. Or maybe they don't, since most people on the road today seem to have their head up their arse and their ear on a cell phone. I still don't like the idea of anyone collecting information about what I am doing in my car. Pretty soon Big Brother will be watching everything you do.

  2. I really enjoy the place and have started coming regularly for a Guinness and a good sandwich, so I don't want to see it close, but I must admit that taking away the alcohol is likely to kill the place anyway. This is a tough situation. The food is great, but I do like dropping in for a beer and listening to Subby. I sure hope you can work something out.

  3. 401K. That's another problem all together. This is the first company I've worked for that offered it. I still haven't turned it in cuz I have no clue how to do it. LOL I swear I'm such a ditz sometimes.

    Well, mine lost $30K in the past 3 months, so you might as well just keep your money and spend it now. At this rate nothing will be there when we get old.

  4. I am. It's been closed for a long time...they totally re-did it. It's beautiful.

    It was a festering hole when my friend and his rock band played there years ago, but I remember thinking that if someone had the money to invest it had the potential to be a great venue for something.

  5. Remember the Super Chicken??????????????????

    My friend worked there.


    ok..how many of you layed out of school to attend parties at Allatoona Lake???? Does anyone remember?

    Did it. The docks and the points.


  6. My daughter's Honda does the same thing. It was going to cost a fortune to pull the dash apart and replace. I told her to just go with the flow. I think people can pretty much tell when they are speeding.


    As for your problem, I think the speedometer works off magnets and the only way to fix it is replace it. Could be wrong, although it has never happened before.

  7. They will be happy to trade him for Cynthia McKinney before he is there 6 months! :lol:

    They are both idiots. And they are both ugly. They are both ugly idiots.

    He would make a better senator as Stewart Smally, only he is not good enough, he is not smart enough, and dog gone it, he is ugly.

  8. I don't think most people are as stupid as they seem, it is just that the liberal left has taught people that they do not have to be responsible for their actions, be it murder or financial irresponsibility. This has been pounded into people by the liberal left for so long that people no longer bother to even think for themselves. Why should they? If they screw up it will not be their fault and someone else will pick up the pieces (or the bill, in most cases). So why waste brain cells thinking for one's self?

  9. It is debatable what degree of coercion was put on the banking industry by successive administrations and their policies dating back to Carter that lead to the founding of companies like CountryWide Mortgage by David Loeb and other social engineers, but they had to know that at some point it would have to collapse like the ponzie scheme that it was. You can not continue to give mortgages to people who cant afford them, package them with good mortgages, and sell those to banks and other groups as safe financial instruments.


    You can not by the same token convince me that those who took out these mortgages were so stupid as to not see what they were expected to pay, and/or decide that it would be OK to risk spending 50-60% of their income on housing two years after signing. They knew what they were getting into.


    The credit system of this country has been abused, and it collapsed. Unfortunately, we now are all being asked to pay for the folks that would have been on the streets if this had happened 30 years ago. Even those of us who are debt free are suffering as we watch our savings melt and our future given away to rampant inflation after record amounts of money are printed and injected into the corrupt system.


    We have been socially engineered completely away from personal responsibility by the Nanny State and the afternoon lawyers and now expect to be held harmless no matter how stupid or irresponsible we act. This move toward socialism is itself a ponzie scheme as we were reminded of by the Soviets, but we continue on with our head in the sand and our hand held out for the next gift from Papa.

    Damn. Some people in American aren't completely blind and stupid. Thanks.


  10. If it's in your budget, we have one vehicle open for a Christmas light display tour tonight. Grandkids are only young for a short time and I'm sure a surprise like this will leave a lasting impression on her for the rest of her life.


    Our offers are normally only valid for Mon-Fri but since we do have one open for tonight I will still honor the pricing listed below. We have quite a few local favorite locations or we'll venture to Marietta for the Life University display.


    Up to 8 passengers: $220 plus the driver gratuity (for this vehicle a normal 3 hour rental would be $324 w/gratuity included)


    You can reach me directly at 404-245-5236.

    It would be great if a bunch of friends wanted to ride around and partay whilst we stare at lights, but way too much for tonight. Did you see the part about being cheap? LOL

    I will keep you in mind for future outings, and tell my friends.


    You can always put up the Christmas tree & have her help decorate it. :p :ph34r:

    Sounds like a job for the woman of the house. Not much in to the whole decorating/Christmas bit. Dot Scrooge McCom here.

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