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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. My friend David has played in numerous bands since the 80s, and he was DJ-ing as a side job. He is a great MC and has an awesome selection. I have heard him play and DJ many times and I thing he is very good. I can check to see if he is interested if you like.

  2. There are two sides to every story. Maybe I missed it, but you never actually say that you husband caused your injuries, and you admit you have been abusive yourself. Funny how everyone here makes assumptions based on limited information. If you are truly in a bad and physically abusive situation, then taking the time to put it all out on an Internet site is not going to help you. Are you looking for affirmations? You found it here. I am amazed at how many people are making judgements and dishing out radical solutions to a problem as complex as the relationship between an man and a woman when they know little to nothing of the real situation. If you want out, get out. You don't need a bunch of people you have never met to put their stamp of approval on it.

  3. You know, I actually thought the same thing, then I realized the what Arcaidy pointed out. It is putting a severe strain on the US with just the illegals that are here. Imagine what would happen if we had all of them to support. Other than a small amount of oil production, there is nothing the US would gain from it, and we would have 100 fold the people to support than we have now, not to mention all the outrage from the rest of the world. The best thing we can do is lock the border down tight so no more can get in, then use a systematic approach to legalize or deport the ones who are here.

  4. While you are there, be sure to take the short drive over to Mobile and visit the battleship USS Alabama. I thought it was awesome (even though it was raining bad at the time).

  5. I would not worry too much about the whole father thing. Some people are just jerks. You sound like a terrific person, so it likely has nothing to do with you. My whole family is screwed up, and I only have contact with them when I have to. I used to wish they were better people, but I finally realized that I cannot change them, but I don't have to be like them.

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