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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. For some time now I have been wanting to put together some structured safety classes for our riders. I am in the process of getting everything in place and I am hoping I can offer it to the public. Of course, this would be classroom training only, as the liability would be to great to have people on the lot trying to dodge cones. It would be a series of 8 session of about 1 hour each, once a week. At least I hope I can make it go down like that. Anyone out there have any interest in attending something like this? It would have printed material, Power Point presentations, and DVDs about riding techniques and safe and defensive riding practices.

  2. Morning Glassman. Of course we miss you and everyone else that rarely posts these days. Why can't you post from work anymore?

    My company blocked it, along with my personal web mail. I can't look at my personal email to see if someone on Pcom has sent me a PM. Diry corporate bastards.

  3. Dang, It's cold outside. Anyone else sick of these cold blasts? Hope you all have a good day today.

    Good morning eveyone. I am dang tired of these cold blast. It was so windy I could barely keep the bike in the road. I haven't been on much lately because I can no longer post from work. You guys miss me?

  4. Have you ever noticed on here that most of Pcom's population is Divorced, or getting Divorced.. but yet they are Republican's that belive in the "Sanctity of Marriage"??


    its been bothering me on here for sometime now. Someone please explain to me...

    Where the hell did you get that idea? This board is run and controlled by flaming liberials. Don't put us in the mix. LOL

  5. does anyone remember back in the day going to the cutts and 4-wheeling through braswell mtn.? boy i miss those days! that was back when the police just made you poor your beer out instead of going straight to jail. lol

    Been there done that many times, until the asshat WLM banned us from the only fun place left in PC. Sold all my dirt bikes and took to the streets.

  6. I didn't know it closed. I haven't been to it since it was in the old building, but I am sad to see it go. My sister worked there for a time in the 70s. They had a good run.

  7. Ever feel like nothing goes right? Or that noone understands what your trying to say? Is it normal? Just life happening? Sometimes I try my hardest but it is like someone or thing is pulling me over to a "badside"-negative side. A rut. For a long time.I wonder what is it we are really here for and what will truley make a person happy?I just recently met a old friend and I thought I had it rough.SHe told me some things that really made me think-sometimes I can be very selfish-(Unknowingly) until now.Now, I can see it. I just wonder if anyone feels the same way and what do you do to stay positive and be"happy"? Seriously I wanna know.

    :unsure: :(

    I think most people are not happy because they look for it through others or material things. Happiness comes from within. Having a lot of good friends really helps though. I have had a really good year since I met all my friends at the Legion.

  8. Update: This ride will be stopping by Mt. Tabor Park for the Dallas Angels game. This is a chance to support a special needs ball team and a school in our county on one ride. Let's do it people!

  9. Join us for the Ride for Reading at New Georgia Elementary School, Saturday, March 29th. Registration at 9am, KSU at 10am. $25 per bike. All proceeds go to buy books for the media center. Scrabble run, food, raffles, fun, all for a great cause. You bike dudes don't want to miss this one.

  10. Bumping this up for anyone who wants to stand the flag line for this fallen hero from 6pm to 7pm tomorrow night (Friday). You don't have to be a member of the PGR or Legion, just show up with a flag and a deep respect for those who fought for your freedom.

  11. This is my wife's great uncle. If any Patriot Guard or ALR members are reading this, I want to form a flag line outside the funeral home Friday evening from 6pm to 7pm in honor of Mr Crowe's service in the war. He served under General Patton. Definately one of the Greatest Generation. I have the honor of helping to carry this great hero to his final post. A sad job for sure, but an honor none the less.

  12. The Cartersville airport was hit in the tornados today (or at least that's what the ex told me--he lives up there). I wonder if that's going to alter these plans...:unsure:

    I don't know. I sure hope not. We had big plans for this, but you never know what the weather will do. That is why the pilot did not want to bring Justin in today. With his head injuries he does not need to be subjected to the turbulance. I hope he will make it tomorrow, but I have not heard anything about it today.

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