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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. I used to laugh at all the really heavy, furry costumes that you could find at Walmart/Sam's etc. This year they would be great, but you never know. Years ago my son was a zombie, I got really creative with his costume and we spent good money on his mask at Eddie's Trick Shop in Marietta. We had pouring rain that night - he and his friend came home early, but it was still fun. And I still use the mask for my outdoor decorations which are now blown over from the wind!
  2. LOL, apparently I'm the only Halloween slacker here.
  3. That still needs to carve my pumpkins (3) and buy Halloween candy for all the Trick or Treaters that I probably won't have, LOL. Just in case I do try to be prepared in case we get one or two. And this wind is wreaking havoc on my other outdoor Halloween decorations, but things could be worse, I know.
  4. Preemptive strike - so many threads that have nothing to do with politics seem to end up that way.
  5. Please get past all your political stuff - there are a lot of people in this path - and don't tell me that you don't live there so no big deal. Even if you don't have family there, this will impact you, i.e. Wall Street, etc.
  6. Pretty decent crowd at Mt. Tabor Park, but it moved pretty fast.
  7. Anybody know about the wait at Mt. Tabor Park?
  8. I love the Pioneer Woman, but her recipe for chili is not appealing to me at all. Then again, I think chili is a special, sacred recipe for each and everyone.
  9. Red beans & rice. Started soaking the beans last night and today they've been cooking with a good old fashioned ham bone. Add all the spices, etc. it should be good!
  10. It has always been said that he made a point of somehow showing up in his movies. It took me forever but after years and years I finally spotted him in an uncut version of "The Birds". Tonight Hubby and I were watching "Dial M for Murder" - I've seen that movie numerous times, but Hubby finally actually spotted him. I'm sure that somewhere on Google you can find all the instances, but that takes all the fun out of it. Anyway, next time you watch one of his movies see if you can spot him.
  11. I am by no means a prude, but this looked so darned obvious I'm surprised the auto parts place hasn't called the cops - except that it may generate business for them in addition to these girls.
  12. Hubby and I stopped at an auto parts place (national chain) at Crossroads. At the side of the building there was a young girl/woman sitting in her car dressed in a very short red dress hiked way up, black knee length boots, legs splayed with one foot on the dash talking on her cell. Next to her was another girl in a tight knit, low cut top, in front of another car talking with some guys. It is probably quite innocent, because girls/young women hang out at auto places all the time dressed liked that, especailly not in front but on the side area of the business. Anyway...........the same
  13. I'm going with disgruntled employee or someone had bad hygiene. (Sorry) - condolences for the families.
  14. What kind of accidents - and why is EP such an accident prone place? I swear the road was much safer when it was named Dragstrip. Of course, that was back when the county was still small, the high school had not been open, etc. Still, my heart goes out to any involved, and I'm waiting for my hubby to come home - we live off EP/Mt. Tabor, etc.
  15. I'm also curious about old socks that can be knotted and turned into chewy toys. I've got tons.
  16. I really don't mean to sound snarky, and I'm very sorry that someone died, but...............why does this particular shooting warrant "breaking news"? I know, it's a "mega" church but still.
  17. I'm sure the dad is going to regret this for the rest of his life. I worked for a man who bought his daughter a high powered car right after she got her license aat 16. Day before Thanksgiving - her sisters were in the back seat - she got distracted, over compensated and flipped the car. She died, the younger sisters survived, but I don't think the dad will ever let it go (feeling somehow responsible). My son's 1st vehicle was a huge old Ford F150 truck and manual (which I still can't do), but thankfully it was safe and he knows how to drive both a shift and an automatic. Anyway....
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