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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. No comparison to Little Caesar's, at least not the one we ate at in Savannah. Happy to know there will be one kind of relatively close.
  2. Aren't roaches or mealworms pure protein? I could marinate them too, but I don't want to eat them. I keed, enjoy your dinner, now where is that cat.................
  3. My butt was born in Maine, and I'm the one who started the thread about mealworms. Too late for me to get ribs going, but the dogs and cats are thawed....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............I do have taco seasoning.
  4. kingr at,s fohs I'm thinking red eyed gravy and homemade biscuits,homemade hushpuppies, or just cook the dogs, they're thawed. Joke years ago with my son. "Hey Mom, what's for dinner"? "Well, Leo's thawed". Our cat,and it was a big joke from a tired Mommy who was working tax season in downtown Atlanta.
  5. Wow, anyway, it was the warning on the package, and I thought it was funny. Maybe I should have said that's what we're doing for dinner, or the male bluebird belongs to one political party and the female just the opposite. Do these tail feathers make me look fat?
  6. The more you know................................ But, we have, apparently, a bluebird couple nesting in one of our birdhouses that may be OK with them!
  7. Was it on the special he did with Frank Sinatra?
  8. I'll second this! And the pictures on the wall in the back are worth seeing too. Apparently the owner used to be a driver/body guard for Frank Sinatra back in the day.
  9. Where did the stone statues on Easter Island come from? or Who really was Jack the Ripper?
  10. I paid $4.59 a lb. for mine at Sam's, and Publix had them for $4.99 a lb.
  11. True, I should have read the description all the way through. Sounds interesting.
  12. So, it's basically Marshall's it sounds like.
  13. We have an airport......................
  14. At what time, really wanted to try this place, but their hours are not what they are showing on their website. At 9:05 the doors were locked and there was one car in the parking lot, guessing it was the owner. Give me a reason to try them again and I will, but they need to also.
  15. I saw that this morning. What a great tribute.
  16. Tried to eat there this morning. Got there at 9:05, flashing "Open" sign was on but the locked doors said otherwise.
  17. Just hunt for Jerry Springer on your dial. Not sure what's happened to Dr. Phil, but his topics sure have changed over the last few years.
  18. We've been hearing it on the news for over a week now. I'm tired of getting my hopes up for nothing.
  19. At this point, I'll believe it only when I see it.
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