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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. And how many Americans would be willing to fill these jobs if these people are deported. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/12/poultry-workers-denied-bathroom-breaks-forced-to-wear-diapers-report-claims.html?intcmp=hpbt2 I also don't think I'll look at chicken in the grocery store the same way again.
  2. Nope, they're too busy drinking scotch and brandy while their wives are drinking wine.
  3. I'm not even sure how this can be a political argument, unless you're stoned.
  4. Or OxyContin.........
  5. Didn't think they were looking for more voters, just figured they were more laid back and fun.
  6. Beautiful, and great words to live by!
  7. There's also that Lost Mtn. Nursery on Dallas Hwy.
  8. Pretty sure that one's been closed for several years also.
  9. Then stay away from the Top Golf places, although if you can handle your alcohol consumption or abstain completely, it's a great time. There's one in Midtown and one in Alpharetta. So much fun, but if you're tipsy you could easily go over the edge, in more ways than one. Still wanting to go back soon. We think, and are hoping, that they are adding one to the giant sports complex in Emerson.http://topgolf.com/us/atlanta/
  10. I still have a ton of them. Can't bring myself to just throw them away.
  11. It was a very educational magazine, and their photographers were some of the best in the world. HMMM....Well, they did know and still do the best shots when it comes to nature.
  12. Well, it was before the internet, that's all some kids could enjoy, but what an educational experience!
  13. Wasn't there some thing that came out years ago with the catalog and somebody showing a bit too much in the men's underwear ad? And I thought young males were all about the pictures in National Geographic, if you know what I mean, and I think you do:)
  14. We moved to Woodstock in the 80's, '83 to be exact. 575 stopped at Hwy. at 92. And that was for sure before Town Center!
  15. We did the same for my son's Christmas' except the one at Town Center, not Mableton. And I remember when I wanted an old fashion rain coat for him, the plain yellow without "characters" on it. Sears was the only place that had them.
  16. when I was a kid we would take the catalog and go page by page, and you had to pick one thing on each page and pick what you'd buy, no matter if you really liked it or not. Mainly the clothes and toys, we were kids an didn't care about the rest of the stuff. Sad, you used to be able to buy entire house kits from Sears. That was way before my time, but interesting.
  17. Italian beef? Will have to check it out!
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