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Everything posted by lisamples6

  1. 27 years ago I had 4 teeth pulled and my teeth are still beautiful today and I only wore them for 2 years and my sister had the head gear for 2 years and her teeth are still very beautiful today. The old fashioned way worked back then, sometimes these new fancy things they are doing is just trying to get more money out of ya.
  2. We also use Thompson Ins for our business policy as well!
  3. Allergy Shots.... Seriously one of the Doctors I work for had a constant cold and he went to an allergist and started shots he says he feels 100% better
  4. I forgot about Dr Lamberson! He is great also!! He put my sons hand back together after a football accident, took care of his fx clavicle from another injury. He is with pinnacle ortho
  5. I had my shoulder "worked on" as well about 5 yrs ago too. I used Dr. Simon with resurgens in Douglasville , he was the BEST!! I had a old injury from pulling on a pt about 10 yrs ago and then I did a superman out the back door where someone left something on the steps , anyway got to the point where it hurt 24/7 and I could barely move it. Went to him and one xray and he didnt beat around the bush - he said I had to have surgery to remove the build up of "gunk" under my rotator cuff. 6mths of PT and I am 100% . I loved him he was very knowledgeable and was the best with the cortisone s
  6. PT can help alot- Just because you don't have an injury to the bone doesn't mean that you didn't injure the many ligaments, tendons and muscles in the hip area. I had therapy on my shoulder for 6 mths after I had surgery and it was like a free massage everytime I went( I said kinda free until I got the bill later but worth it!). My shoulder would not be 100% if I didn't. If he doesn't feel like you need an MRI then you don't need one and it would be unneccesary and expensive( my ins charges an extra $100). My son had PT on his upper arm after he fractured his clavicle helps wonders for all
  7. My hubby is throwing a huge party for mine - I told him to start planning now- mines in oct
  8. My stepson works at K mart and their management told them they are not closing. Also some other store is moving in the kroger building
  9. Apparently y'all are going to the wrong doctors.
  10. At all Tanner owned physician offices she can see the doctor and apply for assistance through the foundation at the hospital. They go by income and work with the pt for payment. Actually all hospitals have to do this if they want specific funding. PM me if you want more specific information or the list of Tanner Doctors
  11. the news reporter last night said a tractor trailer was "highjacked" on 75 and backed up traffic for miles
  12. You can go on paulding.gov and to the government tab and then to sheriffs office then to citizens traffic enforcement
  13. Everybody's advice sounds great but one thing that has not been mentioned is if you dont file and just quit paying on you cards they WILL take you to court and they WILL be awarded a judgement against you then they can garnish your wages (even if you dont have any right now) when you start working again, as well as put a lien on your house.
  14. I had a doctor that I loved going to but this one day he must've been having a bad day. I had injured my shoulder yrs prior and it had started hurting again (after I dove out of the back door) so I go see my doc and tell him that it hurts he gives me exercises to do ...anyway I go back not getting any better and tell him it hurts like it did before and i had therapy then and would he give me a referral to an ortho and he says " If you weren't FAT you wouldn't have this problem" I was stunned ( I'm about 30 lbs overweight ) Well , I fired him on the spot made an appointment with a new PCP
  15. Wow - that is alot. I have always paid $55 for cut and one color or $75 if I wanted 2 colors since she has to do foils then
  16. Advice and Advise I need advice and Please advise-
  17. My husband and I did ours and we were so proud of how it turned out and we received quotes of about 5k and we did it for under a thousand. I recommend renting the nailer from home depot and the jam saw . we got the best deal for hardwords at floor and decor in kennesaw
  18. My stepson spells tomorrow - tomarrow drives me crazy!
  19. They did give him some advice for some other things to do and I thought it was funny they told him to post it here as well.
  20. Yeah he got the tag number the other day, he pulled over to let the idiot pass by and the idiot had to stop at the stop sign at 92 - So he called the SO and gave them the tag number -they said there was nothing that they could do unless they saw him do it. They also told him to call and "IF" they had someone in the area they would dispatch them but your right by time they get there hes all the way to DC. He did try adjusting his time- 5 - 10 mins earlier and still crosses paths with this idiot. What worries me is when my hubby rides his motorcycle- he was tailgating him then.
  21. Every morning on my husband's way to work a white minivan gets behind him and tailgates him. In addition my husband says he sees him(or her) cross over ridge from garmon and runs the stop signs..... then when he turns on to hwy 92 S the person flies past him like he is standing still. This idiot needs to be off the roads. This summer he got behind my hubby when he was on his motorcycle and would not back off. If anybody else sees this call and report them. Maybe we can get this person off the roads
  22. OMG ! I completely agree! everyone keep saying "oh piece of cake" I'm glad I had it done I wish someone in advance wouldve told me the TRUTH about what to expect. I would have still done it. So at least you know in advance.
  23. You could have early voted at the Poplar Springs church near nebo and 92 for weeks in advance they were open til 7pm on tues and thurs. that's exactly what we did to eliminate the waiting in line issue
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