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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Cabe


    Mizcue! Prayers for a swift recovery. Thinking of you and miss you! Please let me know if I can do anything!
  2. FAVS: merle's, Hiram Coffee House, Sal's, the Mexican restaurants MacFarlane's, Phat Phil's
  3. Thank you! I'll have to sneak over without the guys!
  4. Can you hold them for me until the weekend?
  5. How many pair in size L do you have?
  6. I'm been getting a "line 139 error" not sure what that is! But, I'm able to stay on and I farmed!
  7. I was a little taken aback by it myself. As I said, never done it, never will.
  8. Nope, never did it. Won't do it. I would be embarrassed to admit how many times I've put my kids back in bed tonight. Still wouldn't lock them in there. I heard a child psychiatrist on TV a few weeks ago (he's written a new book, don't remember right now) who advised locking children in their rooms for bedtime. I shared the info with my sister because I thought some of what he said made sense, but specifically stated I simply couldn't see myself doing this one at all.
  9. Mine attacked me when I was pregnant with my daughter. I didn't have the severe pain and other symptoms that some mention. I was sick at my stomach a lot, but I was pregnant and just brushed it off as pregnancy. I had some aches, etc. but nothing severe. They did the ultrasound about a month before she was born, but didn't want to take it out while I was pregnant unless it was absolutely necessary. Then ended up having it out when she was about 5 weeks old. Recovery was quick. Good luck to you!!!
  10. And the Fulton County people tell their convicted sex offenders, who can't find a place to live in Fulton, to move to Paulding. Fact.
  11. BTW, I watch Paula, I don't bother with "the view".
  12. Congratulations! Girls are awesome but then again, so are boys! And, I love the name too!
  13. I thought (based on what I read) that you had to be denied your insurance coverage first. I'm waiting on an insurance adjuster to come out. She's just called tonight to schedule and is coming out this weekend. So, if your basement isn't considered "primary living space" it isn't covered under FEMA?
  14. Can't go without getting a caramel apple.
  15. Just droppin' in to say . . . I HATE COLD WEATHER!
  16. You said you'd be there! I even brought the husband along. You missed it, I was looking good!
  17. Oh, you have nothing to be embarrassed about! We enjoyed it too. Always good to see you!
  18. I was just speaking from experience. Gave birth to 2 boys, gained a LOT with both and got a really big butt. The girl, stayed so sick I actually lost weight and went home in the same size clothes I started in.
  19. My husband never fails with that one. I did with my first, it was really fun that way! On that note, I'll vote boy. but, I really need to know . . . is your butt getting bigger? girls don't do that to the butt.
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