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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. I have seen them in the grassy area in front of McDonald's too. Saw this on the Mom's blog on the website (her last entry): So they just moved to Paulding last summer??
  2. My friend's husband worked yesterday, got called back in before he got home good, then worked until 11am today. These guys have been really working hard.
  3. What percentage of cops commit crimes? Maybe 1 percent? I don't know. What % of the US population commits a crime? Wonder how it compares? Just wondering.
  4. Cabe


    I would LOVE it! The night we went we saw the young lady who had been my daughter's coach at the Hiram HS cheer camp that week. If that is your daughter she is an absolutely delightful young woman!!! You should be very proud! Our waiter was a young man who's company I enjoyed as well. The overall dining experience was nice.
  5. Cabe


    No, it wasn't knee jerk. The same question had already been asked and answered. AND I NEVER SAID it would make the business better or others inferior, I simply said I enjoyed my dining experience.
  6. Cabe


    Did you read the rest of what was written before you popped that off? Obviously, to her, it is. And, quite frankly, for my family, it made dining in their restaurant a very pleasant experience. I went ahead and quoted BS for ya.
  7. Check with Starr&Dru'sNana. I purchased some from her at her yard sale and she still had some more. She might still have them.
  8. We've grilled everything for 2 weeks, even the squash. We had grilled burgers yesterday and all I had thawed was more ground beef. I've done so much laundry today, I forgot to thaw the chicken.
  9. My son has company, so we ordered pizza. Well that and I haven't cleaned the kitchen from lunch. I hate cooking in a dirty kitchen.
  10. It's okay. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Thankfully, agreeing with me is NOT a friendship requirement. I'm going to go ahead and ASSUME that SWAT was called BECAUSE he was a police officer and it was known he would have guns.
  11. My apologies. I was simply referring to those who wanted the information published.
  12. Maybe you should be-friend a few police officers and confirm that.
  13. Except that said police officer loses his job. And if he WASN'T a police officer it would NOT have made paulding.com.
  14. It really wasn't bad, and we were inside BHS park. If you've never seen Contagious, you should really go next year. They are good and a lot of fun. We've seen them there 3 years in a row. Contagious
  15. Not using Boost, but I've been a Sprint customer for years. I have very few coverage problems. They are generally in the very low lying areas in Paulding. Sprint also uses the Verizon towers.
  16. You mean HERE? You tried to make it a democrat/republican issue then too.
  17. No need for reminders. I ALWAYS give the right of way to a funeral procession. I go above and beyond what the law requires. You started out trying to make a case that city and county authorities were deliberately and unlawfully disobeying a presidential proclamation. (Just like you did when Kennedy passed.) When you were shown AGAIN that city and county officials weren't required to lower the flag, you chose to make it a "respect" issue. So, which is it?
  18. I was referring specifically to local governments. I don't have a flag pole in my front yard so it's not personal for me. What I do when a funeral procession passes is personal to me.
  19. You have given us nothing that indicates they are required to do so. "Served his nation"?? When I think of that, I think military, not congressional representatives. I'd rather focus on terms limits than 50 years in Washington. And I really don't care how much "tit for tat" you choose to play. Honestly, I don't even recall if it was lowered for Reagan. And that's one of the few who would really even matter to me.
  20. The above would indicate that only federal offices were required to do so.
  21. Along the same lines, why that long? Why not simply the day of burial? Why expect every state/city/town in the US to fly at half staff for a WV senator?
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