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Everything posted by Davis

  1. Yes. That is the difference in small and large companies. I have mainley worked small copany jobs and as long as my work was done and I wanted to check my e-mail or whatever I could. No biggie. I can understand how some ppl don't get crap done at work b/c they talk and text all day. I think my last co-workers phone wrang more than the office phone. That got on my last nerve. Anyhoo, I asked for suggestions. If nobody knows we can close. I'm not here to discuss work and phones. I simply wanted to know if there was something i could do so my phone doesn't die. That is all. Have a wonderful nigh
  2. Working is for the bees. Lol I just want to be able to text. I don't think it is my phone. Nobody gets service here. Well in one special spot I can but it has to be in the exact spot. Oh well. I'll keep researching lol
  3. I think my work has our building under lock down. Does anyone know how to get service. My phone always says searching. It is driving me nuts. I'm thinking im just screwed but if any computer/ tech ppl know a secret please share. I can go outside and use my phone fine. It is only in the building and it is only a 2 story building. I know sometimes in high building you can have trouble. I think it is more of our company doesn't want you on your phone while at work. LOL anyhoo, any tips are appreciated.
  4. OH MY!!! I missed dinner. That sounds so delicious.
  5. Legion road and east memorial drive. Driver is having diabetic issue.
  6. I am listening to a chase with the person driving weaving lanes and speeds up to 60. They are gonna pit his azz. lol. so entertaining Make that stop sticks. This is better than TV. Thank Police Officer for what you do.
  7. Davis


    We had a BLAST!!!!! Grave digger rules but I was upset my fav driver was not there. Blue thunder.
  8. Davis


    Yes Yes and Yes to the earplugs. You will have a blast. But did I say YES to the earplugs. It is sooooo loud. And no worries you will be plenty high to see the action. Those are great seats. Enjoy.
  9. Frozen pizza and a salad. Atleast its buffalo style chicken. Something different.
  10. Davis


    Great seats. We are section 129 row 33. I'm soooo excited. We go every year and get a hotel so we don't have to fight the madness of leaving. We will be staying at the omni at the CNN center this year. Its our once a year outting since we never go on vacations or anything. Did I mention how excited I am. WOOHOO. My redneck side gets to come out and play.
  11. Davis


    Great. Thanks for the advise. Enjoy.
  12. I'm so excited. Can't wait. I get to take my fav. nephew this year. Who is going and where you sitting? Anyone going to the pit pass thing? First year for us going to the pit. Anything we should know...do????
  13. Anyone know what kind of white van? Like a work van or mini van?
  14. I third Green Acres. They redid out bottom and put a liner in for around $4600. Everyone else watnted 6-7K. They did GREAT work too.
  15. What is the typical middle child act like? Just curious? I'm the middle but never heard of a "typical middle child" lol
  16. I start a new job tomorrow and am nervous. I feel like I HAVE to drive and go in so I don't loose the job. I'm sure glad to be back to work but i'll be the first to admit I freak out in this weather.
  17. Do they have a website. I might go there tonight but wanted to see the menu. Thanks.
  18. I shred carrotts, zuchinni, whatever into my pasta sauce. She never knows its there.
  19. Nice. But I agree....wayyyy to early. Besides that I LOVE your house. lol
  20. I will be opting out...of Hartsfield PERIOD!!!! I don't fly.
  21. We had chili that hubs made. I don't cook as much anymore. Usually whatever you grab is your dinner (can of soup, ramen, TV dinner........) Cooking is so overrated. Seriously, after many years of me just cooking i'm burnt out. I use to make a 3 course meal evreynight. Screw that. Seriously, I do still cook "sometimes" though when I feel like it but it only happens once in a blue moon. Weird thing is I really LOVE me some food network. Maybe b/c its not me doing the cooking.
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