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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. It's a public forum, full of people with opinions. Sometimes you get more than you asked for. ;)


    I think the information here was valuable and in no way mean spirited. Every parent should read all the facts of a drug before giving it to their children. People were just trying to help.



    oh i know i know...i was basing my response on her response (post 17) that seemed a little frustrated


    i can see her coming on here ( public board viewed by thousands ) to get the maximum number of responses to be sent by pm in private


    i didnt view any of the responses as mean spirited

  2. QUOTE


    EDITORIAL/LETTERS Monday, May 20, 1 996 page A14

    The New York Times


    Whose Attention Disorder Does Ritalin Treat?


    To the Editor:


    Re "Boom in Ritalin Sales Raises Ethical Issues" (Health page, May 15): The stimulant Ritalin treats the needs of health professionals, parents and teachers rather than the needs of children


    You report that experts say "the drug helps anyone to concentrate, whether or not they have a neurological problem." Yet you quote them as agreeing that there is a bona fide neurological syndrome, attention deficit disorder. The experts also contend that they can determine who does and who does not have this "disease."


    In fact, there is no medical, neurological or psychiatric justification for the A.D.D. diagnosis. The key "symptoms" include such behavior as "often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat," "often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected" and "often has difficulty awaiting turn."


    Many factors could lead a child to behave in this manner, including a spirited, creative nature that defies conformity, inconsistent discipline or lack of unconditional love, boring and oversized classrooms, an overstressed teacher, lack of teacher attention to individual educational needs, anxiety due to abuse or neglect at home or elsewhere, conflict and communication problems in the family and misguided educational and behavioral expectations for the child.


    In my own clinical experience, many such children are energetic, creative and independent youngsters struggling within the constraints of an inattentive, conflicted or stressed adult environment. Thus we end up drugging our best and our brightest.


    Attention deficit disorder does not reflect children's attention deficits but our lack of attention to their needs.



    Director, Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology

    Bethesda, Md., May 15, 1996




    how can a child with add not be the best and brightest....try absorbing ten times the info an average child would in the same amount of time....it is a REAL problem....if drugs work, im all for em

  3. I am looking for some moms to talk to about ADHD and other behavior problems. Please PM me if you're interested. I need some advice. Thanks



    as a sufferer of adhd myself i thought i might want to go back to the original post to verify.....thought i might have in my inability to concentrate on things...missed something


    she did not ask for forum responses or opinions...she asked for advice from moms to be sent by pm

  4. if you cant do the time dont do the crime....to me that means the whole thing even after release with society not appreciating you being nearby....should have thought about the stigma while trying to get off with a kid...dont give a damn if he is old and helpless...makes the crime no less criminal


    how come no one asks how the kid is now?


    also i dont understand the ok by me if he was 19 and she was 16....statutory rape is still rape...unless the 19 yr old guy is a complete and total idjit he knows it is illegal to be with a minor...ILLEGAL..go to jail and dont call me for sympathy...sniff sniff....yea bcheeze

  5. hmmm...i have an idea


    five dollars per guess


    guessing ends this coming friday at noon


    a post with a guess = you owe 5 bucks...dont guess unless you can pay...the proof is the post


    the winning guess gets half of the $...if more than one guess is correct half of the $ goes equally to those winning guessers


    the other half of the $ goes as a donation to the paulding county humane society


    her screenname is horsegirl....seems like this would make her an animal lover....100 guesses=$500...or $250 to the winner/s..and $250 to the pchs



  6. Can someone explain to me why the satellite view of Lake Acworth looks like a mud puddle?






    i know when flying i am back in ga when all of the lakes/ponds look like mud puddles....has to do with what the bottom is composed of, the depth of the water, and the content of the water ie sediment, tannic acid, etc...


    florida lakes/ponds appear blue when seen from above...


    best option around atlanta for the clearest lake would be the overcrowded lake sidney lanier

  7. Your too funny today Lesley. My husband made the same comment. He stated that it must have been a certain ethnic group and that almost everyone knows not to run a generator inside the house.


    Sorry they died though.





    holier than thou idiots?


    insensitive aholes?

  8. involuntary is kind of misleading....these marines were on active duty and chose to go inactive for the rest of their enlistment...they are just doing what they took an oath to do...being recalled is part of what they knew might come about and im sure they are proud to go help....


    headline makes it sound like they are being forced to do something they had no idea could happen...like they are being drafted and that is just not the case

  9. sounds like a good idea...people should always try to work doing something they love...


    dont know from your posts the degree you wish to take this enterprise so just wanted to respond that other things to consider when setting your price is that it can be modified if you find it less/more than fair once started


    also might need to look into whether or not you planned to be licensed, the taxes you might encur, the added expense of the trip to and from at 3+ per gallon, possibile liabilities( i cant think of one for this type of business but i am sure there is something)


    whether or not you plan to incorporate....etc....


    hard to decide what to charge at this point...you might want to do a test run and keep accurate records as to your final times and expenses...then adjust accordingly


    good luck!

  10. I completely disagree! There may be some who give all attorneys a bad name, just as a grumpy cashier at Walmart can, but I don't think you see what attornies do for their communities on a local level, the many hours spent on volunteer work, hours donated to legal aid, etc. And, most, do not have political aspirations! I, personally, think it's wrong to make such blanket statements about any group (ok, except car salemen! :D )



    you gonna pass that over this away or just keep it all to yourself?

  11. humm unusual to hear of a lawyer being a sheister....



    complain to the state bar...they are your best hope...get all of your paperwork, contracts, etc in order to express your complaint with details...send to the lawyer in question a letter requesting a DETAILED billing to this point..send it certified mail, return reciept requested, and have it required to be signed for...


    then if you can find a lawyer willing to sue another ( which can be hard )...do so

  12. our biggest issue is keyboard replacement....about once every three months or so it gets coffeeed



    quarter most likely will not cause any harm...but i would unplug, remove cover, and at least see if i could get my money back....heck thats like half a can of coke, almost

  13. You all know that someone on here has been seeking attention by attacking a situation which needs love and support instead of callous insensitivity.


    Anyone who would use an event like this to boost their own little pride must be a very sad person to start with. I guess we have just paid too much attention to the families of these children and to the wellbeing of the two boys injured. We should all spend a few minutes having a pity party for those feeling left out.





    i have seen this type of thing before in a serious situation like this...couldnt figure it out then...cannot figure it now based on my past perception of said folks.which was good..might be more cause to it than just this situation....some folks get desensitised for various reasons...good or bad...right or wrong...this as pubby said might just be their way of coping with something that hurts them also...

  14. I ordered pizza tonight around nine. When it wasn't here at ten-o-five like they said I waited twenty mins. .. and called to see what time was it going to here. Okay they said it hasn't even left the building yet. So I ask okay has it been made yet, they responed YES, So I ask when is it going to leave he said I don't know! I said well I would like to know or I will just order somewhere else. He puts me on hold and comes back to say it is leaving now. I asked is it going to be hot, he said yes they have heat bags so it will be fine. Okay after 30mins... it finally gets here. The lady comes to my door and says Oh, I'm so sorry it has taken so long I was robbed tonight and it put everything late. I said Oh My God!!! What happened, she said She was at Greystone subdivision (by the water company)at another customers door when a black male approched her and took all of her money! PLEASE BE CAREFULL ANYTIME YOU ORDER PIZZA you never know what will happen. Sorry for the long post! The worker was okay!!!




    yea...your delivery driver might get robbed



    hopefully the authorities will catch this fool before someone gets hurt over 20 bucks......

  15. should have been escorted down and inspected by force....if iran wants to be involved in this lets at least put their name on the dance card...bunch of hide behind the burka types...seems to be the theme over there...take a shot...then hide behind a kid..or a grandmother....sneaking missiles....but too skittish to admit it...cowardly....but expected

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