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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. could you perhaps offer cleaning services locally as a type of job?


    one house at 60 bucks x 5 days a week = 300 a week


    two at 60 per day = 120 day x 5 days =600 a week


    4.3 weeks a month=2580 per month avg


    just a thought


    i did it myself back in the younger days


    not instant...but ya gotta do what ya gotta do

  2. Yeah, too bad that story isn't available at the MyFoxAtlanta.com site.


    For those who got the shots probably had to sign something like a contract that they agree ONLY to share positive stuff about it and get paid.







    by the way....mark rosenthal is my little brother....you can see my mom, one of my sisters, and my sil also on this segment....proud of em for trying...also for getting the word out to the i team

  3. Be sure this is what you want! I traded in my Yukon XL - commuting downtown was killing us - for a minivan. After two months I decided I couldn't do it and got rid of it. I have a Chrysler Pacifica - seats six and is a little sportier! Good Luck on your decision!



    pacifica is a very nice choice...just short on the luggage area...or at least the one we rented was


    but a sweet ride


    well get a used on then, a used honda is better than a new dodge anyday! :lol:




    that is funny lol





    you are joking arent ya?

  4. My opinion? It all comes down to buying votes. Regardless of party, seems like all Washington is after is whose vote they can purchase. By giving money to the families of those who lost loved ones in 9/11, they were purchasing votes of many, many New Yorkers, as well as many other Americans who hurt for their loss.


    Oh... and don't be talkin' 'bout Michael! Do you wanna be startin' something? :angry2: :o




    you think americans that lost loved ones political posistions can be changed based on a payout?


    knowing how america is nowadays....i most likely agree



    but i didnt know democrats could be that easily swayed

  5. I have always found it, well, suspicious that the government paid out this money. Why? What responsibility where they therefore accepting by doing so for the actions of 9/11? To me, when you pay out money like this, you're doing so for a reason. Sorta like Michael Jackson and all his millions of dollars in pay outs --- know what I mean? It has never made a lot of sense.

    As for Anthony Coulter -- it's in his ever consistent nasty delivery I think. Otherwise, he's an ugly man in drag... who cares! :p





    i kinda get what you are saying in a roudabout way....but if you could fine tune it i would appreciate it


    so basically we are worried how much a soldier's family gets after they are killed fighting for freedom?


    then lets figure out what freedom is worth

  6. if you're unsure then call the councelor at the school and talk to them....they'll be able to talk to the child and the teachers of the child to see if there are any behavioral signs that signs of abuse...


    once it's reported to the school it's on them to report it to DFACS.....failure to report is a crime.

    just a suggestion for a round-about-way to deal with the situation




    totally agree with this


    just suggest that a follow up call to the counselor be placed soon after

  7. any one of you geniouses that think a punch in the arm is ok are the same fools that would sue the heck out of a stranger that walked up and did the same to them


    nothing cool about it..it is just wrong when done to a child


    cmon lemme punch you



    ive wrestled around with my kids many times....but pain was not part of it



  8. what happens is the good hotels get a good rep and everyone goes....the place is busy and just like anything else...gets hammered....then it gets a bad rep...and either they cough up the saved cash to renovate....or they have no funds coming in now and cannot renovate...and it stays crap


    think five year old rental car...nice at first...but then

  9. My son has a 1999 bayou 220. It runs great. However it has a leaky oring in the rear. The part will cost $5.00 to fix. It also needs breaks. We just keep it full of rear end dope and it does fine. Also comes with repair manual. If you think you might be interested pm me and I will send price. I'm not a paying member yet so can't list price.




    are you crazy?

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