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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I know several kids are planning to contact him or visit today. Someone needs to do some screening. The kids will have a hard time if Ryan asks them.


    I'm glad to hear he is doing okay. If anyone sees him, tell him the crazy curly red-headed drummer's mom or the old middle school teacher with a "Socially Challenged" drummer daughter is worried about him. Shoot! I confused myself there.


    Just let Ryan know his old teachers and friends love him and are praying for a speedy recovery.



    just a thanks to you psychomom for all you have done to help this situation....you are a good person :)

  2. BUMP!!!!


    My son still needs a job.


    He is available during the day if someone else can pick him up or I can take him if it is after 6pm.


    He has put in several applications but no luck yet.




    NOT trying to be rude here but unless there is a great reason for quitting school at sixteen i havent heard of, he might as well get used to the no luck yet part....


    his job needs to be going to school...maybe a part time job in the eve/weekends


    sorry if there is a medical/personal/or something else reasonable reason for his quitting school

  3. Would you like someone posting your bsuiness woes on the air? :(



    uhhh you had an apparent customer start the thread stating there was an eviction notice on the door..see post 1


    then you have an instructor come on and state the said business is still open and that it was all a misunderstanding...see post 8


    then sparky comes on asking if i would like someone posting my business woes on the air....


    since i just used the info given to GUESS at what happened...you can do the same regarding my business woes



    take a guess....you might be right...you might be wrong...either way it will not affect me in the least





    either way when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.....i hope you sit it out

  4. I agree with Sparx, how rude, that is noone elses business. What happened to, if you can't say something nice, say nothing.



    i was just guessin based on the info provided in the post...kinda like im guessin you are a touchy type who cant follow his own advice

  5. the world can be an evil place....makes me wonder how many other kids he may have raped/killed and just walked away from in southeast asia because he could....this type of predator needs public castration/slow death as his earthly punishment

  6. I am a instructor at Elite Dance studio and will let you know that the studio is not closed. Classes reusme on Thursday August 17. The problem which was due to miscommunication has been resolved. Thank you for the comments about watching our dancers perform and the company will be performing many times throughout the 2006-2007 dance year.



    translation: the owner didnt pay rent on time/ or refused to pay for some reason and the landlord started eviction procedures....but now money has been paid and all is well...nothing to see here move/dance along

  7. just hold on to the coins in question for say ten or twenty times as long as it took you to ask if they are worth anything...and age and rarity will most likely make it so



    if you know what the proper description of the coin is you can just google it or ebay it for a starting estimate

  8. If this was sponsored by the Republican Party how was the county involved? Being a Paulding County taxpayer I don't think my county taxpayer dollars should be spent on a political party's fund raiser.




    question i am not qualified to answer...but i dont disagree with your asking...i would like to learn how these things work also


    for example i went and saw pcso officers here and there...if it was a private event..politically sponsored..how were the officers paid?


    not trying to stir the pot from the other night bluebird...just want to clarify myself...i dont think either major political party is without major fault at times


    whatever happened to all polititians being corrupt?...it seems now to be" my party is fine, but yours is so close to criminal i can taste the prison cheese."..i think there is not much difference in the 2....

  9. Like Rev said, mama was probably too busy partying and didn't realize baby was eating her stash


    There's a difference between reckless stupidity and intentional harm




    when you leave cocaine around for the kids to get into i dont really see the difference...you intentionally brought something into your childs life that could cause major harm....which also is reckless and stupid


    but accountable on both levels

  10. That's one of my favorites too ;)

    Hubby seems to think that he can sing it like the King :wacko:


    I sang "Don't Cry Daddy" in a talent show at the Moose Lodge that my grandparents belonged to not long after he died. I won first place, $500 smackers. I could not carry a tune in a bucket now :lol:




    wow....i dont think you lose singing talent though...good then most likely good now....


    if i were to try to sing i would not win any money...i would be the one charged in fact, with disturbing the peace



    "in the ghetto...in the ghetto"

  11. good times



    glad they caught them before more damage done...poor kid...what an existence...mom and dad making illegal highly addictive explosive drugs in your closet...sterilize em or just burn em

  12. wow...i never knew it was such an event for the young ladies


    i snuck my fathers razor at 6 and bled a bit...started shaving at 13..still dont like shaving


    man is it horrible shaving your face with a razor a female had borrowed and put back

  13. From the CDC:

    Link Here


    “From 1990 through 1997, the number of legal induced aboortzions gradually declined. In 1998 and 1999, the number of aboortzions continued to decrease when comparing the same 48 reporting areas. In 2000, even with one additional reporting state, the number of aboortzions declined slightly. ”


    From CNN:

    Link Here


    “Some 46.8 percent of students said they engaged in sexual intercourse in a 2005 survey, down from 54.1 percent in 1991, according to the report.

    Some 14.3 percent of students in 2005 said they have had multiple partners, defined as sex with four different people during one's lifetime. That figure is down from 18.7 percent in 1991”


    These are two volatile topics which most carry strong feelings leaning one way. My question is what do you feel is the catalyst for these declines? For 15 years or more the decline has continued. Could the abstinence programs be working? What other explanation could there be?


    This should be good news for those who support the public abstinence programs.



    kids figured out how to have sex without going all the way...everything goes but you

  14. I appreciate that you have your own opinion but no need to be a smart arse about it. State your opinion and let it go. Your welcome from both of us. I go through a lot everyday with him being there and my mouth tends to spout off about things when I get frustrated. They keep telling us he will come home at a certain time and when that time comes he has to stay longer. It is very frustrating. I have not seen him except through web cam in a year and a half. It is driving me crazy.



    i have loved ones in the fight also and not trying to be smart about it....just serious...i understand also what it is like waiting for someone to come home...or go home in my case, and that it can make one very emotional and understandably wishing for a expedited end to the war...so you can have your life back



    again thank you for your posts and bless you guys...and congratulations on your upcoming event!

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