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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Lisa...I know they need just about everything now...is Kroger where your Mom works...helping with food? Can you find out specifically ..say..like...what are thier top three priorities..and what do we need to do....Find out what your bother needs for school supplies and I will help there.... I know you don't want to pry..even if it is family..but get us something we can sink our teeth into... I'll clilmb aboard this train..just let me know where I am going.... :lol: :lol: :p



    mizcue...since you fill my head with stuff to remember....you remember this one and i will help you help them...deal? hey what do you call a...aww nevermind



    also check into greystone power....i pay for operation round up every month and i would think this is the type of thing it should be used for....

  2. CD player? sorry I just have a cassette player in my van!


    We alternate between a tape of Scottish folk songs and the sound track to George of the Jungle


    Now on my puter I've downloaded tons of stuff - I am so NOT a music snob that I have a little bit of everything


    Dixie Chicks ROCK!!! I love the new songs



    i also worry about my car tunes melting........


    love george of the jungle

  3. Well, I've never been--but I hear it's out 61 North. Turn on 61 in front of the Courthouse in downtown Dallas going North. Can someone else post how far down it is? I read somewhere about 8-10 miles, is that correct?


    And yeah--since you mentioned it juleebella, I guess it could be humerous that the HS is selling fudge--but then, you've never had mrsjones' fudge! :wub:



    8-10 miles and you will almost be in bartow county...



    from the courthouse take 61 north maybe a mile and a half


    you will know you are there when you see the cop cars on the left and traffic slows to a stop



    cant miss it

  4. so did the kiddie thongs that A&F carried for a while...doesn't make it right



    I don't think one needs to have kids to get the meaning of that



    i now know something i wish i hadnt...i will try to use my selective memory to forget it





  5. it always makes me wonder what is wrong with people when you hear of GROUPS of people doing corrupt stuff....how do you find a gang of folks with the same sick mindset all at the same time in the same place?



    then you hear of all of the firefighters on 9-11 willing to run save lives at their own risk and i think it might just be that birds of a feather flock together



    good hangs with good and vice versa



    and i was also wondering why the 40 yr old hadnt been charged....must have deep connections

  6. I see the sexual side of it but as was stated earlier it may have been because you "warned" us. . .



    nah...it has built in undertone


    yep,caught the double entedre right away,but I bet the other kids don't.Only a distraction to the teachers



    fifth grade....they get it


    just tested it on mine...he just got this look on his face....he got it



    didnt work on my first grade girl.....but she asked if she could have a bananna.......quit laughing


    she can have one once she graduates college

  7. have you ever met anyone that really wanted to be in shape that wasnt



    it is about dedication 99% of the time....if you want it...you will achieve it


    "unfit" firemen are just that...the body provides its own resistance for those that wish


    out of shape fire, police, or military personel are dangerous to themselves and those they support

  8. Well, how did we get from the who's and what's of Paulding Meadows to kids faces looking like turds? Maybe that would make a project for next years Paulding Meadows.



    i would be interested in buying some fudge in the shape of a kidturdface







    Will anyone be doing chainsaw carving.......I am an addict!!!!!!!!!



    why would you want to carve a chainsaw?



    just have it monogramed

  9. The chicken pox are improving. If he is not contagious, he will get to attend the game on Saturday. Not to play but to at least stand on the sidelines with the team. But we will just have to wait and see how things are on Saturday. According to his dad, (the genius) :huh: , the make vaccines for those kind of things and his girlfriend's kids got it so they don't get the chicken pox! Hello there genius, we did the vaccine too and you can still get chicken pox even with the vaccine. Come on over and I will show you.

    Me too, but I'm not getting much of anything else done.





    newsflash: "entire stadium infected with chicken pox"



    person responsible sought by cdc










    kidding...have a good time

  10. You can only see yours and that's how its supposed to be.


    The number reflects your level of behavior around here. Negative numbers are bad and you get those from being shot at. Word of advice....wear a bullet proof vest at all times as there are some really sensitive frecks in these parts. A positive number means you have been rewarded for something positive, a/k/a kissing butt or sucking up.


    The popo frown on discussing your rating. ;)




    i think you have it backward....-1...-2 is good


    +1...+2 is bad



    but i have been wrong one or two thousand times before

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