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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. once did some work for an executive at rjr nabisco


    he had paid a lifetime homeowners membership to his private gated community golf course in hawaii ( if you did not live there you didnt get in period unless a guest of a member/resident)



  2. i voted instead of school we could put the kids energy to use...a couple of thousand of them could turn a generator wheel that could help power stations that in turn could run our electric cars


    or maybe a monorail



    also could grind coffee

  3. The high price of gas has certainly not had an effect on traffic. There are as many vehicles out there as ever. I'm not talking about economy vehicles, either, but quad cab dulie pick-up truck’s, and large SUV's.




    the stock market did not crash until it did


    the dust bowl was not envisioned until it came


    the last days of summer vacation are always the sweetest....and i feel sad that the big vehicles you mentioned eddie will someday be the last of their kind...kind of like what you see in cuba's vehicles...lost to time...dinosaurs suddenly...unexpectedly (somewhat)

  4. the dont panic button has been pushed......govt is telling you nothing to see here move along....bahhhh bahhhh



    my money is on the electric hybrid or total electric vehicle in the very near future...


    china and india are going to suck up the rest of the oil reserves quickly now that they have the ability (jobs that pay in money instead of rice) to do so


    welcome to the future


    drill all you want...at current consumption without adding the inevitable increase we will run slap out before 2050


    think im wrong?...did you think $3 a gallon+ two years ago?


    My uncle has a country place

    That no one knows about

    He says it used to be a farm

    Before the Motor Law

    And on Sundays I elude the eyes

    And hop the Turbine Freight

    To far outside the Wire

    Where my white-haired uncle waits


    Jump to the ground

    As the Turbo slows to cross the borderline

    Run like the wind

    As excitement shivers up and down my spine

    Down in his barn

    My uncle preserved for me an old machine

    For fifty odd years

    To keep it as new has been his dearest dream


    I strip away the old debris

    That hides a shining car

    A brilliant red Barchetta

    From a better vanished time

    I fire up the willing engine

    Responding with a roar

    Tires spitting gravel

    I commit my weekly crime



    In my hair

    Shifting and drifting

    Mechanical music

    Adrenaline surge...


    Well-weathered leather

    Hot metal and oil

    The scented country air

    Sunlight on chrome

    The blur of the landscape

    Every nerve aware


    Suddenly ahead of me

    Across the mountainside

    A gleaming alloy air car

    Shoots towards me, two lanes wide

    I spin around with shrieking tires

    To run the deadly race

    Go screaming through the valley

    As another joins the chase


    Drive like the wind

    Straining the limits of machine and man

    Laughing out loud with fear and hope

    I've got a desperate plan

    At the one-lane bridge

    I leave the giants stranded at the riverside

    Race back to the farm

    To dream with my uncle at the fireside

  5. and yet somehow we are still the only superpower...what does that say about the rest of the "educated" world?




    plus the video was staged....you cant tell me the old gezer did not know how many world wars there had been...heck he fought in both


    and everybody....especially joggers know kfc=kentucky

  6. After reading through this whole topic, it appears that there are certain individuals who seem to think that because they post more often than others or have been on here longer feel that they are entitled to put down or try to enforce what they feel are their "rule"


    This is a public board, if you don't like what others post or don't agree with you have two choices 1) Stay out of the post and ignore 2) Disagree with it but don't make an ass of yourself in the process. Yes there will be people who may join up just to get more information out of the case that is going on, or information out of anything else they may want to know.


    It is a public board; thereby the "public" will want to know what is happening. They may just have idle curiosity, they may be a reporter, or they may even be an investigator. But there remains the fact that the public is entitled to know, to a certain degree what is occurring. But the attitude that is taken by some is "I've been here longer than you, and I post more than you" BIG DEAL! This is a community board, about the only person that can decide what they don't like or who they want on here would be the owner.


    And the poster who submitted the original question may have been new to the area, may be interested in moving to the area. Or may have heard on the news about the casse. May have heard about Dallas, GA through their friend who once was knew someone who lived here. But what difference does it make?


    Unless someone purposely comes in here trying to make trouble, why not try to help them. They asked one simple question, and someone took upon himself or herself to be the community watchdog, trying to shut out someone they don't know and know nothing about. And what could the time they post possibly matter? They may work the evening shift, they may like to stay up late. But no, someone who posts at 3 in the morning can't be up to any good can they?


    But it comes back to one simple thing; if you don't like it, stay out of it. It's the same thing as saying complaining on how you watched a TV show and didn't like it, and every time you watch it, it makes you angry. Just don't watch it




    actually spelled "case"








    you know i am just kidding...forgive me

  7. I'd much rather be a part of a forum where people can be themselves and speak their minds than belong to one filled with people who sugar coat everything and blow sunshine up my arse






    agree...but i do like sugar and sunshine


    The best thing is to not take this too serious!!!!! Take from here what works for you and leave what doesn't ... There were some emotional issues today..and sometimes when things get real emotional... folks...me included...forget to thinK!

    Karebare :wub: ...have fun with P.com..it can be serious fun....but none the less have fun.. If you find yourself getting upset and staying upset...take a short break...then come back to us... I assure you ..things will be right where they were when you left... :D



    i just have trouble thinking much less remembering to think

  8. I don't personally give a rat's a$$ about some angle a reporter would like to scoop on the family of someone who (ALLEGEDLY) has raped and brutalized a beautiful and respectful mother of three.

    I would, personally, tell that particular individual to get the he!! outa my office and don't ever knock on my door again! Let her find her information elsewhere!


    All she wants to do is get a scoop, and I think it just blows and bites. I can't even believe you asked this.



    understand the frustration at the situation...just know that around here pubby is the focal point of about 11,000+ folks and it makes perfect sense for his help to be asked


    thank you pubby for all you do...and for your patience

  9. Its kind of a patent pending thing, and the government has threatened to use my own machine on me if I make any more people walk down the street while scratching their privates. Dame funny though...



    not if you had to scratch for a damn week before i errrr they got you paid off

  10. I watched her interveiw last night on Primetime, and i have to say, I would rather believe she has some kind of mental illness to have killed her kids, rather then to think she was just a mean and hateful Mother who did not love her kids!


    They ask her how she felt about all of the kids, they named them each one, and when she got to the smallest baby, she said she was most sorry for drowning her, she did not deserve it!


    I just wanted to reach out and choke that woman,




    that right there to me shows intent and realization...and that she still judges the childrens level of deserving to die....



    fry her till the chair melts...then incenerate the glob

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