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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. No. He's not.


    Re-read some of the post. Indigent Defense Council hired Berry. IDC gets private grants, in addition to funds from other sources. Driggers is his Public Defender (Paulding County).


    Don't really think the Turner case is relevant, but I've seen a presentation on the evidence submitted at the Turner trial, both by DA Pat Head (who by the way prosecuted that case himself, unlike our DA, Drew Lane, who apparently did not appear at the Ledford Motions hearing), and Jimmy Berry. She was guilty, and got what she deserved. Berry kept her off death row, that'll be his goal (my guess) with Ledford as well. I'm guessing that's why he was brought in, and West as well.




    gotcha...so those paying chose to donate and funds were granted from possible tax funded sources


    did i get it right?

  2. go and see an ass, or gripe and be an ass



    people going to see this together and taking a little break from all of the worlds problems (politically created imo) is the point to it...


    let one family become closer....let just one kid confined to a wheelchair be thrilled and laugh at something never seen before


    and your political argument becomes what you appear to be


    petty and shallow...be ashamed

  3. Not that I trust 11 alive's website to be accurate, but here is an excerpt from 2/7/2005 on the Turner trial:

    Turner's family is paying for her to have renowned defense attorney Jimmy Berry represent her, but Berry says Turner has no money for expert witnesses and investigations. As a result, Forsyth County may have to pay.


    “The first trial that Lynn had pretty much decimated her money,” Berry said. “Obviously the state’s going to have experts. They had experts in the last trial. So, it becomes very critical to have somebody to rebut what the state's expert is going to say,” he added.


    The Supreme Court has ruled that taxpayers have to foot the bill for a fair trial for defendants in death penalty cases. The defense, however, has to first prove that the defendant is indigent.


    The problem, however, is whether certain jurisdictions can afford to pay for the cases.


    “Counties that get hit with a death penalty trial face an unbelievable financial burden,” said Mike Mears, who heads the Georgia Public Defenders Standards Council. “They had to raise the millage rate for a county tax base in order to accommodate the need for the death penalty cases.”


    “Everyone is equal, whether you're O.J. Simpson, Turner or John Doe. It's not a question of whether it's fair, it's the cost of justice,” Mears said.


    The defense bill for a death penalty case averages about $250,000. Last year, Forsyth County's entire budget for all legal cases was $450,000


    In total, a death penalty case -– including the prosecution, defense, and appeals –- costs between $1.8 million and $2.4 million.





    i get most of what is said here...but what i see the problem as is OVERPAID attorneys

    at least when it is a scumbag repeat offender that has been a proven burden to society


    dont work...commit horriffic crimes worthy of the death penalty..then ruin the county budget just to hire a BETTER attorney than every other indigent criminal in said county is entitled to?



  4. OH YES JIMMY BERRY CAN and will......I cannot believe the taxpayers are now picking up the tab on Jimmy Berry for Ledford......Lynn Turner was declared indigent and the taxpayers are picking up the tab for her too.....Vic Reynolds did have my respect as an attorney until he partnered with Mr. Berry...




    heck i figured berry was just another high powered get em off at all costs as long as i get on tv media whore


    manipulating the system to obtain the best possible verdict for the obviously guilty indigent raping murderer whilst being televised nightly ( or daily if you count court tv) is a powerful sales pitch when rich scumbags find themselves facing possible justice


    thought the man might take the case for free if necessary to get the noteriety


    but we are paying for it? how do the indigent get the BEST lawyers from out of the county the crime was commited in instead of using the local court appointed one?

  5. I guess if all you want is TV’s in your treadmills you’re ok…

    In my opinion this place lacks the necessities to be a good gym. They should have spent less on the décor and more on equipment. Good look working out with free weights… One pair of dumbbells per size and one bench of each type. Sometimes you’ll spend more time altering your workout than working out because someone else is using the flat bench! It’s also a pain carrying 45 lbs. plates around the gym because there’s not to enough of them.


    As for the child care, they have already tried to change it once by forcing you to make an appointment ahead of time. It caused a large inconvenience to a lot of people.






    basically you do not like carrying weights around a gym & making appointments to avoid squishin the kiddies into a ball inconveniences parents..solution might be to end the free childcare, spend the recovered funds on more equipment, & you arrange the hired help. although slightly below average sitters will still ask when to come

  6. not to pop any bubbles but if i was a criminal..good with technology...i now know


    where you have worked

    where you have lived

    where you have been

    where you bank in some cases

    what websites you visit

    your most likely screen name

    what time of day you will most likely be away from home

    that you likely have accounts open here in paulding with video stores

    that you have a passport on file


    the big three CREDIT reporting agencies ask some of the same questions in identifying you....( reasearch given the info you gave could lead to your legal name, ssn, phone, address


    cmon yall i know it is all in fun buuuuuttt


    a private detective would call this a gold mine

  7. A may seem that way from a distance...but, given the goals of the neighboring Muslim countries, this was has more to do with the right to exist as a nation.....for Israel.


    Imagine a large part of the world believed that America must be "wiped off the face of the earth"....then you'll gain some perspective. :)



    i visit websites from israel to tehran to china to lybia to northern california


    lots of the earths population do wish the usa wiped


    but my perspective is the world is a f%$KE# up place



    want a fun journey? go to chinese chat room..easy to register...translated to english for you..most ALL chinese are ready to kick our ass right now..we dont think of them...all they do is think of us..number one coveted job for the average chinese? ENGLISH teacher....understand your enemy...keep em close

  8. funny thing to me is all the fighting over LAND


    the damn earth is finite...everyone lives...everyone dies


    you cant take it with you...it will be left behind


    but perhaps your spirituality will go with you...to be judged by a higher power that will see the inner hate and selfishness....couldnt share what i gave you


    treated LAND like it was HOLY...thou shall have no other gods before me

    thou shall not worship golden calves and stuff ( like lands)


    religion is a funny thing....

  9. As far as I know, no one has particularly ticked me off this AM. I have not seen anyone, save the dog. I don't like that waste of canine skin, but the dog is not human. While the mere sight of it puts a knot in my belly, I don't think it is the dog.


    I'm just ticked off.


    There are a few times in the year where I want --- yea, even yearn for --- a good fight. Not a fist fight because the results of those are not good for any party involved, but a good verbal & mental sparring. Ok, I'll admit it: less mental & a heck of a lotta verbal.


    One of those yelling matches where the other person is reduced to a pile of mental carbon flakes with a few chunks that can be skimmed over a large body of water. The kind of screaming that reminds me of a WW II US battleship blasting away at a 12' john boat. An Abrams tank firing at a cap pistol on the near ridge. An F-22 Stealth Fighter against an ultra-light. Yeah. One of those verbal hissy fits.


    And don't tell me the coffee is not ready or that you're making a fresh pot. I want my coffee =now=. That's why I go to a resturant in the AM. I need that coffee & if you don't have it ready, be prepared for tongue thrashing. You should've had it done already: it is not like the day crept up & caught you unawares. Coffee, =NOW=.


    Don't give me any bad news. I don't want to hear about the news. I don't wanna hear from the home office, the gov't, the creditors, the vendors, the neighbors --- I don't even wanna hear from =you.= Just stay out of my way until the Syndrome of Mean eases a bit.


    There really needs to be a Jekly & Hyde pill for this.


    What? The garbage didn't get picked up yesterday? The cable TV is messed up =again=? The cell phone bill is wrong? You bought WHAT? Who is coming over this weekend? The governor did that? When is the family reunion? Uh?


    I need to say a prayer now for the spark that lights my fuse today.


    Yeah. It's one of =those= days.



    tbar..sucking gas fumes from the four wheeled vehicles in front of you will cause this type of mood


    kinda like a dog and gunpowder


    keep the rubber side down

  10. i had a new car back in 94....like a week old...in an a&p parking lot an elderly gentleman backing out of his spot came too far back and ran his big old caddy up, and i mean UP, on my low sporty car hood


    then he proceded to drive off.....i gave chase, caught him before he turned out...then went to look with him at the damage


    there was none...not a scratch, dent, nothing.....i think it actually polished a spot


    im pretty sure it was god disquised as an old man

  11. Since 9-11-01, there are a number of words, names, abrreviations, and phrases that have become commonplace in our cultural vocabulary. I wish they hadn't. My list will be partial and based on what I think of as I type this. Please feel free to add. These are not arranged in any particular order. Like I said before, I'm sure the list is incomplete.



    Bin Laden

    shoe bomb

    Al Zarquawi



    roadside bomb

    yellow, orange, and red alert

    Jiihad/holy war

    militant Muslim

    suicide bomb

    liquid explosive

    beheaded American




    war on terror



    every one of them made me think muslim...radical or not....someone had to teach the radicals...or some idea in the muslim religion had to allow radicalism to take hold and run...


    ww3? started visibly for me 9-11-2001


    the problem i see is that we CANNOT win this...there is no way..we will be overrun eventually

    just a matter of time


    technology given time will become such that killing will be perfect and simple...not long ago also the words



    tactical nuke

    voice recognition

    onboard diagnostics

    blue tooth


    intercontinental ballistic missile

    nano technology

    micro chip

    etc....didnt exist either

  12. Yeah, we watch it every week. I think my hubby got a bit miffed when I commented on Mike Rowe's HUGE BICEPS.


    Hubby has even better biceps, and I told him as much. Guess I'm not supposed to notice any one else's.


    But is it lusting when the only person you mention it to is your spouse?



    lol might be just the timing thats important

  13. That was the sign out in front of Mason Rountree's office. You should have been there to correct them. Heck there was free food too.





    i can only spread my correcting abilities so far......but for free food...i should have been there



    freee? especially coming from a lawyer....mama said nothing's free



    and i believe it's "free food also" correct me if im wrong

  14. ever really want to test a friendship...loan em money...real friends will not let you down...or let you take the fall


    trash impersonating a friend will show like a no legged pony



    think of it as 210 spent that probably saved you thousands...or 900

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