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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. The terrorist are not gonna succeed again. I just don't think it will happen here again on our soil.

    SweetMel brought it up along with the Movie review

    "I have to admit that lately I have been thinking, we just need to bring our troops home. But, now it makes me remember what they are doing over there."



    i will make you a thousand dollar bet right now with pcom as witness that it will happen again just because people think it wont..within 20 years...and donate the procedes win or lose to any charity of your choosing that benefits american children of terrorist related deaths occuring on us soil




    and susana..i mean no disrespect in my post to you..just a difference of opinion with you....bless you and your fiance and thank you both !

  2. In all actuality from what the Government is saying there was no US targets this time. Our troops are not in Iraq because of 9/11 they are there because President Bush is a bully and wanted to challenge the man that picked on his father. Our troops were in Afghanistan for 9/11.



    i thought we went after radical islamic terrorists for 9-11......but i hear we are fighting mormons and methodists in iraq....wait wait there is a rumor that it may turn out that the radical mormons have converted to oh oh big surprise...radical islamics....and the methodists have gone over to radical buddism



    maybe in ww11 we should have not fought in france, poland, italy, the uk,,just concentrated on germany cause thats where hitler was based....and forget having a base in hawaii...the japs will only attack us if we come to them in japan..pearl harbor...whats that?



    heck we could just stay in new york cause thats where the terrorists were when the worst attack on us soil occured



    we should take the fight to them where ever the fight can be fought..and kill all that would do us harm...IN ADVANCE


    god bless those killed on 9-11...they have no voice in this...but i wonder what they would say

  3. Some great suggestions... But what if... someone gulity of doing this actually is a member of Paulding.com and could be reading this?


    Security cameras (hidden cameras) aren't that expensive to buy.




    then maybe they would quit being a criminal out of embarassment...and posting here served its purpose of getting the activity stopped....but i doubt seeing it here would have much affect on this type of person



    sorry to profile but i would look to the local low rent apartments and or motel type establishments that i know are located nearby for the culprit/s


    plus it might be a bit nasty but perhaps the offender leaves a bit of personal info in the debris....just cant see it being picked that clean by someone so lazy as to steal garbage service

  4. we enjoyed it...the county did a great job, everything was priced well...although rumor has it they did let a few democrats in...


    best part was watching the kids stampeed after the calf...calf probably has nightmares about that lol

  5. put my shoes in the dryer....gum is attracted to them...oh yea it helps if you are in a kroger parking lot...the gum will come right off and stick to my shoes...i use this method to remove gum from asphalt all the damn time


    better results if the shoes are costly and you are heading for your new trucks carpet

  6. what is going to end up happening is that the criminal children will see that crime pays and or has no real repercussions to speak of...then they will become adults that think the same...then they will either kill someone or be killed by someone...


    then those involved...all those in a position of authority regardless of excuse should be made to pay and dearly


    criminals should be locked up with no regard to age....and this situation will only lead to death...and OBVIOUSLY authorities are aware of the situation NOW...can action not be proactive? must it be only reactive?


    can i have the names of the kids so i can take out life insurance policies? hope this is handled somehow because if it is not my faith in law just went WAY downhill...



    yall name some names of the officials involved in letting this slide please so i will know who not to vote for

  7. Cats DO NOT smother babies. That's quite possibly the most ridiculous wives' tale of all time

    Yes, a cat might lie too closely to a sleeping infant and thus, shouldn't be allowed to sleep with the baby and especially not in the baby's crib. A little common sense goes a long way.


    This is merely a sitation where the cat and baby both have to be taught how to interact with one another.



    if you push hard enough they can







    i think the legend comes from cats maybe licking the milkdrool off of the lips of the slumberchild

  8. just because you can get a woman pregnant does not make you a good father



    i would cut his sorry ass out of the kids lives completely


    and i would go see a judge asap about his financial irresponsibility

  9. best lesson in this case in my opinion would have been to stop the dang movie once the cop was verbally abused and those participating be expelled at MINIMUM...lights on for five minutes..i would have started the standing ovation as they were exited stage left...sorry folks but the wrong lesson was learned tonight


    we just allow it it will just get worse and worse


    but people would most likely complain of the stopped movie inconvenience instead of supporting what would have been most RIGHT...disturbance of the peace is what occured


    stick heads back in sand now

  10. today at work i had this man sit at a table in my section. after i greeted he and his wife with my friendly greeting, he yelled "you sound like a foreigner, get me dana". ohhhhhhhh man. why do people have to be so rude. i turned from the table, told dana the blankity blank man on table 41 wants you to wait on him. i didn't ever go back to the table.


    why are people so rude???? totally uncalled for in my opinion.


    thanks. (unless you are this blankity blank man)


    me :)


    "sit at a table"

    whew...at first glance i misread that one

  11. The website is where I got my leads, plus I think I have seen posters or some material about them and the rodeo. On the website there is an adversting form and at the bottom it says who is hosting the event.

    This is what I put in another thread -

    I really don't want to be negative about this, but this event is put on by Paulding Events, Inc. which is a non-profit corporation. The CEO is the chairman of the Paulding Republicans and the CFO is the treasurer of that organization, and the secretary is the secretary for both. So why do they not say the event is hosted by their organization? Why do they set up a corporation like this and not just use their name?


    I don't think the Republican Party needs anymore money, and I am not giving any of mine to them.


    Ya'll have fun, but remember you are helping those in office to stay in office, and become more powerful.



    and this is what i put in another thread-


    go and see an ass, or gripe and be an ass



    people going to see this together and taking a little break from all of the worlds problems (politically created imo) is the point to it...


    let one family become closer....let just one kid confined to a wheelchair be thrilled and laugh at something never seen before


    and your political argument becomes what you appear to be


    petty and shallow...be ashamed

  12. bumping this one....love to hear from the commish or any other politicals involved on this one


    build build build....should make it mandatory to MATCH in timing, effort, and funds the building of new homes and schools to meet the needs of our FUTURE (OUR KIDS EDUCATION)...educated 1...does your child go to public schools?....mr chairman?


    QUOTE(Lady Raider @ Aug 11 2006, 05:38 PM) *


    Pcom this has been a long hard hot week! And I wanted to share something with you..


    I have noticed all the threads complaining about the school system in Paulding, Dress codes. Bus drivers, over crowded, and I am just really aggravated with the county right now, not the school system, but the ones that keep letting or has to let or ( whatever it is called,) to continue all the building madness in this county! I am not talking about business, I am talking subdivisions, and I am saying this, our school system is going to heck in a hand basket fast if something is not done to stop this!


    Some may say it can not be done, well some where some how some one can stop this, it is out of control,.


    The bus drivers have been catching heck all week, why? Because there is not enough drivers for this county, they are running so short handed right now, I don't see how they are doing the jobs they are doing. Granted there have been some complaints this week that where valid.

    This county is gonna have to step up to do something for the school system here, I have worked with the school system for 13 years, and I have never been so dishearten as I have been this past week, yes the first couple of weeks is the hardest, but this past week has been so aggravating, and at the same time sad to me. I have and I still do love my job, I love my kids and the staff that I work with, but…. When you try your hardest and still can not manage to see a bright side to a situation then I can see why bus drivers are dropping like fly's, I can see why lunch room ladies are quitting, I can see why custodians are quitting, teachers are just wanting to go hide some where and cry from being so dishearten.


    If the county does not slow down or stop all this building and let our schools catch a break then a lot of parents will be home schooling, or taking their kids to school, When school started this year we had 2100 now it is over 2400 packed in a building that was not built to hold that many kids:


    Schools busses are packed, teacher's class rooms are packed, and that is not a good learning environment for any child, and when a child has to sit in the floor to eat lunch as some has had to do the first couple of days of school this past week that is not right.


    I know county workers catch a lot of flack, this week it has been the bus drivers, and I truly feel sorry for most of them that take their job serious, and love their job, next week it will probably be the cafeteria workers, but I am here to tell you, we are doing the best we can do under the circumstances!


    Some may think we get paid good, and have all these great holidays off, well the holidays are nice, but the pay is crappy, Yes I could find me another job just as some have already done, and many bus drivers have done, but I love my job, infact I am not afraid to tell you what I bring home every month, which is $700.00 (A MONTH) no insurance taken out on me, just taxes, and when I think of all the county workers that are busting their butts trying to take care of our kids in this county, and then I think of the ones that could help more but don't it really ticks me off, these people that are in high places could do more to help us help your kids,


    I think they all need to go visit schools for a day and see exactly what our kids are having to deal with, and I am not talking about the BOE! some may say well do something about it then, but yal know as well as I do it is not that easy, but we have got to figure something out for our kids sake, or the county workers will move on to other better paying jobs, not half the hassle, and better working conditions,


    I know for the first time in 13 years I have been so frustrated at our county for getting in the shape that it has gotten in to that I have seriously thought about moving on, to another job career, so the next time you as a parent have a problem with a bus driver, or any one else that works for the county, call the commissioner and tell him about it, and tell him that he needs to stop putting so much on Paulding county workers that work for the school system, and try helping us some, and figure out some way to slow this building down that is going on.


    Our kids are the ones that are hurting, and the employees are the ones that are so frustrated that most of us are thinking more and more of looking for another career. And to me that is the price we are paying for all these big subs going up!


    I m not asking anyone to feel sorry for Paulding county school workers, I am asking you to think of something that we as county can do to help our kids!




    Lady rider for the past 17 months I have been trying to make a difference in the school system,I agree with you 100% with what you are saying,we do have a dedicated group of BOE employees and I agree that you are being asked to do a impossible task,I attended the meetings this month and Basically spoke about the problems that the school system is experencing. other areas of county workers are faced with some of the same problems that you are faced with.

    I had a call today from a lady that has a kid in the 2nd grade at allgood Elementary and this kid is required to learn from a trailer behind the School house completely seperate from the School When the kid has to go to the Bathroom the teacher told her that they have a buddy system and would send two kids out on the campus by them selves in a unfenced campus. this is the newest school in this area, when they go to lunch or the Library or Inclement weather they have to go to the main Building

    I do not blame the teacher for this I blame the Planning and Zoning Committee and the Board Of Commissioners for this I also Blame the School board member who sits on the Planning and Zoning committe for not helping put a stop to this insanity.

    Nothing will ever happen unless a few politicans are unseated,it will only get worse.THEY JUST DON'T GET IT ,the future of Paulding County deserves more.

    I went and looked at what happened at the Hiram High School Band field and this past Tuesday I went and spoke, I hope on Behalf of all school Employees ,Been doing this for almost 17 months now and to be quite frank with you it has been Quite lonely at these meetings.

    Look at the last meeting this week Comcast channel 16 and see what you are faced with. Next showing I believe is 9:00 pm. A few people cannot make a difference, standing room only at this meeting and about 90% of those present were from the building and the Developement Community who proudly wore their PCBA tee shirts to let everyone know who they were.


    Who do you think that the board of commissioners are going to Listen to?


    Can something be done? YES,will something be done, I do not know, I can tell you this much if the people that post on P.com about their problems would start showing up at the board of Commissioners Meeting and the board of Education meeting and voicing some of the same things that they are posting here you would see a change and it would not be that long in the making.


    What most of you are not aware of, there are about 40,000 new homes already approved to be built, these homes are presently at the construction stage or will be shortly, These kids have not hit the school system yet

    I plan to continue haveing my say on this issue until this problem is resolved come join us.

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