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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. if dog is for real he seems to be a pretty damn good straight up guy...respectable...come a long ways and should be considered a role model



    i hope my kids are as honest and caring as him

  2. <object




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    not to be nitpickin but in the photo it says black vs kemp with the preface ins comm...isnt it ag comm?


    or am i an idiot? (which is most likely)

  3. The voter turnout was pitiful. Only 2,777 cast a vote for this race? I don't know how many registered voters are in the county, but the population should be around 100K.


    It goes to confirm that most people would rather hear news about Paris Hilton than care about the people who run the government.




    i barely made it at 6:48..would have no right to bitch otherwise



    and i will not stay in a hilton just so paris will not be more of an idiot on my nickel...(not that it makes a difference...poor conrad...good intentions, bad results)

  4. This afternoon while driving down 278 coming into Hiram, there was an accident. They were pulled off the road and there was already a policemen there with them. The road was not blocked at all--the traffic was able to flow. Until another policemen came by and at the last minute put his lights on and STOPPED. That's it -- no warning just stopped all traffic. He could have pulled up in front of the cars and not blocked traffic. When the person behind him inched forward, the policemen very rudely pointed to his lights and said my lights are on. There was no reason for him to block traffic like that. That is the reason why people get upset with the police, for thinking that they are always doing the right thing, and the citizen is always wrong. Don't get me wrong and don't bash me please, I have total respect for police, firemen, rescue vehicles. But they also need to learn the rules of the road.



    i always thought a traffic cop was god when it came to the rules of the road in an accident situation



    and yea yea i have had my share of tickets and know not all cops are perfect....just human..heck some criminal.and we all make bad decisions....just most of our decisions are not picked apart by bystanders, lawyers, judges, jurists, witnesses, and so forth..every step they take is monday morning qb'd...


    i give em the benefit of the doubt if all they did was stop traffic to properly investigate an accident


    just my opinion...im not perfect though





    I agree with you he is a very good cop................. and it wouldn't have anything to do with him being my brother! ;)




    yall thank him for me please...also thanks for being his sis...and thanks to his wife for having tolerated not knowing if he was going to come home every day



    maybe make him his favorite sammich

  5. Do you think it might have evolved from something else? ;) :D




    heck it could have been a backfire from an advanced space faring races superdooper hyperdrive's catalytic converter malfunction and we are the enzymes produced from the smog



    but maybe not

  6. Can anyone explain where the gasses that got together and formed the big ole bang originated?? And if you can answer that, where did the origin of the gasses originate??Until someone has this down pat I think I'll just believe in God ....its easier on the brain :D



    if the big bang came from nothing...why dont we have big bangs all the time?


    why just once?

  7. If I offended anyone I want to appoligize at this moment. I didn't mean any disrespect for your beliefs.

    Have a great evening.



    god will get you






    for being a dolphin fan i mean

  8. I have a request of some things I wouldn't mind seeing him go thru & see done to him!!!! :huh: :angry2: <_<




    i would like to use him as a medical experiment of sorts...see how many times his heart could be stopped and then restarted..let him see what is in store for him...brief shots of hell....obviously he never needed it

  9. It's amazing what can go on in a houseful of people and no one have any idea. Ask me... I know.




    hope it was nothing too bad....i know it happens....heck i have missed things right under my nose....but not for any amount of time

  10. sick bastard..another case for not giving him the chance to do it again...cut em off


    i do find it hard to swallow that his wife knew nothing though...come on now...sleeping? just seems shady

  11. im almost 40 myself and know i have had something all of my life


    my parents had me analyzed at emory in my teens and put on ritalin...which i sold for 5 a pill...seems people that dont need it want it and vice versa...wish i hadnt


    multi-tasking lol...i cant help but to do it...wish i could concentrate on one thing at a time...try 30


    punished..all my waking life..never could sit still in school..stayed in trouble...could absorb anything i was interested in.i skipped a grade.. i read on college level in 4th grade...my iq tests all came back above 140..but homework killed me...school was like being in prison with a bunch of people not like me...they could sit and study..i could not


    now life seems to have sped up to my level...go here do that quickly

    i have been a success at some things...utter failure at others


    just wanted to chime in really because i am an adult now and might be able to speak as to my experiences with add drugs...i did end up taking them all and at times some of them did work....it has just been so long ago that i dont remember the levels at which they worked or the specific drug...just that they did at times let me FOCUS

  12. sorry but have to call this one



    he knew he was being chased....just turned round when this cops tire blew out....what luck....."sir...i noticed a dustcloud in my rearview and turned around to do my civic duty to my fellow...oh oh you are a policeman....you were chasing meee?"


    just thought he was going to be in DEEPER cheezee because he made a patrolcar wipeout while pursuing him




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