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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Let me ask you something. Lets say we have reliable resources that inform us a specific terrorist cell is going to detonate a dirty bomb in Atlanta. Our sources don't know when it will happen, but they know it will happen. Our sources know for sure this cell has the dirty bomb. We find out from another source he knows one man who knows where the dirty bomb is at and knows the identity and location of every cell member. This source gives us the name and location of where to find this man.


    We pick the man up and he refuses to talk. All he says while spitting in the faces of his captors is, "I cannot wait for more Americans to die."


    We try every nice way we can to extract information from him. We feed him three meals a day consisting of his normal diet. We give him a nice comfy bed to sleep on. We let him read the Quaran and pray whenever he wants to. We still continue to question him, but yet all he continues to say is, "I cannot wait for more Americans to die."


    A dirty bomb (small nuclear device) can kill well over 100,000 people in Atlanta, more during normal business hours. What do you do?





    i dont know what the right answer is on this one fox...i would first look to what we as a nation have agreed upon ie the constitution..geneva convention etc...if NOTHING in there helps then i suppose i would have the man isolated and tortured till he broke, then have him executed and dispose of his body discreetly, so as to hide the fact that we have broken our own rules of what is right on a human scale


    i know there is what should be...then there is what really is...times are tougher than they used to be and perhaps changes need to be made...but till they are made torture is against the law

  2. Calling the deaths of innocent civilians "collateral damage" tells the tale. Who are we to take an interest in human rights? When we change our morality to suit the circumstances, we have given in, surrendered. When we attempt to bypass the Bill of Rights as a strategy for dealing with real, imagined or potential enemies, then we're exposing a fundamental weakness in our system of government - that we are willing to change our government.


    Isn't this the fear of being taken over by a foreign government - That our way of life guaranteed by the Constitution will be changed?


    Our elected leaders all take the same oath - to protect and defend the Constitution. And this Constitution is based on a set of ideals. Either you believe in them or you don't.




    with ya on this one..


    in my opinion torture is a bad thing...right will win just because it is right...not without pain and loss though...


    if we torture we have no high ground....nothing special...the usa has been what it has been because we were different...we could forgive..we could protect...we could do the right thing even when the right thing seemed to be to hurt those hurting us...i just see no real good coming from torture...i know torture of those in custody might reveal some plan that thwarted might save lives...but we lose something in doing so


    let us lead by example...those muslim radicals were taught to be such...if we claim to be the right but are no different than those we fight...how can our way be any better?


    if we are different in the way we treat people and treat em fair it will be noticed...might take a while...but it will pay off in the end

  3. I am very impressed with this young lady. Good for her! Now, my question is this: If she took it to school and told the counselor, why didn't they call the cops and DFCS? Why did it get to a point that she felt the need to run away?




    same thought here...seems like even if it wasnt crack back then that something should have been done...


    well at least something will be done now and she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders...she will make her own luck in life and go far ill bet


    kudos to her

  4. I wasnt just refering to you, in general alot of for sale ads people list just include a description no price or picture option info. I just that it was natural to put a price with something your selling b/c if not a zillion people will be asking.






    i wonder that myself each time someone has a for sale thing...but no real defining info on the item..


    ie i have a 1996 dodge pickup for sale vs i have a candy apple red 1996 dodge ram w/318ci 5.0ltr 4x4 with towing package.power windows locks anti theft 200,000 miles maintenance current and documented...excellent vehicle for daily use..good condition.. needs nothing..$5000 firm...serious inquiries only




    and man the quickest way to keep me from ever looking at your used vehicle beyond the first glance is to put 3 for sale signs on the thing and no damnable price...

  5. Like Lesley said about her parents--my in-laws have suffered an increase of around that same percentage. And yeah, like I said, those who have comfortably retired there are now being priced out. It may be spread around, but it's sickening also to realize the percentage of increase levied on those closest to the disaster zone.


    And it doesn't make me feel any better to know that I'm paying higher premiums as well.

    Thanks. Lesley...you wanna pay off my loan balance so I can avoid the premiums? :lol:


    I'll pay off my in-laws loan as soon as that winning lottery ticket comes through...


    Who wouldn't pay off a home loan if they could?



    someone that can make more off of investments than they could a paid off property.....hawaii is a good spot to have one paid off...missisippi i would take the $ and invest instead of paying off

  6. i would go with the idiot theory. :blink:



    most likely


    The game Frogger comes to mind.


    Idiot driver if they want to endanger their own life just drive off a cliff and see if they make it but don't play "chicken" with me and any other cars. Ticks me off! People are in just too big a hurry and take risks. I realize everytime you get in a car you are taking your life in your own hands but why take risks and risk yourselves and others and hey if you decide to risk your life please give me the choice as well!



    actually you make the decision to risk your life each time you take a trip in a car...it is understood that the only assured way of surviving a trip to the qt is not to go

  7. Why would ANYONE pull out onto Highway 92 to get hit from both sides?


    Someone pull right out in front of me from Burnt Hickory this morning onto Hwy 92 as I am going 45 MPH! Now what was going though this person's head?? Cars were coming from the other was too. I had to slam on my breaks pull into over into the gravel and slide by her. Lucky I didn't end up in the ditch! She had to stop to not get hit by me and then she almost got hit from the other way!!! Lucky they could slow down a little easier than me!


    NOW WHY???? WHY?????




    maybe their favorite parent passed away on new years day and they are still in a state of shock...maybe dropped off the kids at school and are going to the funeral home to pick out the casket and just werent thinking about what they should have been...driving safe


    maybe they were just an idiot

  8. i am not religious but i am spiritual...i believe in higher and lower powers...i would be shaken at the sight of what i truly believed to be aliens to this planet coming here...oh i TRULY believe they exist...my issue would be that i think it is a 50/50 chance that they would be peaceful...especially once they see that we arent

  9. I wanna know what "religious issues" the one employee experienced







    well i would think that some religious persons thinks that humans are the highest form made in gods image...special..one of a kind...it..


    then toss in a ufo and you have to think that at minimum either we are not it or god did not make just us...so we lose the special thing right there


    it makes a believed understood thing into an unknown..and people fear the unknown

  10. even though there are as many suns (stars) as grains of sand on the earth...and that most likely surrounding those many suns there are planets...many quaddrillions of places that might sustain some version of intelligent life....but we ask if we are alone...we are alone in our arrogance...heck there are thousands of forms of life on this rock alone

  11. My sister has passed about 20 kidney stones in the past month or so. Someone told her that a lot of pregnant women have kidney stones really bad. I have not heard of this and I have looked for it. Does anyone know if this is true or not? Should she be worried about being pregnant.



    looked up a few things on this and all of them said pregnant with kidney stones should for sure tell health care provider about it

  12. im thinking we have John Pemberton to thank for the increase in kidney stones..that and folks living off of cocacola and forgetting water is what they really need to be healthy



    edited to add the only time i saw my military police tough guy father cry was when he passed kidney stones

  13. best behaved easiest pet we ever had was a 7 ft boa constrictor....was actually loveable...would cuddle up with you under a blanket and sleep as long as you would...liked to do chinups also....strong strong strong....and fun to scare unsuspecting unwanted house visitors with..ya know...steak salesmen

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