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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. heck if she sneezes they can charge her with discharging a weapon on school property...friggin bunch of lazy idiots..charging her with a crime for wetting pants...if thats a crime here in the usa this is getting to be a sorrrry place



    school officials were at their "wits end"....they dont have the right to be at their wits end...it is their job//they need to be at their jobs end if they cannot deal with this another way

  2. Building moretoriums are perfectly legal, as long as you can show that continued growth will cause difficulties in providing county services. i.e. water, fire, police, and oh yeah even schools. Now if a builder really wants to build he can come up with some incentives to fix problems his development will cause.


    Why has the BOC not done this? They are getting rich or the few that aren't are too big of a coward to say something.




    cant add a thing to this...well said

  3. The meanest I've ever come across was a Doberman. I'm terrified of those dogs. I got bit by one when I was a child.




    we had a mean vicious little shih tzu...course i made him that way when i was a mean little degenate puppy food teasin kid...most all mean dogs are made mean by people or neglect in my opinion



    little chap bit me on the nose...determined pup

  4. If you are thinking of the one I think you are..It is called Advanced Bullets and it is in Temple on Highway 113...This is a wonderful outdoor firing range,I use it pretty often,they also rent handguns for you to get the feel of what would be the best for you to handle,they also have instructors to show you how to handle a handgun and safety. Advanced Bullets

    A shotgun is great protection,however if you choose a hand gun here are a couple that are guaranteed to stop the intruder in his tracks.


    The 1 on the left is a Desert Eagle X1X 44 mag. on the right is a Glock 9MM

    either of these handguns will have the intruder begging you to call 911.





    unless of couse the intruder brings his favoritepost-6775-1168062729.jpg



    the best laid plans can go awry

  5. Guns should not be kept in a location where children can reach them and have a trigger lock on them or be in a lock box or if a s-gun..in a locked cabinet.if you are going to have a firearm in your house you should teach your kids that they are very deadly..a weapon not a toy.as I was growing up we had a house full of firearms,So I guess we were just taught that a gun can and will kill you...you very rarely heard back then of that happening to a child.SAFETY FIRST.



    yep..to me the quickest way to have a child want to find a firearm is to not tell them it exists and not teach them about the correct way to use firearms....it draws them to it when mom and dad arent looking/home



    if you have weapons and kids they should have proper training early

  6. I grew up with a holster hanging on my Dad's bedpost. Gun in holster and fully-loaded. Dad always said a gun was no good if it wasn't loaded. He could put his hands on a loaded weapon almost anywhere in our house. Also taught me to shoot pretty well. Back in the day, I could out-shoot a lot of men. Just haven't practiced in a while. Having said that, I think that my Dad exercised a lot more control over his children than I do over mine. (He reminds me of that often.) It's just a choice I've made not to have one in my home. Well, I do have a couple that he's given me, just don't know if I could find the ammo if I needed it. :p

    Mistress Jess is kinda scary isn't she! :lol:




    women are generally better shots than men....given equal training they come out ahead...look at the record on competitive shooting...

  7. List of things for Missy to do on Saturday:


    Have a long talk with the grandson about respecting girls and their bodies. Explain that he is not to touch a female body without the girl's permission to do so and why.


    Have a long talk with the granddaughter about how to kick a guy in the nads effectively when he touches her body without her permission to do so and why.



    i agree with ya on the first part


    the second i disagree with you on just because it is a falsehood that people still think a kick in em will be a good way out of being touched without permission..it might work ok on a younger boy trained to react by falling over after a swift kick...but reality is that it takes a few seconds to register a kick to those parts...and an enraged guy could just live with it and proceed....better to have her learn self defense....a quick chop in the adams apple done correctly is a lot more persuasive

  8. I'd much rather have MY life taken by an intruder, than my kids life taken due to an "accident" (and just hope they don't harm the kids too). I'm really not worried about the 9 year old. But, I have a 7 year old and 2 year old twins. I'm just not willing to take the chance. And, like I said, if it's locked w/ seperate amo, it does no good.


    Oh, GldnGirl (Sp?) Our room is right off the LR, so they would get us first. We don't lock the BR door at night incase one of the kids needs to come in or something happens, we can still hear them. ;)




    in my case any sound at night i would feel as a threat and it would be 10 seconds time from me leaving the bed to racking the round in...if that isnt quick enough so be it...but gaining those 10 seconds vs leaving a weapon that could harm a child...ill take the 10 seconds...and unless you come in my bedroom first..i will load before you can find me in my dark home

  9. This does not happen often but I agree with you on this one. They take issues such as this and take it so far to the left it is not even a matter of seriousness anymore.


    Kids as young as 5 get accused of this and of child abuse in some cases just because of a kiss or the young 5 year old boy touches a 5 year old girl. Ignorance is the word these days.


    When we get to the high teens and into adulthood(passed 18), then it becomes a serious issue.


    But also, that article was brief too.




    yea but the age of accountability i think is around 12 or so...5 years old and i would call this pointless...except that even a 5 year old needs to have or be in the process of learning self control

  10. The boy is also in 8th grade too. What you didn't do that in school?

    The PC world has gone amock and worrying about some kids as young as 5 kissing a girl and then claim sexual assualt. That actually happened to a young boy and I believe he was 5 or 6 and not long ago. Kids that young have no idea of what sexual harrassment is let alone of how much the PC world has expanded on that subject to the point one has no idea of what it is anymore.




    not in 8th grade...i do see that some at that age are more mature than others..either way others have to be considered..just cause he may be immature for his age does not change the fact that others have a right not to be felt up or kissed against their wishes

  11. What are we DOING that guarantees it will not happen again?




    it will happen again...to me it is how we prepare and how we react..education and awareness will go a long way to surviving the future...but there are no guarantees


    I agree with you!


    We shouldn't be fighting the War on Terror.


    We should be fighting the War on Radical Islam!


    No two ways about it.


    And we do need to protect our borders.



    one in the same in my book

  12. I think ST is the same as the sheep. I could be wrong. LOL



    i think it means follower....arent all saints followers of god?



    Saint is a term used to refer to someone who is a holy person. The term comes from the New Testament, where it is used to refer to all Christian believers. Over the years the term has grown to be used and accepted in other Christian, religious, and even secular contexts, to refer to those who are considered to be exceptionally virtuous or glorified in heaven. Hence a "saint" (cont. with sinner) is a (usually deceased) person whose life is regarded by a community as a good example, and their life story is remembered for sake of inspiring others.


    Abbreviation for the term Saint is usually “St.” or “St”; in cases where multiple Saints are referenced SS. is the norm.

  13. This link should be good for the next 7 days. I challenge each of you City of Dallas residents to write the Mayor and city council and support Chief Halter in his request to raise officer's salaries and to provide additional personnel. This is your police force and it needs some TLC. Now is a good time to have the head man at the police department asking to have the needs fulfilled and to let your elected officials know that improving this force is important to you.


    Write the letter now.


    Mayor Austin Boyd, Jr.

    129 East Memorial Dr.

    Dallas, GA 30132


    Other council members from the City web-site:


    Mayor Pro-Tem James Kelly

    Council Member Nancy Rakestraw Arnold

    Council Member Kelly Carter

    Council Member Michael Cason

    Council Member Frank L. (Bingo) McTyre

    Council Member R. Griffin White


    Link to article: http://www.neighbornewspapers.com/298/10242759.txt



    done and done...lots of great folks at dallas pd...and i know they have been doing a lot for a little for a long time...they deserve more

  14. I was simply making the point that... had there been a draft instead of him trying to join, with a medical problem, he would have gotten a deferment.


    It was a reference to his unsavory remarks about those who send our kids to fight but didn't fight themsleves for various reasons... including deferments.




  15. I was sick for days. I threw up several times and my 22 month old did too. Nothing like throwing up and a toddler smashing your head with the toilet lid. Now when he sees the toilet lid up he goes in there and spits in the toilet :blink:


    He still has diarrhea.




    hate it but thats funny...i was sick to the point of pneumonia during the holidays...but now that it is back to work i feel fine...i was the only one sick in my family though...which is unusuall

  16. That's interesting.


    If there was a draft when you tried to join the Navy, you would have gotten a medical deferment.


    I have heard from plenty of people who toot the horn of "I was supposed to....." and it means nothing to me.


    As for me, I did serve.


    I was in the Marines during Panama and played in the sand in Shield/Storm.


    There were even a couple of things that you or anybody will never hear of.


    So, yes.. I did my time.


    You might say I was supposed to.. and did.


    As for those who "hide behind other's sons"...


    Are there any in the military who were forced to join?


    Are there any who had no idea that they could be called upon?


    I am sure there are a few that joined for the "bennies" and to "see the world".


    Now they pay for the training and the fun and the adventure.


    Your Vietnam-era comments are outdated.


    Try something new.




    i agree with you on the "i was supposed to" thing cmorg....but cowa did say he enlisted...and that aint being drafted...thats saying the oath and getting arrested for trying to back out...other than that carry on though

  17. Fox:


    I'd beat the crap out of him ... as would anyone. I would know it was wrong and inappropriate and I would expect to stand trial for my crimes. I do believe I would request a jury trial as I do believe they might empathize with me in this dire circumstance.


    But while you point to this one situation, the greater reality is that hundreds captured and detained and are routinely interrogated over a long period of time and the assumption that a mujahadeen who may be a crack shot with an AK 47 but can't write his name in his native language is going to have the slightest information about the location and deployment of a suitcase bomb that he, in his candlelit hut, constructed from clay and bronze is ... well ubber farfetched.


    And that is more the case in 90 percent of the detainees.


    In Iraq, you might have a few more educated folks but not only are there laws regarding torture that come into the law through treaties, but there is the fact that interrogation techniques that use a differnt philosophy than pain as a motivator have proven as productive if not more productive over time. Certainly those techniques have proven more reliable.


    However, the only reliable thing that torturing those whom you interrogate does is make the victim of your torture an enemy for life.


    But if your goal is to create a war that lasts 500 years and gives your lobbyists a reason'd'etre for asking for more money next year and the year after ... to get more eyes and teeth in revenge ... then making sure your torture everyone you come into contact with will guarantee you that. And that, frankly, is my fear is the real goal of our occupation and real strategy of our president ... perpetual war and the inevitability of a a unitary form of government that comes from that sordid, sad reality.


    I feel like Charlton Heston when he rounded the corner and saw the humbled statue of Liberty ...






    i do think you are right on this also pubby...that after a time those at gitmo do not have the knowledge of any current plans to harm us...i also think keeping them detained is a good idea in some cases because let go perhaps any one of them would know where to go back to to get back into the terrorist business( and it is a business)..or maybe incite more terrorism...as it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch...i also think those let go are thought of as living martyrs...hero's of a sort and they become more dangerous as such

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