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Everything posted by SLambert

  1. I would like to wish LPPT and her family a very merry Christmas and belated Happy Bday =)
  2. My heart breaks for this man...he so wants his son back and has every right to have him back. Brazil is being crazy about this. They are now trying to get them to put the son on the stand and let him say he wants to stay in Brazil. Well of course he is gonna say that...they have told him to say that and Brazil is all he knows right now. They will be sorry one day when he is older and can make his own decisions. One day that little boy will be grown up and will want to know his real father.
  3. I hate the stress of it all!! the shopping, the parties, the decorating, the no money..blah blah blah...this time of year is supposed to be joyful and happy and I am always just really stressed out and it annoys me when I get stressed out. Told the hubby this year, we are chilling out and just enjoying time at home with the kids and not stressing about making sure we make an appearance at all the relatives homes...we can go see them anytime since we don't swap gifts..we are gonna take our Christmas back and enjoy our family time
  4. You know I will be "HALO" be sure to wear your halo during the operation..docs might like those pretty blinking lights
  5. I don't know this family but am sordof neighbors with them and saw all the paramedics at their house on Tuesday night. So sad..my heart goes out to them and will be keeping them lifted in prayer.
  6. oh my..how sad...prayers to the parents and family
  7. Yep Mark is the greatest for sure! Not mention just loads of fun to be around!
  8. she is to sweet to be in jail anyways =) shes a good doggie
  9. I was told by a friend of mine who is a deputy that sometimes they will tailgate you at night on purpose. They said if you have nothing to hide it usually doesn't make you nervous and you will just drive normal...but he said those that have something to hide get nervous and usually mess up like weaving, or slow way down or figit alot inside the vehicle. He also said if one is tailgating you, he may be thinking your up to something and running your tag. Then he said that sometimes they just do it to do it, cause they can. I told him well it makes me nervous and I have nothing to hide.
  10. awesome! Merry Christmas to you right
  11. ummm yeah sure..surely they have their quota by now..this has been going around via text for awhile now
  12. aww the video doesn't work for me...it played like the first 2 min then stopped and just sits and flashes
  13. That is just crazy..geez, can't even start your car in the mornings anymore. I hope they catch this jerk! Prayers said for the man who was stabbed
  14. awww thats so sweet! We love your wife to Happy Birthday Mrs. JBA..hope you have a great day!
  15. Main thing I want is for my kids to be happy..but the main material thing I wanted was a laptop and my sweet MIL already gave it to us. The other thing I told my kids I wanted was some new nike shocks (however they spell it). I love those shoes and I usually get a new pair every year and I wear them out in a years time. The ones I have now have holes in the bottom so it's time for a new pair =)
  16. glad you had a great lunch..sorry I missed it...I went to one of our supplier's Christmas luncheon. Glad you got your share of bewbie hugs
  17. Sang in my best Marilyn Monroe voice just for you LPPT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS. PCOM QUEEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Love ya girl! Hope you have a great birthday and sending you a big bewbie hug =)
  18. I like to drape my garland so I have to put them on top right at the edge and then put the garland through the hook and it keeps it hanging there. Then I cover my mantle with that white glittery cotton stuff and put my little christmas village on top of it and it hides the hooks =)
  19. oh your gonna be there??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....welllllllllllllllllllllllll...ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Then I must try to make it Love you Mark =)
  20. Nope they sure don't...they should vewy afwaid..vewy vewy afwaid..... :rofl:
  21. I told you KRM...I knew he would have something to say about it..
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