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Everything posted by SLambert

  1. The good ole Buckboard...LOVED that place! Miss it!
  2. :clapping: :clapping: Outstanding post!
  3. HA! lol yep, but that requires to much work..lol he has a pond at his house..he he he I'll just feed him to his fish
  4. someone is gonna need to hold you when I am done with you... If there is a missing person's report for Guard dad........I have no clue what happened to him
  5. SLambert


    Hubby is an exterminator and I hear stories of people's homes he goes to constantly for this issue. It doesn't matter how clean you are, they will still come in searching for food and water. Most likely if you keep seeing them they may be inside your walls. Sometimes spraying around the border of your home doesn't help, something needs to be put inside the walls. My advice would be if your having them constantly, you need a professional to come help you out.
  6. Hi yall One of my customers had his truck stolen out of his driveway last night. I told him I would post it on here incase anyone see's it driving around. Chances of that are 90% unlikely but hey, you never know. Truck is a 2007 Burgandy/Grey Ford F350 Crew cab super duty. Has a kobalt chrome toolbox on the back behind the cab. Had his 5th wheel hitch on it also. I don't have his tag #, but Police told him that tag was probably taken off before they ever left his driveway.
  7. thanks for sharing..I have signed up to adopt one. I love writing letters so hopefully it will make someone smile =)
  8. Not my actual car but what it looked like. I was the proud owner of a 1977 skylark buick..poop brown! Yeah I was stylin
  9. LOl well we have known each other since I was about 20 so we go way back. And just for the record I AM NOT A BRAT..I am that sweet angel you proclaim to be a few post up! HA!
  10. for some reason this pic reminded me of my brother. I was about 12 or 13 or so and my brother was all dressed up one morning in a suit going to church with his girlfriend. I said wow you look nice, is that the suit you wore to mamma and daddy's wedding...he looked at me and busted out laughing..then it hit me..DUH, he wasn't born then! Yeah I used to be a true blonde backin the day =)
  11. first one is me from high school 1986/87 area and 2nd one is me as a tot =) I loved/love popcorn!!!
  12. I saw her interview this morning on the today show. She said after it happened, he convinced her to take him back...against her lawyers advice she did. Now he has fled to florida with her 2 sons and is living with said 2nd wife...who has taunted her on FB since all of this. Meredith asked her if she just wanted to get in a car and drive down and get her boys and she said of course, but they are saying she has to sign all these papers just to see her sons and her lawyers have advised against it. This is one crazy whacked out story.
  13. You should! lol I agree with Blondie, you need to start a "crazy stories of the MIL" topic.
  14. OMG that poor groom..I bet his tummy wasnt feeling it's best..lol I attended a friends wedding where the groomsmen had gotten ahold of the grooms shoes and put little signs on the bottom of his shoes. When the groom and bride knelt to pray, their backs were against the audience and when the groom knelt his shoes said "Help on one and Me on the other. The entire church busted up. he though he split his pants or something..lol LOL thats good to know =)
  15. I have never been able to conquer my mom's biscuits or gravy. She makes the best I have ever tasted and I just can't seem to make them like she does. I have watched her over the years but nope still can't do it. I wish I would have inherited her green thumb. She can grow anything. so I just keep trying
  16. WOW! ok game over, you win =)
  17. When I read this the other day I was so scared at what our power bill would be. It was $240.00+ last month. When my hubby opened it on Saturday he was like I think something is wrong. I said why, is it really bad?? he said our power bill is only $93.50. I was shocked, I totally expected it to be 300+.
  18. Wow! As a director/planner I would have been a nervous wreck..lol Glad you made it through the ceremony ok though =) Thanks for sharing your stories..I love reading them. I have so many from all the ones I have directed and sang in I could go on for hours to Flossy =) The one I did this weekend went off ok except that huge storm on Sat hit just as the Bride walked down the isle. Power flickered several times causing the sound system to cut off, but otherwise it was great. I will tell one more on myself. I was directing and singing in this one wedding and I woke the morning of
  19. I am directing a wedding this weekend and was talking to some folks last night while we were decorating the church and we got on the subject of funny or crazy things that have happened at weddings. So thought I would ask if anyone had any funny stories. One that I thought of last night as we set up the candleabra's was from a wedding I directed several years back. One of the bridesmaids had her hair all curled and such and it was really long and apparently had used an entire can of hairspray on her hair before coming down the isle. She got a little close to the candles and her hair caught
  20. that cracks me up! I am gonna have to go get one just to say I have seen one
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