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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. my mom fills zip lock bags with plain ole water and hangs it around her doors. It looks totally crappy, but she swears it works.



    We hand bottles of water in our garage from the rails of the garage door. It does work. I know weird....

  2. I'm the room mom for my son's kindergarten class. He has had an amazing teacher this year. I'd really like to show her how much we appreciate her hard work. I've been racking my brain to come up with something unique.... I'd like to get the whole class involved with it too... Does anyone out there have any suggestions? I was thinking of a scrapbook but I dont' have too many pics... maybe something along those lines. Have the kids all write something nice about her.... any advice?



    I was the room mom for my son's 5th grade class. I sent a paper home that said things like My name is ____. My favorite TV show ____ , my favorite food etc. etc. Then on the other side I had My favortie thing about Ms. Smith was ______. The funniest thing that happened in Ms. Smith's room was ______. Ms Smith taughet me _____The kids had to fill in the blank. etc, etc You can come up with any question age appropiate. I remember two kids remembered when someone passed gas during class, they put that as their funniest thing.


    Of course, that was 5th graders, it may be hard for kindergarteners but I bet you will get some funny answers. Then I decorated each sheet and laminated them and put them in a binder with the class picture on the front. It was really cute.


    Oh yeah, and you get a pic of the child and put it on there too.

  3. I can promise...if this was your Wife......Child.......Mother.........Sister....... you would feel different. Until it hits home...you'll never understand.


    I say...lets knock him off the bike...drag him off the trail......smash his face..... chest........and leave him there to SUFFER like she did!



    I like that idea too.....

  4. I feel so overwhelmed this time of the year honestly i feel like i could scream, between school, dance, softball, disney trip, keeping the house clean.


    what do you do?



    Honey I know....add in a 40 hour work week and then welcome to my life.


    You'll be okay. Your babies are young and very needy. I promise it gets better. Take a deep breath and hang in there. Plus I imagine Lyric is getting a little testy with her age, then you have the newest addition. One day you will look back and realize you wouldn't have changed a thing.. :good:

  5. Yeah, I feel like doing that sometimes, BUT that woman literally left and went on home! Then she called and reported her 10 year old daughter missing.


    Heck, I live in Burnt Hickory, if I left my boys at A & R or on the side of 61 eventually a cousin, aunt or uncle would come up and bring them on home..... :good:




    "Police would not say if Primoff ever returned to look for the girls, but they said, without explaining how, that the 12-year-old eventually caught up with the mother. The 10-year-old was found by a "Good Samaritan" on the street, upset and emotional about losing her mother, police said.


    The girl gave police her mother's name and their address in well-to-do Scarsdale, and they asked Scarsdale police to check Primoff's $2 million house. Shortly afterward, Primoff called Scarsdale police from home to say the 10-year-old was missing, said Scarsdale Detective Lt. Bryant Clark.


    He directed her to White Plains police headquarters, where she was arrested.

  6. I have no opinion on the OP's orginal topic but I witnessed this conversation at the QT the other day and it fits.


    Kid about 13 years old: Mom, will you buy me a drink?

    Mom: Sure.

    <Kid runs off comes back with a Monster energy drink>

    Mom: I'm not buying that, it will make you all hyper.

    <Kid runs off talking under his breath>

    <Kid comes back with TWO Starbucks Double shot expressos>

    <Mom pays for drinks and gas and leaves store>

    <Kid gulps down one before even getting to the car>


    :lol: Parents - You gotta love 'em.



    Hey that was me you saw at QT!!!!


    Just kidding.... :rofl:

  7. Tahoe, In my opinion they are very dangerous. They will make your heart race, and make a child very hyper. Let me ask you this is he allowed to drink mtn. dew? My kids absolutley NOT! The sugar is AWFUL, and an energy drink is 5x worse than mtn dew. I would be afraid of unknown health problems from drinking one, not to mention the headaches from the energy rush. I heard just recently on the news about a young boy that went into some kind of shock from drinking an energy drink, kinda scary.



    No, I don't like him to drink Mtn Dew. I have had him go back into a store and exchange a Mtn Dew before.


    OH MY GOSH, I sound like a dang drill sargent!!!! UGH!



  8. You sound like me! I always saved my NO's for the biggies. I choose my battles with my kids. I agree, if you say NO to everything, then NO becomes a meaningless mantra. Your kids will do things without asking because they know your answer already. It is easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission in those cases. They do it and simply risk getting caught instead of hearing another NO.


    Pick and choose. Compromise when feasible.



    I am not one to say NO to everything...You would have to know me, I am pretty easy going. He knows that too. My son has always been very respectful to me, doesn't talk back or mouth me (or he will be picking his teeth up).


    I guess I am feeling the effects of a teenager.

  9. They have tons of caffeine in them. One every now and then is not likely to cause any serious damage. I would be mad because you have said no to them. But, if you think they are going to be addictive, not particularly. Punish him for breaking the rules, but keep in mind, the forbidden fruit always taste the sweetest. It will make him want them more and more.


    You could say that over the summer, IF he complies with your rules, you will allow him 3 a week. If he drinks them all on Day One, then he is out for 7 days. Or he can spread them out over the full week. Not enough to be addicted to the caffeine any more than he is by regular tea and soda now. I wouldn't allow it now. He DID break your rules, but maybe when summer begins.



    I know...I so sound like my mother YUCK!!! <_< Please God, don't let my child put me through what I put my parents through!!!!!


    Have you ever drank one? You do not get that speed feeling.



    No, scared too.... :blush: I dont' like feeling wired. Regualr coffee does me in....I can't even drink it.

  10. How often does he drink them?


    I personally think that if you over do it they can be dangerous, I do not drink them,


    I tried one at one time and my heart felt like it was goona pound out of my chest.


    and then I seen on the news that to many of those drinks can actually bust your heart open.


    it is to much for your heart to keep up with.


    He doesn't drink them when he is with me. See that's the thing I worry about is the "speed" feeling....I don't want him to "like" feeling that way.

  11. I haven't personally heard that they are bad for anyone, actually, I have heard that they really don't have much more caffeine than Coke.


    Did you actually have the conversation with him that he is not allowed to drink energy drinks or do you just tell him "no" when he asks for one?


    I would say, let him have one every once in a while, but explain that you do not want him to drink them all the time and explain why you feel that way. Then if he disobeys you, I would punish him and take away the priveledge to ever get one.



    Yes I have explained why I think there bad till I am blue in the face...I am like a broken record.

  12. My son is 13. He constantly "tries" to buy an energy drink, but I won't let him. I think they are bad for him. So now he doesn't even ask because I will say no.


    He takes a drink everyday to school (gatorade, water,etc.). Last night we stop by the store on our way home, he goes in by himself to get his drink. He had a little brown bag when he came out of the store. I didn't think anything about it.


    This morning when he was getting out of the truck it caught my attention. I told him to let me see the bag. He pulled out a Coke, but there was another drink. I got it and it was a RED BULL!!! I was furious. Mainly because he disobeyed me. I took away his life line (his blackberry) when he got out. So now he's really mad....


    My question....Am I overreacting about these energy drinks? Are they bad for kids? I need some advice......

  13. This is not a nice topic..... :nea:


    On my trip to Little Rock........I wasn't the fattest person on the plane............but I sat next to her!! SO... 2 fatasses sitting beside each other.... and she wouldn't STFU the entire flight......


    I can tell you that I learned ALOT in my anger management class that was so nicely ordered for me by the wonderful court of Cobb County.... :ninja: :lol: :rofl:



    Why in the world were you ordered to take anger managment classes????


  14. I wish the kids that lived in windmill creek sub would stay off our deer land. We have called the SO and they come out but they have to see the kids. They have stole deer stands, cameras, and just destroyed the deer land. Anyone have any suggestions? We have put out over 100 posted signs but they just tear them down and put them on the ground. I have told my hubby to put out nails and maybe there parents would get tired of buying tires!



    Your hubby is getting paid back for all his years of driving everyone crazy when he used to rip and roar up and down Braswell Mtn. Road. :rofl:

  15. You all would hate to live near me then.....I have at least 3 screaming around my house all the time!!! However, my house sits on 15 acres and I dare anyone in surrounding subdivisions to complain.


    I have been riding since I was little and I want my kids to have the same fun I did. We just had more freedom back when I was a kid and not so many subdivisions....everyone around here knew everybody and didn't complain all the time. ;)

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