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Everything posted by quicksilver

  1. You got that right... DUMB <---and even---> DUMBER I don't think Hank has stolen any money yet!
  2. I don't particularly care for this style of cooking but, it seems that the 'Calabash' style is most popular up there. I still prefer the restaurants at Murrels Inlet and Pawley's Island my self.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, modern cellphone frequencies typically will not interfere with on board aeronautical electronics or flight data equipment. Whether or not they will work at higher altitudes, above a few thousand feet, is much more complicated. At most commercial airliner cruising speeds the hand-off from ground mounted tower to tower would be difficult to say the least. The airlines and the FCC would simply prefer that consumers use the telecommunications systems mounted on most seat backs in commercial airplanes, because these phones are said to be highly profitable. Newer ce
  4. I have seen license plate brackets...mostly sports related that completely obscure the county name. There is also a 'Radar Foiling product' that has sensors front and back one of which covers the bottom of the license plate.... Good question...
  5. Its the old 'Environmental' argument all over again...Al Gore must have had something to do with this??? Why We Test---> Air pollution is a serious public health and environmental issue in metro Atlanta. Stationary sources of pollution from industry and commercial operations continue to face more stringent regulations. However, a significant amount of pollution is produced from mobile sources including gasoline-powered cars and light-duty trucks. On average, each of us breathes over 3,000 gallons of air each day. Breathing polluted air can burn your eyes and nose, irritate y
  6. The engine temperature must be at 'normal' operating range and the on board computer needs to read the several sensors to provide the information that the test equipment needs...lack of frequent driving is most likely the reason the truck finally passed...But you knew this already didn't you?? I admit that I do not know all the intracies of the emission regulations but I do think they are taking this a bit too far...if the computer indicates codes that are not directly related to emissions, then the decision to repair the indicated issue should not preclude you from getting an emissions ce
  7. We Stand With the Victims of 9/11, We Oppose the Mosque at "Ground Zero," and We Urge You to Join Us in Opposition To Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Elected Officials of New York: We the undersigned join with millions of Americans who are opposed to the founding of a mosque at the very site where Islamist jihadists destroyed the World Trade Center and took the lives of nearly 3,000 people. We are opposed to the grotesque symbolism represented by the building of this mosque at "ground zero." We are especially appalled that those pushing for this mosque have designated its gran
  8. Hmmm... This topic began as a means for dialog about where this proposed 'thing' was being considered. It was never about religious freedom...and tongue-in-cheek I believe you all know that. Personally, I don't care where a group of Muslems, Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians, Baptists, Buddists...etc. construct a building of worship. However, IMHO - this site should remain as a monument to those innocent people who lost their lives that day. A small memorial to all who lost their lives would seem the least that could be done, I do not think that along side there should also
  9. Now that's funny right there...I don't care who you are!
  10. Hmmmm... Conspiracy theories...Why? I watched this rediculous video...It is ludicrous to think that the US government conspired to bring down the twin towers and kill 3,000 innocent people! If you believe that you are indeed, a FOOL! George W. Bush did not need to conspire to arouse sentiment towards attacking Iraq. He was trying to avenge his dad's memory of doing such a horrible job of unseating Sadam Hussein in the first gulf war. We should have let General Swartzkopf finish what we started. Just like when General Eisenhower would not let General Patton finish the jo
  11. That's gonna be tough for an 8-year old to comprehend. If you go back to the days of the Old Testament and look at some of the early maps and then look at modern day Middle Eastern territory it might make some sense, if he is a 'visual' learner. I didn't think of Religion for Dummies...might work! I see that it is written by the 'God Squad' a Priest and a Rabbi, I've seen them on talk shows...should be entertaining. Here are some exerpts from reader's comments: "First of all, I'm not a reader, but I was compelled to purchase and read this book after "The God Squad" appeared
  12. Yep that's ALL it is...1 penney per Dollar spent. Or would you rather have an increase in your property tax and spend several hundred extra dollars in the Fall? It's gonna happen, might as well affect everybody that shops in the county, instead of just us property owners...remember that renters do not pay property taxes...but they do pay SPLOST... Same as those from Douglas, Carroll and others who traverse Paulding roads going to and from jobs and take highway 92 to the lake... Ever observe how many license tags travel thru Hiram daily that are from OUTSIDE the county? Righ
  13. A fire station out that way would be welcome...lots of development out that way. It would sure be nice to see some Industrial development come about. Maybe with Jerry out of the picture and some of the developers flipping burgers at McD's we can forget about Residential and work on Commercial for a while!
  14. Poor example... The few Catholic Priests who engaged in illicit behaviour...were not teaching their followers to do the same...quite the contrary...they did it in the darkness and the shadows. It is Muslim clerics who are openly trying to influence their followers, in fact they are actively training them...some of them right here on our soil...and the training is filled with hate and contempt for us and our way of life! Training, sponsored and condoned by this religion, with automatic weapons does not seem to be peace loving in my view. “I have sources – inside sources. These people
  15. Sweet.........You had to edit my post...then use it to make your point? Childish at best! Oh, and by the way...Ol' Jerry was on his way out long before the airport fiasco! But you are correct this was the final nail in his political coffin...I can't wait until November when the nails really come out...Heck I think we're gonna have to use a 'Nail Gun' to seal all these political coffins!
  16. You mean like they did with the Airport! How did that work out for you? Before you tell me about the Federal Funds ...blah blah blah...It's the ongoing maintenance and upkeep that we're shackled with for the foreseable future... Last time I drove out there I saw one small single engine plane tied down... I wonder which Commissioner's friend that belongs to?
  17. And the last time this ocurred was when? When I usually learn about a tax increase is when Bill Watson sends out the statements!
  18. What a lame example....Over crowding on our roads is not a result of SPLOST but a direct result of Greed and improper zoning and building permits over the past 20 years! Before you vote against it, or go to another county to save that 1% consider the following: The proposed SPLOST project list Parks: Improvements/Additions to: White Oak, Mt. Tabor, Taylor Farm, Yorkville, Union, Earl Duncan (AKA Paulding Meadows), Braly Sports Complex, and a Senior Center. Develop: Burnt Hickory and Bulloch Road properties New: Bike Trails, Archery Range, Sporting Clays, Mobile Stage, Skate
  19. Like I said.....Anything to the contrary!
  20. The more appropriate question for you would be: "Do you think that your father-in-law, having been in DC feels he might better understand what happened than you?" And what does 'well-read' have to do with anything? I wasn't simply 'in DC'...I am talking about being on the street, seeing the reactions first hand...vs watching coverage on CNN...Ain't no comparison...anything to the contrary IS truly BS!
  21. Thank you for helping to make my point! I thought Mrs. Howard would never see the light...LOL
  22. I dislike paying taxes as much as the next person, especially school tax, as my children are grown and on their own... And hey, $100 is $100 no matter who you are, and I'm sure your infant daughter is very cute...but you are missing the point! You're gonna spend that $100 in taxes one way or another, it simply cannot be avoided. Did you look at your latest tax statement? Most property values went down, not up. So if the county is in tax difficulties, and the roads need work...where will the $$$ come from? I suspect your $1.92/week...
  23. You sure have wierd views for having served your country son... But I thank you for your service anyway...I guess the 'new' military is a little different from the one I served in. "When you put your hand into a bunch of goo...that a few minutes ago was your best friends face...you'll know what to do!" Gen. George Patton
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