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Posts posted by katcol

  1. That was the night Dick was going all kinds of crazy on Zach. We did get to listen to Daniele cry. She couldn't even make her hands work. I did feel a little sorry for her that night. Sorry. I'm a little slow on this end. Yeah, I bet that is driving Jen nuts. Haha. She's just happy no matter where she is though ;) I do like the way she wouldn't let Dick get to her, though. Have to give her that.

  2. Hey, we tivo both as well. I hate watching ED go off on people. He seems like a decent guy but when things don't go his way, watch out! Gee, I wonder where Daniele gets her personality from? She just whines instead of going "evil" on people. :o


    ED seems to have come around as far as his daughter is concerned, though. I think either of them would blow the money but maybe Dick would at least get Daniele through college. Next week should be interesting!

  3. Ok. I just pulled out last year's bill. It seems way more complicated than the formula I gave. I thought that most counties followed that formula. Oh well. For the record, it appears that they do the assessed value first, then take the exemption off of the assessed value. That's at least a little better. I dread seeing ours. I voted NO!

  4. If you are helping my daughter sell the 1200 mascaras, the deadline to turn in forms is Friday Sept. 14th. There is still time if anyone else would like to sell 10 and get their MK order at 50% off...


    Thank you everyone who has participated.


    Hey girl. What's going on with this? PM me and I'll see what I can scramble up for her.

  5. okay so... once again how is this calculated??? sorry if my homes tax value is 211,000 then what do I do next?


    If you're trying to figure out the amount the tax will be, maybe s/one on here has the formula.

    My best guess is the value, minus the homestead exemption, times .40 to get the assessed value, then times the millage rate.... How do we use the millage rate? Is it .03239 x assessed value?



    - Hmst.Exmp.

    x .40

    x .03239

    = Tax Amount


    Is that right?

  6. Wow. Just wow.


    It's too bad that there has to be a fee to euthanize (sp) the animal if they can't adopt it out. I'm sure there must be very good reasons for this fee being established. However, I would thing someone who cares that little about an animal would be most likely to just dump the poor thing. Then the problem escalates, for the public and especially for the dog. Seems to me that it would be a better scenario for everyone if the shelter just took the animal in. But that's in my perfect world. I know they do their absolute best to help these animals.


    Again, just dang!

  7. It might be a little difficult to locate, but you can buy a small bottle of copper sulfate at *some* drgustores and make the same stuff that comes in the bottles pre-mixed, for tremendous savings. I don't remember the exact proportions, but seems like I would use a half bottle of the copper sulfate to about a cup of water. Mix it together until it dissolves and pour it in the bed, adding it just like the premixed conditioner. It is the SAME thing. I used to buy copper sulfate at Cooper Drugs in Powder Springs, but most pharmacies should have it. You may have to ask for it.


    If you do a Google search, you can probably find a recipe for the mixture.


    We had a waterbed from 1978 until about 1998 and we NEVER used the bought stuff. We always made our own.


    Wow, Thanks!

  8. She sounds like my neighbors dog , does she have a red collar??? We live off Cohran store road and come to mention it I haven't seen her outside, there dog has some kind of skin allergy, she is all bit up on her bottom.


    Ohhhh, I hope this is her. She seems to fit the description. Maybe she didn't have her collar on for some reason. Maybe she was getting a treatment for her condition or something. Fingers crosse for this sweet girl.

  9. katcol are sure your floor joists will take the weight ?????, steve


    Steve, don't go making me all nervous, now. LOL. It should be fine. The frame distributes the weight properly so that it doesn't cause as much stress as you'd think. Let me know if you or one of your clients have had a bad experience with them.


    Now when Roscoe jumped up on it I did have concerns :lol: . He got down pretty quick, though. Not much for riding the waves. He LOVED his treats, BTW. The girls did, too. Thanks so much. You guys are the best. I need to get some prices from Nemie.

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