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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Ok. Still nothing but someone fell in love with him. She is willing to foster him indefinitely....well, until she' no longer willing to let him go!


    We cannot believe that no one is looking for him but you know how these things typically turn out :angry:


    I'll be glad to place him in a potential forever home. I took food, a collar and leash and we exchanged numbers. :D

  2. so how was your night with your "house guest"? You are such a sweetheart to take him in and give him a safe place to sleep and eat!!


    Thanks. He's different. I had to sleep on the sofa bed. My best guess is that he misses someone terribly. Having one of us nearby at least got him to a point where he could fall asleep. He refused to go upstairs and he refused to climb up on the sofa bed w/me and the rest of the dogs. He is very skiddish about going past thresholds. If someone doesn't claim him soon, I'll start undoing all their hard work. :p

    For now, he's still minding his p's & q's. I just wish I could make him feel more at ease.

  3. we saw a dog that looked just like him between Bill Carruth and Creekside. Maybe it was a different dog... kinda crazy.


    Ya never know. Sometimes they travel. He's a nervous wreck being in the house. I felt so bad that I finally let him out front to see if maybe he would go home but he wanted back in. He obviously feels very displaced and can't get comfortable. He's panting like crazy. I've tried leaving him out back (fenced). He's more comfortable outside but he doesn't want to be alone. Sadie will only stay out there with him for a little while. She knows it's almost bedtime.


    Looks like it's gonna be a long night. :wacko:

  4. is that sub. over off of Nebo somewhere.... if so my fam saw him running down the road on Sat. around 2.

    i am a little confused though because i think you said he did not have a collar and you put one on him... the dog we saw looked the same and already had a red collar. I told my husband i would post here about it and totally forgot.


    He did not have a collar on when we found him. We put it on to walk him around the neighborhood. Abbington is off Bakers Bridge Rd. (Dallas Nebo turns into Bakers Bridge after it crosses over Ridge Rd.)

  5. He is a hansome boy. I hope you find his home, however he looks pretty content right there with your girl.


    :lol: And that would make four. We would go insane. He is so sweet, I might be convinced to trade our crazy girl for him!


    I'll try to get him in the car to see if he has a chip in the morning. He is very healthy, well taken care of. Someone must be missing him.

  6. Apparently this boy has been hanging around for a day or two. He is beautiful and is VERY well mannered. I've tried to get pictures of him. They're not the greatest but I'll put them on anyway. He showed up with NO collar. We put the red collar on him. He has not been neutered.


    Anyone? He is a little shy, is very gentle, loves our other dogs, hasn't barked once! Can't see his eyes very well but they are a light caramel color.





  7. If someone would do this to an animal for such a stupid reason.. they need to be put away.. as they're capable of hurting a human.


    So sad.



    Yes, this is where they start in a lot of cases. If we don't start treating this more seriously than we do, we could have LOTS more Jeffrey Dalmers (sp) runnig around. It's time to nail these terds to the wall...and make a big show of it.

  8. I'm going to try her number again today @ 12:30 sharp, if I dont get an answer, I'll just try again the next day. I am kid free thurs. so I could deliver her if she'd like. I dont know what the deal with the phones seem to be, I'm home all day long, and it never rings. It seems that she has the same problem when I call. I dunno. I sent her a PM last night, i'm unsure if she wanted the smaller dog or what and didnt really want to harass her about it. Either way, I'm not taking her to the shelter. I get mad and threaten to, but in the end, I'll just suck it up and deal with it because I just dont think I can actually take a dog up there knowing she wont get adopted out. I'll try to get another picture of her today too.


    Awesome. We have had horrific trouble with phones lately. For months we've been trying to get it straightened out. Family and friends have been having similar issues. Maybe that's all it is. Best of luck!

  9. It must be nice having so little of a concience that you can condemn a living creature to garunteed death.


    Certain death by going to sleep is one thing. Let's not forget the lesson we all learned from "Lily" almost a year ago. I'm sure that this is not what you want to subject your dog to. You obviously love her or you'd never go through this much trouble. I have to say, we have almost the same dog and I feel your pain and frustration. I certainly understand your attitude. I'd probably be the same way. I would also need someone to gently nudge me back in the right direction because I'd be right where you are!


    Now, do we have someone practically begging to come and get Belle on here or is she flat out lying to us? If not, please release your frustration immediately by making contact once and for all with this person. Is there some reason you have not gotten the dog to her? Is there perhaps a second person inquiring about Belle that added confusion? Please let us know what we can do to help you find her a home. We can all argue all day long about who's right about this or that. Fact is, we're not in Brandon's shoes. Let's just focus on the issue at hand which is not our opinions. Please get back to what is important.


    Edited to say: I see that susieqq1 is trying to contact you and has posted since you talked to whomever wanted a smaller dog. She is still interested. What can we do to help? I don't see why this is still an issue unless you are uncomfortable with susieqq1 for some reason.


    What can we do to get this girl in a home?!!!! Once she is placed, I invite everyone back to discuss whatever you want!

  10. well, i did not get her,,i sent a message and tried to call but, got no answer,,i,m still waiting and I WILL STILL TAKE HER, please call me again,,678-920-1358


    Maybe you guys could just PM each other and set a specific time to call or meet? We want this baby to find her home! She is SOOO cute!


    Don't feel too bad. We have a "Belle" of our own named Sadie. She's entertaining but it takes a lot of patience. Ours just figured out how to open the gate on the brand new 6' fence. So now we have to keep it locked which is a pain in the butt.

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