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Posts posted by katcol

  1. May the force be with you!!! You have a wonderful heart. Who else will stand up for this little soul?


    'Course it could just be the way the little fellow says that he wants in. Some dogs do sound like they are being beaten if they are kept out.


    I'd have to make sure, if I were you.

  2. Well, Dr. Lugar ran bloodwork on him and kept him for a day or so. He didn't have any more seizures. They said it may have been due to an injury or possibly even something that he was fed. They said they didn't see signs of trauma but I didn't ask if they did any x-rays.


    So, sounds like good news! He's at the shelter and is up for adoption in two days, I think, if his owners do not claim him.


    He's such a sweet dog! And so beautiful!

  3. I knew that I had heard that somewhere. I told her to try a tablespoon of honey. She didn't have it so she tried syrup mixed w/peanut butter. Not sure if it helped since she had to stay in with the kids after that.




    Bless it's heart :(


    I hope the owners are found soon.

    I assume there are meds that he needs to be on?


    Probably. If the owners would come looking for him, that might solve everything. Otherwise he'll have to go through a lot of testing to determine the problem.

  4. OMG what a beautiful dog. Someone please keep us updated. :)


    I've got a message in at the shelter. Maybe someone will give us an update later today.




    I had a dalmation that had seizures. They started out somewhat small and after just a couple of years they were so intense. She would get in a daze to begin with so we knew she was going to have one and then her face would draw up, she would be biting and chewing and then her body would draw up on one side and she would fall over and start kicking and peeing everywhere. Once it was over she would lay in a daze whining and breathing heavily for about 5 minutes. Then, she would come to and get so excited and run around and greet all of us like she hadn't seen us in years. At 3 years of age, she went into a seizure and couldn't come out. She went to the vet they tried all they could, then she was sent to the ER and they eventually had to put her down. I would bet that this dog has epilepsy and needs his meds....I hope he is alright!



    My mom said the seizures were really hard to watch. She had my daughter and my 3 year old niece with her and didn't want them to have to see him seizing. If he has epilepsy, I hope his owners come forward with his meds!

  5. Mom picked him up in the Mulberry Rock Rd. / Harmony Rd. area. He is a VERY sweet, beautiful boy. Looks like a brindle boxer. She let him stay in her fenced yard for one night hoping to find his owners. He began to have violent seizures way into the night and the next morning.


    She said he would just look so dazed and confused when the seizure would end and never once acted aggresive in any way. He's not dog aggressive, food aggressive, loves kids, just a great dog!


    He may have seized while running loose and gotten lost. We don't know if this is something he was on meds for or if he has sustained an injury that's causing this. The shelter picked him up yesterday. He should see Dr. Lugar this morning.


    Hopefully someone will know this dog and help him get home. If he's been abandoned, he may need help with medical bills since they have no history on him. He's just pitiful. The seizures are really hard on him. I'll try to put pictures with this.

  6. Do any of you have a reasonable and reliable place to recommend? We want to install it in the front and back yards while fence is down and everything is already dug up.


    Of course, we must tread lightly. We could install the system so that we can compy w/water restrictions and save the new lawn. But that's when we will be put on a total ban for outdoor watering. :glare:


    We can get prices, I guess.


    Would someone do the freakin' rain dance, already?

  7. AHHHHHH! Somebody help! Do a rain dance! Anything. Forget the d!$% lawn. We're putting a pool in to the tune of $$$$$$$$$! Concrete bottom goes in tomorrow. Then we have to wait three weeks for the decking. Not sure if they will put the liner in now or wait the three weeks. If we're three weeks out for the liner, we may be screwed!


    I swear, I'm beginning to think we'll never swim in our back yard. :angry: :angry2: I promised Sadie a pool if she'd come live with us (avatar)....lol.

  8. Lily will be home real soon -- and she'll be glad to see her family -- Lily knows she's with her forever family in the forever home!


    Mill Creek,

    Peanut just cracks me up. So little and SO cute! Your Lily is beautiful! Looks like you have a pretty good forever family goin' on over there yourself!. ...........end highjack......

  9. Rev,


    I've been way out of the loop. Is she gittin' "fixed" or did she have to stay there for heartworm treatment? I'm way behind. This beautiful girl still melts my heart. Hope she is home on her new "bed" today!

  10. If you like ‘American Idol’ and ‘Dancing With the Stars’ you don’t want to miss the show being hosted by the Villa Rica Parks and Recreation Department and sponsored by the U-CAN DANCE! Club in Villa Rica. The show features amateur and professional talent from Paulding, Carroll and Douglas counties as well as other surrounding areas and will be this Saturday, June 9 starting at 6 PM. Come early to shop our vendors. The Villa Rica Civic Center and Sports Complex is located at 1605 Hwy 61, Villa Rica, GA 30180. Tickets are $3 in advance and $5 at the door. For more information contact Debra at 770-456-6244 or debra@cleckler.com.

  11. I was an appraiser for 10 years. During that time I took pictures of houses pretty much full time. We had to have them for our reports. Not sure if your house has been bought recently. That could explain the need for the picture. Basically, it is legal for anyone to take a picture if it's from the street. If I ever ran across someone outside, I'd explain what I was doing. Only had about 3 people in all those years that had a problem with it. I always thought they were just up to no good and were paranoid....especially if I explained and they were still irate. If so, I'd just tell them that I wouldn't use their house if it bothered them that much. If I was forced to use it, they would never know and there would be nothing that they could do about it anyway.


    If they didn't need the photo for an appraisal, they probably took if for design reasons. Are you upset that they may copy your colors? Just teasing you! It is odd that they would be taking photos for an appraisal on a house they like. The folks may have paniced about what to tell you if you were defensive. I'd be willing to bet that you're fine and that they won't return for any more pics.


    If I hadn't done appraisals, I might be concerned, too. Sometimes I'd snap a picture here and there of a beautiful garden that I'd like to duplicate, etc. while I was out.

  12. Does O.J. live near you? :ph34r: :o


    Maybe something's going on. Or maybe it's just the animal shelter dogs barking at one that's gotten out somehow. Seems that something must be up for them to bark that long!


    Good luck.

  13. Did you consider an above-ground pool? Don't they have some pretty good ones nowadays?


    Yes. We can't have them in our neighborhood. Thanks for the suggestion, though. We could get away with the temporary above ground, just not the bigger, permanent type.



    :blink: All I can say is that the neighbor should get a 24/7 pass to use the pool! For that I wish you lived next to me!

    :lol: :D

  14. How about this? Move and buy a house that has a pool.


    LOL! I wish. We've looked but all the houses for sale with a pool are either really dumpy looking or are above $350K. Ouch!


    If we lost the garage we would be torching about $22K. That's not gonna happen. We'll need whatever value it adds, in case we have to sell and buy where we can build a pool. :p


    Anyone have a house in our price range with a pool? (200+/-) Want to trade? We have a big garage. B)


    Having taken out lots of trees and putting in a pool a few years back, and therefore knowing all what is involved, if I were the neighbor you approached I'd be telling you that you have a decision to make: what's more important to you, the garage you now have, or the pool you could have if you didn't have the garage. So I'm sure you are glad I'm NOT your neighbor, good luck in whatever you do, and don't be to awfully offended if you can still hear the laughing all the way back at your house once you ask this question to the neighbor you do have. :p


    Do tell. How bad is it? What is the worst part?

  15. Good luck. I wish you lived next door to us --- we could sure use the yard work! :lol:


    It'd be pretty funny if we found out that we live next door to one of you..lol. Hey, if you live in a 10 year old subdivision that is still a very desirable place to live, you may live near us.


    We desperately need the yardwork, too. I was really hoping to do a complete overhaul so that the back would look at least as nice as the front. I know that all the surrounding neighbors would appreciate that!




    I'd let you do it for a tub of nanner puddin'.


    Awww. Could you move in next door? :blush:


    If you have the 12 feet on the one side of the house, it may be possible to have the contractor lay down those large sheets of metal you see on the roadways when they do construction. They easily hold up the weight of semi trucks when used to cover holes in the roadway. They're about 6x8-10x8 feet. If laid down on the side lawn, to cover it completely, they maybe distribute the weight of the equipment enough so that the septic line doesn't collapse.


    Thanks! That may be our answer!

  16. I am hoping that we can still make it happen. We have about a 9' clearance between the garage and the next door neighbor's trees.


    Oh, we already have another garage door on the back of the garage for the "drive through" advantage. The loader guy says his loader will not fit through. I'm not the most familiar with all this equiptment so any advice is very appreciated. Maybe there is a better option. However, we also have to get huge dumpters back there so we haul the forest out. :(


    We also have about a 12' + clearance on the other side of the house. The only problem with that side is a septic line running from front to back. Not field line, but solid septic line. Some say that it's not a problem running all the equiptment over this type of line. Others say it's not a good idea.


    Anyone have experience in the septic line department?


    If I were the neighbor, I'd definately go for the swimming! I'm meeeellllltting!! :lol:

  17. Sorry. We had visitors but now I'm back.


    Thanks for all the comments. I do not want to ask a neighbor. I REALLY don't. If it came down to moving the garage the pool is out! The garage is built like a house!


    Paying the neighbor $12,000+/- would also be the end of it. We might be able to do something like $500 or $1,000 at the very most, maybe in addition to sod replacement, etc. for the neighbors. I had also considered something like repairing the yard back to normal and giving them free use of the pool for this summer. I know everyone's opinion would be different but I don't want to put a neighbor in a bad position.


    Oh well, it was a great thought. Thanks for your help, everyone! I hadn't considered the hassle of not having the use of their yard for summer, the nuisance factor, etc.

  18. We're trying to put a pool in. We thought it wasn't possible due to field lines so we blocked ourselves in w/a detached garage. Now we find out that we can do it after all. We just have to have the entire yard cleared which seems like millions of trees (probably 100).


    I hate to ask a neighbor to let us go through their yard. I'm sure it would tear it up to an extent. Could anyone think of a fair compensation for this?


    What would it take for you to want to help a neighbor if it were you?


    I would pull their septic letter from the county to insure their field lines, etc. were not in the path. We would certainly smooth, resod, whatever it took to put the yard back in order.


    Any thoughts?

  19. We love living out in the county (10 acres) and leaving our old neighborhood behind. As for the only neighbor we really have within walking distance...well let's just say I know I don't enjoy him!


    Girl, I'm surprized that you see anybody with that driveway! Funny, I was looking at SUV's recently and the thought crossed my mind....I wonder if that would be able to take on JBrigman's driveway. LOL.

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