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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Have you thought about trying to make him some type of "bed" until he can be caught? I don't know if he would use it but we have a few old blankets. I could go pick up a few of the heat "pads", I guess. Suff them down into the covers. He'd really need to be out of the wind, though. Is the food now on the fellow p.commer's yard or are you still dealing with the gun toting person?


    Ok. How about this...put a blanket or s/thing over the trap, put the trap back into the woods or at least away from the house, if it's not already. Maybe he would be more likely to venture into the trap.? And he would at least be sheltered from the wind.


  2. Have you thought about trying to make him some type of "bed" until he can be caught? I don't know if he would use it but we have a few old blankets. I could go pick up a few of the heat "pads", I guess. Suff them down into the covers. He'd really need to be out of the wind, though. Is the food now on the fellow p.commer's yard or are you still dealing with the gun toting person?

  3. The homeowner might not like other people coming to his house I would let you. But I fed him last night, away from the trap so he would eat it and then I checked it early this morning and he had eaten it all up. So, that is good news. I may be moving it to another pcommer's yard soon.

    I am worried about the dog we did get at the shelter. I am afraid b/c he is so shy that he won't get a home, and he will get put down. Does anyone know anybody who would be willing to take him in and give him a chance? If I had a fence I would but we are at capacity with 5 cats, a dog with seizures, and my 2 kids!!

    Let me know please!


    Ok. Just let me know if you need help. Weather was bad last night, poor baby.


    Does anyone know if you try to pet the other one (in the shelter), if he will bite? I wouldn't want to push him too hard but I'd like to know if he's been aggressive.





    He is fairly young, so I don't think that long, but he was around that house for 4 months before they stopped feeding them. Or close to it. Plus they are so mistreated and scared they don't want to trust anyone or anything.


    Ok. Do you need me to go check the trap tomorrow? Take food to put in it? I hate that the little guy is out there with his injury. I've got to be at work tomorrow but I can go by there beforehand. Possible a couple of times.


    Just let me know.


  5. Ahhh, I have met you before!! Well, you and Roscoe, at Kroger over here!! We fell in love with him!!


    Thank you, I am going to be going tomorrow if I can, if not definitly Thursday. I heard he has had a bad time, some volunteer angels were sitting with him and feeding him soup! My heart melted!

    The trap is in the back yard of a mans property, he is helping us out and my friend and I take turns going out there, so we have it covered. Thank you though.



    Ahh..how about that! Roscoe is such a sweetie. We had a real shocker moment with him the other night. My husband decided to die his very gray hair/beard to the long ago dark brown. Hubby made a "tadda" jump into the bedroom to present the new doo. Roscoe was in bed with me at the time. Within 1 second Roscoe shot out of the bed, barked, growed and basically pinned my husband with his mouth ever so firmly against his leg. I think hubby had to go change his pants... :lol: I never knew Roscoe had it in him! I wondered what he would do if it came down to it. Thought he'd run and hide. Now I know. I just adore him!


    If you feel like it, send me a gentle reminder and I'll try to get out there on Thursday and sit with him a bit.....The kids are on board. We'll be there Thursday.


    Here if you need us.



  6. Ash,


    We didn't make it to the shelter yesterday. Sorry. I wanted to see that sweetie pie.


    Please let me know if I need to check on the trap. Not sure of the exact location. I know we're all busy with our families right now. I'd hate to think that you're having to check the trap every time. With it being such bad weather, too. I pm'd you my number earlier. Don't hesitate to call or pm. My family got a Wii, so I've barely seen them today, anyway....lol.


    You Rock!

  7. Yea, you never know after months of him being on the loose. I thought he would have to be crated but he would have none of that after a week. He was pulling the crate apart. Wasn't sure how he would be with my other dogs or cats but he is great. He has gained alot of weight and has a really thick coat. And he has this thing about having to be behind me. If I turn, he will jump things to get behind me. And when I come in from being gone he will just come and lick my hand. So I guess I am keeping him since he is better then my others.




    Here I told him to come out and put his head up!




    Ohhhhh, such a sweet face!!!!

  8. post-10986-1198452624.jpg

    Joflo sent me a pic and posted it on the other thread!! I know he is so scared but I am so glad he is warm. Ok I am done chattering on about them for now, fill ya'll in more tomorrow!



    I was wondering how things were going. I started to try to find the trap this afternoon and check it for you but I wasn't sure exactly where it was. I'm sure it says in here, but I was out and about.


    We might be visiting the shelter tomorrow. They tend to like it when Roscoe visits (avatar). If so, I'll check in on him. Bless you for jumping into action and getting him the help he needs!



  9. I get heated about how some people(not you necessarily) think that there is an easy fix to dog problems. We create the problems, it is our responsibility to try and solve them. And sometimes it will take time and money.


    So true. It was mentioned that this dog had been chained. I'm not sure to what degree, but that can't be good for anyone's demeaner. Not that I'm a perfect dog owner, just looking for possible contributing factors.

  10. My shining moment...hubby found something in the faucet. I assume it was an old piece of the part that desolved in the water heater years ago.? In my defense, we have been having alternating pressure throughout the house in recent weeks. :blush:

  11. Our water pressure is usually great. The past few weeks we have had a day here and there where the pressure is horrible. It takes like five minutes to fill the dogs' water bowl.


    Anyone else having these issues? BTW, neighbor down the road says her water pressure is normal.




  12. It hurts pretty bad and is swollen.It bled a lot the first night.I was kinda worried.I was behind on her rabies shot .I need to go get it but I havent had the money so i freaked for a bit and was like Sam what if I get rabies.She asssured me We would know if Buffy had it by now. I know one thing I woke up with a pounding headache.It hurts it is my lip inside and out my gum by my tooth its a dark black-blue color.


    Just FYI...if you get your lip checked, and unfortunately, I agree that you should...they WILL impound your dog. I think that's the correct word. Headcold....my brain has extra dust on it today. Your dog WILL be quarantined for 10 days. The dr. is required by law to report the bite. Whether he/she wants to report it or not is a non-issue. They HAVE to report it. And the dog will HAVE to be held for 10 days.


    Not to be a butt. Just didn't want you to be surprised.


    And I totally agree with Pubby.



  13. So well said. I have a Dane and I have to stand on the bed or the couch to make him see who is bigger and who is the boss.


    Second, never lean over and surprise a dog without stating first what you are doing. I tell my Dane to give me a kiss. He will. A dog could mistaken a lean over as a threat to bite him in such a way.


    When I walk my one dog is so trained he would never walk ahead of me but always waits and stays right behind me. This is the one I rescued off 92/nebo. I don't know whose dog it was but he is the most obedient dog I have ever met.


    Isn't that the craziest thing? Our dane is similar. He will never pass me on the stairs (we have lots of stairs). The other dogs will run like mad, tripping anyone in their way. He will stop if I stop, move when I move, etc. It's like he's escorting me around. He is the best behaved dog we've had and we got him from a rescue that got him from an owner surrender situation where he was in such bad physical condition, they actually recommended putting him down. How does one work with a dog that much and not give a rat's butt all of a sudden? Maybe they started a meth lab instead. I don't get it.


    Now we have a beautiful lab who is the most gentle big boy with obvious training and excellent grooming. No owner can be found. Hell, we'll take him! Just goes to show us.....don't discount a stray or shelter dog. A lot of times they are the best you can find! END HIGHJACK...

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