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Posts posted by katcol

  1. You guys ought to be ashamed of yourself for snitching on some poor guy trying to make a living selling puppies! Each day, our law enforcement officers put their neck on the line for "REAL" criminals. Rapist, Armed Robbers, murderers, child molesters, Burglars, Dope Dealers and the like. Now all the animal rights folks are in an uproar over fighting a bunch of fleabag dogs....You guys want the Sheriff to hunt down and kill the businessman trying to make extra money to pay his taxes????Good grief... each evening on TV, we see grown men beat the fool out of each other and usually they cart the loser off on a stretcher... there's no law against a beatdown like that, but let some good-ol-boy try to raise a dog and everyone and I mean everyone wants to throw them in jail. The way I see it, every week, right here in this county, the dog pound kills dozens of dogs. Why not let these dogs fight and take the winnings to help lower our taxes or give the money out as a reward for turning in a REAL criminal like a child molester. All you animal lovers make me want to puke
    I'll have to assume that you are being sarchastic. Unfortunately our shelter is forced to HUMANELY put the animals down. Again, I'll just assume that you are real human and that you are just being sarchastic. Otherwise I would direct you to contact the closest psychiatrist for an emergency intervention.
    Sticks and stones dude........btw, I think kittens should be cut up for bait when going deep sea fishing!.
    My bad. You're just here for fun. Rock on.
    OMG!!!!!! Lumpy, I semi agreed with what you said in your first comment, but this last comment you just made is morbid!!! You sir are a very disgusting person. You have a right to your opinion, but there is no need to be so vulgur about it!!
    Gee~Tee, don't go towards the light. Run away from the light!
  2. Well, I wish somebody, somewhere would see the "advantage" of having them all in one room. :ph34r:


    Ooooh, oooh, pick me, pick me! :lol: :lol: I see the point!


    I can't believe that the FBI or local authorities don't take opportunities like this to find some thugs. Maybe this was not really a meeting but I was wondering the same thing about the dog fighting.


    If you just follow the magazines and books out of the store, mightn't one find the offenders? Derrrrr.

  3. [/b]


    I really think you need to take a deep breath and think a tad more before hitting send. ;)


    Sorry, Soap. That was poorly worded on my part. I share your opinion on freedom of speech, regardless of which religion it's bashing, etc. Obviously, I feel that this is a different set of wheels altogether. That's all I was trying to say.


    The rest of the paragraph was not directed at you. All of us, individually, can choose to do whatever. That, simply, is my point.


    I have an opinion. I share it. Everyone can bash away. I'll still share it. ;)

  4. I hope someone will have it fixed soon. I hate that those animals are trapped in those runs 24/7 and now no A/C in this heat!


    Can someone get the people who do this to get going??????


    The outside animals probably have it better.


    That's aweful. Please keep us posted. Is someone there yet?

  5. In my original post I stated what the facts were and what my choice was and still is. I'm willing to bet that we'll hear a lot more about this soon.


    Ever wonder why other online bookstores are not selling these same items? They don't want to loose their customers!


    Soap Mom, they can and do write and publish on lots of beliefs and opinions. They could write about killing all the Christians. That is freedom of speech. This is about "how to" best torture and horrifically kill innocent dogs (and chickens). These animals can do nothing to change things. It can be legal to offer the material all day long. Again, I choose not to support ANY part of it. I love that I have that right. You guys have the right to go order up all the books that are offensive and let Amazon know that you'll support them no matter what.


    Ironically, I believe you should be able to do that if that's what you choose to do.

  6. =Distributing= child porn is a crime.


    =Engaging= in sexual abuse of a child is a crime.


    =Discussing= child porn is a Constitutionally protected right.


    We don't make something illegal just because we don't like the content of the speech.


    Looks like Amazon has removed the DVDs. That was a smart move on their part.


    So if we get a group together and do a DVD on how to build a meth lab, I could put it on Amazon and make some good money and be completely legal, right? Oh, and it would show the group building the lab, their recipes, how they make it and then the group doing the meth. Even though these are all illegal, I should have no problem making the movie, right? Maybe a Meth Lab magazine would be in order as well. This group could support other groups who have their own labs, maybe share some selling tips. I've got to go make a phone call to Amazon. We'll need their support.

  7. Excellent post!


    Amazon has the Constitutional right to sell those products. That is protected speech.


    And people have the right to put pressure on Amazon to stop selling them.


    Calling for measures to legally stop discussion of the topic, however, are blatantly unConstitutional.

    Seattle Times article on Amazon & Dogfighting


    So if they had a DVD listed of child pornography in action, that's their constitutional right as well? Both are illegal. Just ask Michael Vick!

  8. Amen ;)


    There are also books that teach folks how to make pipe bombs, Meth Labs, the list goes on and on.

    There is a fine line between freedom of speech and abusing it. They have every right to publish said books, but I also have the right to bitch about it.... :)




    I specifically stated that I would no longer give these folks my business. I never said there needs to be any government control, even though I would support it, seeing how the practice IS ILLEGAL. The last time I checked we all had a right to make each other aware of the choices being made by the mouths we are feeding.


    If they posted a book discussing slavery and it's history or an opinion on slavery that's one thing. Now, I bet that if they offered KKK magazines or slavery magazines which offered young slaves at a price in their ads, I'm thinking we'd have a problem with giving them our business. If the books discussing child porn show the best ways to reach a child and have ads for linking you up with a willing child, that's a problem, folks! Even if they could get away with it legally, would you still give them your money?


    The greatest thing about this country is that we all have a choice to support or not to support a company, regardless of government involvment. Companies think they can do any old thing....until it's brought to light. I also agree with Atlanta Chick "And it harm none, Do as thou will." But this harms plenty.

  9. For those of you who shop Amazon, I'm sorry to tell you: This story is on the www.hsus.org website. Amazon sells books and magazines supporting and promoting dog fighting. It's true! I looked this up myself. Just go to Amazon and search for "dog fight". If anyone would like a copy of the email I received w/a letter to amazon ready for you to send, just pm me. I, for one, will no longer support this company! :angry: :angry:


    Here is the article:


    In the wake of the high-profile indictment of Michael Vick, the nation has been awakened to the cruelty of animal fighting. Members of Congress, corporate leaders, and people like you are speaking out. And Louisiana and New Mexico enacted laws this year to outlaw cockfighting -- the last two states to join the fold.


    Online retailer Amazon is now in the lonely position of promoting animal fighting activities. It's the only online retailer of subscriptions to animal fighting magazines in the United States, and these magazines advertise the sale of fighting animals and cockfighting weapons -- sales made illegal by federal law! The Feathered Warrior even advertised fighting dogs from a dogfighter whose operation makes the enterprise described in the Michael Vick indictment look like a bunch of amateurs.


    This nonsense from Amazon must stop -- tell them so right now.


    Amazon sells subscriptions to cockfighting magazines like The Gamecock and The Feathered Warrior and claims the right to sell dogfighting videos. These materials are not only offensive because of the cruelty they glorify, but their shipment is also a federal felony under the recently-enacted Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act.



    Amazon claims that its commercial sale of these publications is protected by the First Amendment. But the First Amendment does not protect companies advertising illegal contraband, and that's exactly what the magazines sold by Amazon are doing.


    Dogs and chickens suffer grievous injuries or death in fights produced for depraved fun and shameful profit. Please ask Amazon right now to stop selling animal fighting magazines. And don't forget to tell your friends and family how they can help, too.


    Thank you for all you do for animals.




    Wayne Pacelle

    President & CEO

    The Humane Society of the United States


    P.S. Barnes & Noble, Powells and other online booksellers do not sell these magazines. Tell Amazon to join them today.



    P.P.S. Get the full story on Amazon and animal fighting on our new Animal Cruelty and Fighting campaign website.

  10. Has anyone here ever tried CRT contacts? They are the ones you wear at night and they correct your nearsightedness. Any Info would be appreciated. Thanks


    Never heard of these. I'd love to know more, though!

  11. Actually there is a place like the one you proposed. It's on Douglas Blvd, in Douglasville. Somewhere near the Home Depot I think. Not sure of the name, West Georgia something?



    Really? I never knew there was a pet store that took the animals from the shelter. That's a wonderful idea. Please tell me if anyone knows the name. Think we could talk Pubby into doing some pro-bono advertizing for them? (if that's truly the case).


    I'll try to find out who they are.

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