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Posts posted by katcol

  1. We've been to the Immediate Care on 278. We file insurance but I'm sure they would be cheaper than any ER. I swear, the hospitals just pluck the highest number out of the air for everything and it always looks like they charge twice for the same thing!


    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I think the thing folks should draw from this is that this type of mass murder behavior closely associated with serial killers.


    I would think that the police also have more than just the label on the box to back their arrest. I at least hope that is the case because it wouldn't do for an innocent to be blamed for this while a possible serial killer is allowed to escape with his or her identity unknown.




    PS: It seems awfully stupid to kill the pups in a box with your name on it.



    You got that right, Pubby!

  3. Susan will lose the baby. Or it will be Ian's. That way she can go nuts on her husband about the look on his face when he found out he was going to be a Dad. She'll say they can never get past it.....blah, blah, blah..

  4. We had two dogs come up to our house last night.Luckily they had tags so we called the number and the girl that was house sitting came and picked them up . One was a choco lab and the other a collie pretty dogs but we had to hold them on the porch til she got there which took about an hour . And out Yorkie was going crazy in the house trying to get out , she has no idea how small she is hehe.. I'm glad we were able to get them back to the right owners .


    More p.commers to the rescue. Thanks for doing that, you guys!

  5. I doubt this is one of yours but we've had a black lab since Sunday. Can't find the owners. We're off Bakers Bridge but you never know who might've tried to bring them home only to let them out. Also, you mentioned that yours just got out. We'll keep our eyes peeled.

  6. I dont have anyone for sure in the afternoon so then would be great. I have a few for the morning so dont worry about that.


    No doggies unless stuffed ones count? :lol:


    Hey, we could bring the black lab that just showed up at our house....lol. J/K She'll be fine. I just knew I'd never be able to tear her away if you had some of the dogs there. She is 24/7 about dogs and horses. As soon as I mentioned that you guys needed someone she said "Do you really have to ask?". She was all over it.


    We'll plan on 1-5 if that works for you.

  7. I am flexible, so far I only have Sooch and Mizcue and Smoke#20 but I dont know if she remembered volunteering.


    So whatever you can do would be great :D I dont know where we will be set up yet but we will be there.


    What times do you have the most coverage on? We're flexible so put us where you need us. We can do 4 hours, possibly longer....just don't know how long a 10 year old will hold out. If there will be doggies she'll stay forever. :D

  8. Sounds like us. :D


    He may be exhausted and possibly dehydrated. Give him a couple of days. He may perk up.


    He obviously needed you at that moment. Thank you so much for not just passing him by. We're up to four with our 'temporary foster'. Ours are too big and rough to be around one that small. Sorry we can't help.


    You could try Jennifer's Pet Rescue. Just keep in mind that she can only do so much. Not sure how much attention this little guy would get right now unless she could find a temp. home for him.

  9. If you're still looking for a home, I'll check w/my friend who has another lab....she might be interested. They're a very nice family with two children ages 4 and 10....pls let me know :)



    That would be wonderful. We'd be more than happy to have him neutered for them. They even have low cost shots but only at the time of the procedure. We may go ahead and have them do that as well.

  10. Would it be wrong to take this guy to be neutered? It may be the only way he can stay with us so I'm not sweatin' it.


    I'll call Douglas Co. Shelter and get the info on the low cost mobile unit. The way I figure it, this guy could've been spreading the "love" for four days now and has an owner that has made no effort to stop it. He's goin' in. That should stop the leg lifting for whom ever ends up with him. Wonder how long it takes for those hormones to dissipate? :wacko:

  11. Update:


    The nice lady who was going to foster/take him has called for me to come back to get him. She said he was a great dog, just more playful than he had let on. She works from home and couldn't get anything done while he investigated the house. He misguided us by being so calm before. :lol: Apparently when he was away from our dogs he got a little too bored. We were already missing him so we were glad to pick him back up. Thank goodness she is a kind hearted person and gave us a chance to find his home. I know she didn't want to make that call to us.


    Anyway, we still need to get some posters out. I'm beginning to worry that no one is looking for him.

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