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Posts posted by katcol

  1. :lol:


    Yeah, I'm intimidated about catching this guy, too. And one way or another, I'll have to catch him soon. Right after Christmas, we're removing everything from my office to paint it and put in wood floors. Obviously, the tank will have to be broken down and Oscar moved. I have another tank to put him in in the interim (a 40 gallon), but it worries me to stress him like that when I already know he's ill. But I really have no choice--our plans are set for remodeling my office.


    Maybe I'll try to call some places today and see if anyone will take him.


    I think the key for them was having a huge net. He actually folded the net over it's opening after putting our "Tiger" fish (daughter's name for him) in the net. The net was that big. Also, he just jumped in and did it. I was trying to be gentle about it which cost some bumps for the oscar in the long run. Ooops.


    Maybe they will let you borrow a net to bring him in with if you don't have a bigger one.



  2. Yes, mine is too big. Well, not if I had a 180 gallon tank--but I don't. And sadly, I don't know where to take him to find a larger home, and especially now that he's ill.


    A few years ago my daughter gave me two small catfish, one black and one albino, as Mother's Day gifts (I know it sounds like a strange gift to some, but I love fish and have aquariums in almost every room of my house). In just a little over a year, they outgrew their 50 gallon tank. Oh, but were they beautiful--especially the albino. Anyway, they were really too large for my tank, so I also found a pet store that would take them. And like with your Oscar, they were delighted to get them.


    Wish I could find a bigger home for Oscar. :(


    He's currently in a 75 gallon, but as huge as he's gotten, he probably needs something bigger.


    You may want to call the aquarium places in the Atlanta area. They may be willing to take him on and treat him since they should know how to handle it. He might be able to live in a bigger home. I'd at least request that they only sell him to someone with a big enough tank.


    Funny thing....I was terrified trying to move him to a bucket to take him in after seeing what he had done to the fish! He slipped away from me and landed on the floor. It would've made Am. Funniest Videos if I had recored the effort to get him from the floor into the bucket. I finally just waited him out. He eventually gave up the fight after he was out of the water long enough. I know that's cruel but I was afraid he'd get hurt if I tried again with him fighting so hard. I was so not equipt to deal with him! It was quite embarassing when, at the store, the guy scooped him up (in the proper sized net) and dipped him right into the tank, 5 seconds...max. No, we do not do fish anymore.. :blush:

  3. Ok P.com Members I really need your help. Im heading down to flordia, cause a friend told me that one of her friends dogs just had puppies and there are 2 left and their time is running out, the friends parents told him the dog better be gone 2morrow or they will go stright to a kill shelter and I can not let that happen. He has 2 full blooded Walker Hounds. 1 female and 1 Male. The yare wanting 35 each so Thats the same as the shelter.. I have talked to my Husband and we have decided to take in the little male. I cant keep the other cause I still have very high hopes that laylee will make her way back home.. So Im asking is there anyone her on p.com only that will be willing to adopt the other for 35 for me, I will go get her and her brother both 2morrow. Let me add but this is not inportant to me but might be for someone else they have papers and all. Please I dont wanna leave these babies down there. If there is anyone who can adopt the female please let me know cause if not I dont think there is anyway i can bring her back and that will absoluly kill me and break my heart...



    Still missing


    You could consider bringing back the little girl and worst case, if no one wants her, you could take her to our shelter here. Puppies do seem to find homes easier than adults. However, the shelter will charge a $100 adoption fee for her so that she will be spayed before she can be picked up. The policy for thoroughbreds. That's so that some scumbag won't come get her for $35 only to throw her in a cage and breed her to death.


    Hope you bring them both with you so that at least the girl will not end up at a gassing shelter.





  4. Out of curiosity, was the dog asleep when you went to kiss her? I have a cat that when I startle him when he is sleeping, he tends to slap the beejeezus out of me. He doesn't do it intentionally, just out of reflex.

    I wouldn't suggest putting the dog down yet. There are so many options that you can look into before doing that.

    Doggie training, doggie prozac (may calm down its nerves), etc.


    Good luck and I hope that all turns out well.


    Same here. We have the infamous "Sadie". She will act like she is going to kill you if you approach her in her sleep, especially from behind. She does have to know that I will take her down in a heartbeat but I have also asked that our family respect her "request" not to be bothered during nap time. Our kids know that she has been through the mill and the only thing that she asks is that we not startle her in her sleep. We have let them know that if they ignore this and get bitten, it's their own fault. Also, they would loose Sadie by their own actions. Of course I love my kids more but they have to have some respect for animals. Sadie would never intentionally hurt them. She might, however, in a startled awakening.


    Maybe hitting her wasn't the best response (not to say that I would've chosen the best response in that situation). Definitely might have been a turning point in your relationship if you backed down, though. Is she a large dog? Either way, you have to be comfortable in dominating her in any situation. I have a great dane so I feel your anticipation. I would be even less patient with him due to his size. It is crucial that he always backs down to any family member.


    Like the idea about checking with the vet. Not that being sick is an excuse for her to take charge but it can't hurt to find out if maybe she's in pain or something. That can change one's personality and limits.


    Good luck. Sounds like you love her dearly. Just find a way to keep yourself safe first, then consider her needs. Hope things work out for you both.





  5. You may want to try the aquarium places in Marietta. Cappuccino Bay was listed with rough reviews but they may have s/thing in stock. Roswell Rd....East Lake Shopping Center...just passed this yesterday.


    Optimum Aquarium was listed also.


    I just googled "aquarium marietta" 'cause I knew I had seen one over there.


    Our Oscar got so big we had to turn him in to the pet store (years ago, they're no longer there). They were elated to get him and we had no business trying to continue to care for him. We didn't realize he would get THAT big and eat all his neighbors!


    Good luck!

  6. We went tonight. It wasn't what we thought it would be. Even though our kids enjoyed it, it's geared more towards smaller kids. Not sure why they charge for adults to go through at all.


    It's a great idea, good costumes, just not worth the price...IMHO :(



  7. You need another option for spayed, nutered, will be soon and add unaltered


    I'm sure that option was left out intentionally :D .


    Roscoe the Dane leaves us a little room on the bed. He loves to spoon. :lol: However, Pepper the lab/dalm. & Sadie the lab mix usually take most of what's left. Luckily our latest castaway, Buddy, the pure lab has taken to my daughter's bed. Whew!


    Ours get crazy stupid, too when we get home. It's like we come home to a riot every day.







  8. I have one Dane ( looking for puppy now) and I am a small woman. I use to 3 large dogs and walked them together all the time. It is not the size of the dog. Sounds like the Dane just needs some help in the training. My Dane I have now does not need a leash at all, but due to laws and the fact that her size scares people I put one on her just for that when we are out of our yard. Bath time is the only time I have to have help. She hates to get in the tub and has to be helped all the way to the bathroom and picked up and put into the tub. At 170 pounds that can be a chore. If she can get hers front legs out she will stop herself from going through the door so it takes more than me to get her in the bathroom and in the tub.


    Wow, you got yours in the tub? I'm impressed! Our boy is 165 and there is no way on earth I could get him into a tub. You guys must be body builders..lol.



    And I have to agree, looks like the dane needs some direction.

  9. Well, I think it's wonderful that you are concerned for the dog. Everyone could be a little more "nosey" when it comes to those who neglectfully own a pet. (I liked that picture, too, nikki! That was cute.) You're concern may be misplaced. Or may not. I would've tried to discuss it with the vet. They cannot tell you much. However, they might be able to let the owners know that you noticed what a handful the dog was for them and you wanted to let them know that you would be highly interested in the dog if they ever got discouraged with him. How does that sound?


    We're pretty capable with dogs but we still have to drug our smallest (lab/dalmation) to get her in there. You guys would be amazed at how hard this little girl is to handle. She will scream like she's being murdered if they try to hold her down to look at her. I've never experienced anything like this with any of our dogs. We finally decided it would be more kind to her to give her some meds before the visit. So you really don't know what's going on. On the other hand, these people may be wishing that they could find someone to take the dog. Large dogs are harder to place, ya know.


    So you guys don't be too hard on a guy/girl for trying to do the right thing. There is no way of knowing what a situation is. If the vet feels like there is neglect, they may not call animal control on them but they might let them know that there was a person who really admired their dog and wanted to offer up their home if ever there was a day that the dog was too much for them.


    Wow, I'm rambling. Katcol....out! :blink:

  10. My advice...get him to a great chiropractor. We had lots of sinus and ear issues. We were going through winter number two with my son (#4 for my daughter) when they were on antibiotics every six weeks! I took out the paperwork and confirmed. They were ready to put tubes in my daughters ears.


    We started seeing Dr. Marci Wilbert at Wilbert Family Chiropractic. We've been going ever since. The only time that the kids have had an occasional infection was when we hadn't been in a long time. If he's having headaches this could help, even if it's not sinus related. Dr. Marci charges one fee per month for the whole family (we even take the dog occasionally and she happily adjusts him...great dane!) We have scoliosis in our family as well so it's very reassuring to know that she's watching over their spines as they grow. She is a bit of a drive for us but there are some great chiro.s out here that do the same family plan thing.


    It's a tough time to know what's really going on with them. My son told me his eye hurt sometimes when he was five. I just put it on the shelf with all the other woes they had on a daily basis, chalked it up to the sinus system. Turns out his eye was covered in cataracts and he was legally blind in that eye. I was astonished that we never knew.


    Just follow your gut, it's the only thing you can do.

    Best of luck!

  11. How sad that anyone would do such a thing. Especially to these two lovable Lab mixes. Just a few of the Labradors at the shelter. We seem to have a lot of them. :(


    Besides these we have yellow and other black Labradors, some purebred.



    Where do we find these people? I thought we had evolved from our Deliverance days. Guess there are some die-hards still left out here. May karma bite them in the arse and leave an oozing wound. I'm done.

  12. Well if no one here gets him i will.......my daughters cat passed away not too long ago and this one would be just what might mend her heart!!!!!!!


    Yay! Does this guy already have a home? I would love to have a cat like that. Problem is, Roscoe would love to have a cat like that! :o


    Hope you guys can give him the care that he has obviously needed. Maybe he's just meant to be big but there must be some underlying problem with the peeing. He may just need some antibiotics. How sad would that be. <_<

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